Digital Document Management Software

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Warning: Don’t buy or write another
PDF ebook, PDF newsletter or create PDF images until you’ve read how to cream
off valuable information and free up your time.  

“How PDF Document Owners And Authors Are Raving About This Amazing
That’s So Technologically Advanced It Will
Make You Super Efficient
Like A Highly Paid Personal Assistant —

100% Guaranteed

  “If you market your business on the Internet you are about to discover how to
supercharge your wealth by having the right information always at your
fingertips… just like a super Librarian with lightning memory recall brain

“If you are an individual, not for profit organization or a company that stores
PDF documents, PDF images, PDF reports or any PDF files on your computer this is
the most important report you’ll read this year”


“Amazing! Kick butt tool that ebook owners and information marketers can use to add heaps more value to their business and avoid the biggest mistakes being made on the web”
Jeff Paul
“How You Can Make $4000 A Day Sitting At Your Kitchen Table In Your Underwear”

Who is Jeff Paul?

From: David Davis

Wednesday, 7.04 AM

Dear Friend,

filter search

If information is of value or interest to you, this may be the most exciting
letter you will ever read.

Here is why: My name is David Davis and, some time ago, I was dead broke. My
business was almost bankrupt and I couldn’t even pay the rent. Actually, I
wasn’t just broke I was desperate.

Then, one day, I was clicking away at my computer in a frenzy trying to find an
ebook (electronic report) I bought about “making money at home in your
underwear”. I spent what seems like hours clicking away on hundreds of folders
and PDF file images trying to find this PDF ebook… eventually I gave up.

Later that night I came up with a “crazy idea” about how to develop a
personal ebook organizer that would automatically organize all PDF ebooks and electronic
documents… that’s also lighting fast with features that allow users to squeeze
every ounce of valuable information from each document…. just like a smart and
super efficient personal assistant.

Sounds too good to be true…

That’s what I thought, until I literally had a divine breakthrough.

As if by magic or telepathy, I received an email from a software developer
offering me the blueprint to an advanced
pdf ebook organizer
. This is the gospel

I was completely stunned, a bit like Paul on the road to Damascus! Could you
imagine what was going through my mind?


Only twelve blueprints were up for grabs so I whipped out my ‘up to the limit
credit card’ and sighed with relief when payment was accepted.

With only twelve blueprints being sold I figured that to beat the competition, I
would have to develop a
unique ebook organizer
that provided solutions for
anyone who saves PDF documents as reports, ebooks, newsletters and images on
their computer.

In hindsight I should be more organized when I save files to my computer. I made
a mistake and wasted two hours that I’ll never get back. What about you?

Do You Make These Mistakes When You Buy PDF Reports And Ebooks?
Be honest – when it comes to information products, especially ebooks, which of
the following mistakes you’ve made? If you checked any of the above boxes, you’re not alone; almost everyone who
buys or publishes pdf ebooks makes the same mistakes. It’s not your fault… up to
now you’ve never had a reliable solution to your problems. The pin finally dropped when I was clicking away in frustration trying to find a
pdf ebook that was buried in the folders of my computer… and didn’t want to be

I Bet You Have Priceless Information Hidden in Your Computer That
You Will Never

Imagine having a library of pdf ebooks, reports and newsletters with tips,
strategies and breakthroughs that you’ve never been able to exploit repeatedly
because they are haphazardly filed in your computer! Some of these ebooks are probably written by Internet millionaires, famous
authors or they could simply be priceless reference material and images. Just think about it: you have a cash flow crisis, you are burdened by unpaid
bills and you can’t meet your credit card installment and mortgage payment and
yet the steps to solve your pressing problem are spelt out in a report or ebook
you purchased six months ago… and you can’t find it… because it’s buried
somewhere in your computer! In fact you are completely oblivious that this information is covered many times
over in several ebooks you’re purchased from different successful marketers… Now imagine having a software that allows you to exploit to the fullest, every
tip, strategy and breakthrough that’s written in every ebook on your PC and…
With ability to capture the essence of every pdf ebook and arrange them how you
want… so you can easily and quickly exploit them to the fullest. Not only that,
you could instantly find them simply by clicking a button. Do you believe that having your own personal ebook organizer that allows you to
do all this and more would make a difference to how you spend your time and the
amount of money you can make? Imagine reading your ebook and you come across a point or term that stopped you
from fully understanding an important concept, tip or strategy! You would probably just skip over that point, but in doing so you might have
just turned your back on the most important point in the ebook. What if you could quickly send a message to the ebook author and get his/her
reply to frequently asked questions… would that increase the value of your ebook
and your ability to profit even more? Would that make the difference to you taking action or your problem being

Discover The Wealth That Lies Hidden In Your PDF Documents and How You Can
Really Exploit it To The Max
Here are just some of the solutions that await you when you “get your own
Personal Ebook Organizer”:
  1. You can organize hundreds and even thousands of
    PDF ebooks/ files
    so you can
    finally extract the full value of information, such as tips, strategies,
    breakthroughs or any content for that matter, that otherwise would be virtually
  2. You no longer have to
    waste valuable time searching for ebooks buried in
    directories (or folders) in your computer,
    with “Personal Ebook Organizer”
    you’ll know exactly where every pdf document is filed so you can instantly find
    the exact information you need.
  3. You can finally read ALL your ebooks,
    reports and newsletters
    and make
    electronic notes about each one… summarizing in your own words, the core
    essence, theme, tips and subject matter of each document.
  4. You no longer have to click on each PDF ebook
    to find the name of the author,
    what the ebook is about, when it was purchased or whether the ebook is part of a
    set… all this information will be in full view.
  5. You can find ebooks at lighting speed even if they are buried deep inside
    your hard drive…and you don’t have to click away in frustration because you
    can’t find what you want… and when you want.
  6. For the first time you’ll know which ebooks you’ve finished reading and those
    you haven’t read and the pages you have yet to read.
  7. You can create a set of criteria and
    apply “Personal Ebook Organizer’s
    advanced filter search facility
    to deliver information you need, at lightening
    speed and in the format you want.. No other PDF software can do this!
  8. If you’re marketing on the Internet and about to start a pay-per-click or
    email campaign, you can
    search on this topic and instantly have ALL the
    information you need
    … without the chore of having to click on folders and tons
    of ebooks… and having to read them all over again to see if they are relevant.
  9. You can drill down from general topics to very specific data about any topic,
    so instead of ‘search engine optimization’, which covers a wide area, you could
    drill down to keyword density, keyword placement or link popularity, which are
    subsets of the wider topic of ‘search engine optimization’. You can do this for
    any topic.
  10. You can rate each ebook based on your own rating scheme and create a
    bookshelf that includes your most highly rated, recent and favorite books. This
    is a great option if you read several ebooks simultaneously but can’t recall
  11. You can create a temporary bookshelf to store related PDF files or a set of
    files and when you finish reading them, leave the bookshelf intact or simply
    delete it. Organizing a set of related books this way gives you maximum
    flexibility on how to best use your valuable time.
These are just some of the amazing solutions you’ll come to take for granted
when you get you own “Personal ebook Organizer”. Keep reading because the best is yet to come…

filter search facility

Personal Ebook Organizer
PDF File Management System

Personal Ebook Organizer is Windows compatible
software (There currently is not a Mac version – sorry!).

Internet millionaires

Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
Minimum 500 mhz processor
Minimum of 1024 x 768 screen resolution

How To Manage All PDF Files Stored On Your Computer –
$27.00 Value


Yes! I Want To Quickly Learn The Easiest And Fastest Way To Begin Filing And Organizing PDF Documents for FREE. I’m entering my name and primary email address below – send me the ebook!

* Your information will not be sold or disclosed to anyone. We respect your privacy and hate spam like germs.

Here’s How Personal Ebook Organizer works
When you get “Personal Ebook Organizer” you’ll be the owner of breakthrough
the first PDF software that will transform the way you interact with
your day-to-day informational needs. Finally you’ll have a systematic process of
sifting and recording useful tips, strategies, breakthroughs and host of other
useful information that’s normally hidden in the pages of you’re your PDF
ebooks, reports, newsletters and image files. Imagine you have seventy-five ebooks and you only want to see those on the topic
of Youtube… Here’s where the super efficient Librarian comes in… Having filed books in a bookshelf called ‘FastSet‘, “Personal Ebook Organizer”
recognizes this bookshelf from all bookshelves… based on your instructions, the
software automatically searches each file for; “video downloads”, “spoofs”, “web
cams”, “litigation” and any other tags of your choosing. At lighting speed, you’ll have all the files and information at your fingertips. Now if you want to list all ebooks by author, say ‘Yanik Silver’, you’d create a
new ‘FastSet’, telling “Personal Ebook Organizer” to look through all PDF
ebooks, reports, newsletters and PDF images for the author ‘Yanik Silver’. Again, “Personal Ebook Organizer” will list all pdf files with Yanik Silver as
the author. In the future, if you import new ebooks from Yanik Silver, “Personal
ebook organizer” will automatically update the main bookshelf and ‘FastSet’. You can use ‘FastSet’ in creative ways, for example based on additional data
that “Personal Ebook Organizer” keeps on each ebook, you could list your
favourite ebooks based on your own personal ratings and by topic. You could also create a bookshelf of the most recent ebooks viewed – This is a
great option if you read several pdf reports simultaneously, but you can’t
recall the titles. This is just some of the fantastic time saving features you’ll have when you get
your own Personal ebook Organizer”. What if I’m not running a business on the Internet will Personal Ebook Organizer
help me? Personal Ebook Organizer is for everyone (individual or company) who what to
improve their informational needs. Imagine you’ve purchased a “Painting Starter Kit” that includes 5 PDF ebooks.
After loading them into “Personal Ebook Organizer
“, you create a new temporary
bookshelf and drag these ebooks into the bookshelf. You can leave the bookshelf intact permanently or delete it after you’ve
finished reading all 5 ebooks… You’ll have other options available to you, like real time searching. You are in
complete control how you want to organize and manage your information.

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal ebook Organizer

Search filter approach to accelerate searching? – Unlike Microsoft Outlook that
uses slow folder search, Personal ebook Organizer uses fast filter search that
delivers real-time search results at lighting speed. That means you can search
up to 200,000 PDF files and have information you want in seconds. Bookshelf? – Is your primary filing repository, just like a library filing
but this is more like a filing system on steroids. You can see file name,
ebook title, name of author and many other useful Meta data fields. FastSets? – Here you can create a set of criteria in which “Personal ebook
Organizer” will filter against the main bookshelf. Dynamic in nature, “FastSets”
allow you to filter against incoming files; this allows you to quickly filter
for PDF documents with specific criteria that you set. MySets? – You can create custom bookshelves or sets by dragging-and-dropping
from the main bookshelf and from “FastSets”. You have complete control
over the set of electronic books, reports, newsletters and images you want to
view any given time. Use of Meta Data?Meta data (data about data) in encoded in PDF files as
permanently encoded data. Meta data can also be manually added to electronic
files (ebooks), example is name of author, title of ebook, date ebook was
published, URL of author’s website etc. Apply ratings? – With Personal Ebook Organizer you can add ratings, comments and
other data about your ebooks. This can help you to personalize your information
experience. You can see that nothing has been spared in developing this one off software.
This is the FIRST of a set of personal PDF electronic document organizers that
will transform your experience of using information in ways not previously

Why Stick To The Old Fashion Way of Saving Electronic PDF Documents?
Bring the way you use interact with information up to date and organize all your
PDF documents just like a skilled web 2.0 personal assistant… and start
experiencing the power of this amazing Microsoft grade software. Let me recap what awaits you when you get your copy of “Personal Ebook
  1. You get to finally organize your
    all your ebook/ PDF files
    in ways that gives
    you the power to extract the maximum value of information buried inside your
  2. You get to organize your
    PDF electronic documents so you can instantly recall
    every single one
    , even if they are ‘littered’ in hundreds of folders on your
  3. You get to finally read ALL your ebooks and make personal notes that
    summarize content that you can access time and again without having to re-read
    every report from beginning to end!
  4. You save many hours of valuable time from
    lighting search filter technology
    that delivers information at the blink of an eye
    … technology that’s
    not even
    included in Microsoft outlook!

  5. You get a precise bookmark that lets you see the ebooks you’ve not finished
    reading and the exact pages you should continue reading from!
  6. You get to create a set of criteria that allows you to drill down to the
    exact information you’re searching for and have it delivered to you at lighting
  7. You get to rank
    pdf ebooks
    and since not all ebooks are created equal, your
    ranking could influence your future purchasing decisions and how much time to
    spend reading certain ebooks!
  8. You get can send “can you explain what…” type questions to ebook authors and
    receive value added responses that you would simply not do before!

  9. You can take ebook authors at their word…simply program Personal Ebook
    Organizer to remind you when the guarantee period is nearly up on all the ebooks
    you buy. If you’re not happy with an ebook, why waste money, when you can send
    an email to the ebook author and demand a refund?

Here’s How To Get This Amazing Technologically Advanced Ebook / PDF Organizer
Personal Ebook Organizer is packed with everything I’ve just described above.
You get a management tool developed by one of best Cisco engineer around. It is
more than an organizer… It is high grade and power packed. You better not miss this benefit!

Free Professional Meta Data Brander
Value $97:

“Brand All Your
PDF Intellectual Property And You Could Land a Big
Deal From Not For Profit or Other Large
… As A Recognized Expert In Your Field”

This quantity limited
bonus is for the

next 25
who invest in their own PDF
personal ebook organizer. I’m going to include an
amazing bonus that brands all your PDF files. Thats

Do you know that there are large companies including not
for profit organizations that collect and archive
thousands of electronic PDF files for their users?


Not only that, if these companies
consider you to be an expert in your area they can
offer you lucrative deals like presenting at
workshops, training and bulk purchases of your ebooks?

online retailer

Well, the vast majority of ebook authors that write PDF
reports; thats about 99% dont even brand their
intellectual property so when these organizations
archiving software come across their PDF reports;
they are simply ignored… because they dont include
Meta data

And theres another problem, because there isnt one
recognized Meta data standard (unlike RSS which is the only recognized standard
for blogs), companies can use up SIX different Meta
Data Schemas. So the bottom line is unless you add
Meta data of the most popular schemas to your PDF
reports and images you could be limiting your income
potential and even the publicity that you deserve.

So Ive developed the perfect solution Your own XML
Meta Data Brander with SIX of the most popular Meta
Data schemas for you to brand all your PDF reports
(intellectual property). So now any company or not
for profit organization that archives PDF reports
can store your report for their users. The
development cost of this PDF XML Meta tag brander
was $2,275 and it retails for $97.

to you if you are one of the
next 25
who invest in your own copy of
Personal Ebook Organizer… simply click on the PayPal credit card image below and get
Personal Ebook organizer and the valuable free bonus


I’ll Sweeten the deal even more – I’ll invite You to Put All of the Risk
Entirely on Me

Now, in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it full
for you. You see I gave a guarantee to my financial backers so it’s only
fair to give you a similar guarantee. I completely guarantee that Personal Ebook Organizer will do exactly what I say
it will. So here’s what I’d like to do. Try Personal Ebook Organizer for 56 days
with no risk whatsoever. The risk is completely mine.
You can “test drive” the software and manage all your PDF books, PDF reports,
PDF newsletters, PDF images and other PDF documents. Prove to yourself it make a
real difference to the way you manage information. If you’re not completely
satisfied, I want you to ask for, and get, your money back. That’s how confident I am that this breakthrough software will change forever
the way you use your time, your information needs and your wealth. The truth is you’ll never have to worry about a refund… because once you start
to solve how to use information more effectively and see the difference it makes
to your life, I’m betting it will be impossible to get you to part with your
software. So if you’re really serious about managing your information take action now and
get personal ebook organizer and the valuable bonus.
Gain immediate access to this amazing “information management system” right now!

“Thank you for creating this award winning system”

Your personal ebook organizer is so far ahead of any tool in its class. Often
times I search through my leadership library (usually in futility and
frustration) to try and find that single idea that I read once-upon-a-time and
need right away. Now, everything I need and more is literally at my fingertips.
I have more concise and *usable* information and the tool is such a steal of a
price too. You have given me a TRIPLEX tool and I have always found you to be
friendly, honest, and helpful… I “thank you” for creating this advanced
software that has saved me many hours so far and will save me hundreds of hours
in the future.

Dr Ed Okundi – Leadership Shines Through

You won’t find this information management software anywhere else and as far as
the bonus is concerned, you definitely won’t find this software being given away
for FREE Take immediate action: get Personal ebook organizer and free bonus for only

before I increase the price to that charged to commercial grade

Our Proven, Powerful PDF File Management Software to
Manage Up to 200,000 PDF Documents: Reports, Newsletters
And Images Youre Never More Than Three Clicks Away
From Finding What You Need!

Order Risk Free
Personal Ebook Organizer

Yes David!
I’d like to manage all my PDF documents so I can
access the information I need at lighting speed.
Give me my copy of Personal Ebook Organizer.
I understand my software will be available for
immediate download.

Here’s what I’ll receive when I order Personal
Ebook Organizer PDF File Management Software

The Powerful Personal
Organizer Software I can use right from on my
desktop computer

Immediately after you enter your credit card, I
will receive the link to download your digital
file of Personal Ebook Organizer, the award
winning Microsoft compatible software (good for
credit card will be charged $67)

Professional PDF XML Mata Data Software to brand
all your electronic intellectual property

(if Im one of the
first 25
to get Personal Ebook

Unique PDF Meta Data software
that includes ALL the popular Meta data
standards recognized by international large
public and not for profit organizations. I can
Use this software to brand ALL my PDF documents
and be recognized as an expert in my field. I
could profit from my PDF reports being
automatically archived by these organizations as
gain free exposure to potential traffic source,
including being invited to speak at seminars and
workshops on my specialist area. Ninety nine
percent (99%) of marketers are missing out
because they don’t add Meta data to their PDF
reports, newsletters, and images. Lucky for me,
I wont make the same mistake

100% No Questions Asked 56
days Money Back Guarantee

If Im not happy in any way with my PDF File
Management Software, Ill receive 100% of my
money back, easily and without hassle and thats
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On That Zero-Risk Basis,
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David Davis

Search engine optimization
Small Business Resource

P.S. – Remember, the risk is entirely
mine. Take advantage of the breakthrough technology of Personal
Ebook Organizer” and be just a few clicks away from all the
information captured in you PDF documents

P.S.S – Get this advanced PDF management software before you leave
this page. If you aren’t satisfied, for any reason, just drop me an
email for a prompt, full refund. You’ve got absolutely nothing to
lose – and much to gain. Simply click in the image below:

 personal assistant
P.S.S Let the risk be entirely mine
and get a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. If I don’t see
the personal Ebook Organizer for any reason whatsoever, I can
return it in the first 56 days for a prompt and courteous refund. Get this advanced PDF management software before you leave this page If you aren’t satisfied, for any reason, just drop me an email for a prompt,
full refund. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – and much to gain.    



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