Apply The Science Of Getting Rich
The TSOGR Intensive Training Course gives you everything you need to effectively get started practicing the Science of Getting Rich
7 Days + 7 Weeks in 77 Pages
In the next 8 weeks – even if you have never worked with the power of your mind before — you can start changing your life in ways that will produce tangible wealth.
Please realize, you may not be wealthy in 8 weeks, but in these 8 weeks you can change the course of the rest of your life. And to the extent that you follow this program exactly, you will see results down the line, guaranteed.
Yes, that’s a big promise.
And we stand by it because Wallace D. Wattles would tell you flat out that it’s not only possible, in fact, it’s mathematically certain that you will succeed. The TSOGR Intensive Training Course shows you that you have the power in your own mind to achieve wealth and it takes you step by step through the process.
Wouldn’t you like step-by-step instructions in language that makes sense today?
If you’ve already read The Science of Getting Rich, you’re eyes may have glassed over as Wattles makes reference to the steel trusts and the steam railway world … or how your best chance at making money is to get a 10 acre farm.
Times have certainly changed.
And still, this timeless classic has everything you need to know right now in the 21st century about how to get rich. But sometimes you have to dust off a few cobwebs to get to the message.
We’ve done that for you.
We’ve removed the outdated examples from our commentary and instead of replacing them with modern substitutes that will be outdated in 10 or 20 years, we have distilled the message down to its essence. We are exposing its core instructions and helping you to get moving and acting on them!
Whether or not you have already read The Science of Getting Rich,here are just a few of the empowering insights, methods, and breakthroughs this course offers:
- Why most people fail to achieve wealth (and why you don’t have to be one of them). (page 13)
- How to quickly identify the #1 mistake you are making and fix it before you put the book down. (page 14)
- A step-by-step explanation of how to change the way you use your own mind so that it becomes a magnet for wealth. (page 17)
- The absolute FASTEST way to change your thinking and change your results. (page 54)
- How to get serious and make The Science of Getting Rich a complete way of life instead of a dusty old book on the shelf. (page 40)
- 3 time-tested methods for turning your old patterns of failure into glistening springs of empowerment. (page 46)
- The no nonsense rule for increasing your success with this program (and lowering your stress level in the process!). (page 48)
What’s the TSOGR Intensive Training Course?
Book One was originally intended as the first of a series of 3 ebooks. But as it turned out, we never got around to writing the second 2 books (Are our faces red!) This was done in a burst of inspiration and enthusiasm about sharing Wattle’s vision. (It was done before the popularization of The Science of Getting Rich by The Secret). Well, as it happens, we got distracted by other projects and so this is all there is right now. We find it to be valuable in its own right even though it is called book 1 and there is no book 2 at this time. We hope you enjoy it.
Fortunately, the first book stands alone as a simple and powerful tool designed to help you master and utilize the teachings of Wallace D. Wattles on Formless Substance in his classic text, The Science of Getting Rich.
Please note: The original text of The Science of Getting Rich is NOT included in this training course and can be downloaded separately by clicking here.
TSOGR Book One provides 7 written training sessions and 49 lesson cards.
- You study one lesson a day for seven days.
- Then you revisit the lessons, one per week
- Focus on the set of 49 affirmative statement cards (which you can print) to be used in order, one per day for the next 7 weeks.
These cards are designed to be used in combination with the lessons. They train your mind to think in the way that makes people rich.
The combination of the lessons and the cards, if used as instructed, will take you deeper into this process than even repeatedly rereading Wattles’ book. If you want to make this training your own, buy it now because no one else can take this journey for you.
What you Get
We like to over-deliver. Wattles teaches us to give more in use value than you take in cash value.
So here is the bonus bundle we have put together for you. We call it the Treasure Chest because it is filled with everything you need to live your true spiriutal and material wealth.
Get 21 e-books when you buy The Science of Getting Rich Treasure Chest
Look what comes in the Treasure Chest:
- TSOGR Intensive Training Course: Book One The Foundation Formless Substance Sells separately for $39
- TSOGR Intensive Training Course:Book One Online Workbook for accelerated learning
How to Visualize Money… and Get Results Sells separately for $37
- As Man Thinketh by James Allen
- Think and Grow Rich Timeless Classic by Napoleon Hill
- The Science of Mind A Complete Course in The Science of Mind and Spirit by Ernest Holmes
- The Way of Peace by James Allen
- The Prophet by Khalil Gibran
- Search Engine Optimization Made Easy by Brad Callen Find out more about Brad and his SEO Software here
- 7 Steps to Internet Income – A Jump Start for the Novice Value $49
- How an Innocent Customer Comment Made us a Whopping $33,566 … in just 2 1/2 weeks! A Case Study of:”33 Days to Online Profits”
- “The Secret to Winning Every Single Time… In Everything You Do”
This simple, easy to read e-book emphasizes Wattles’ lesson about creation vs. competition. - “Scientific Advertising” By Claude Hopkins This classic is a must have for anyone in business.
- “The Spam and Scam Report” by Jim Edwards This book has a $95 price tag and it will give you everything you need to know about spam and scams in one easy read.
- “Jim Edwards on Copywriting and eBooks” Want to get started creating your own e-books? This $99 book will take you there today!
- The Greatest Marketing Secrets This $195 e-book is worth much more if you put it into action.
- 5 Ways to Create PDF eBooks & Special Reports Without Adobe Acrobat Get started creating your own e
-books just like the pros without the expensive software.
- How To Use Simple Surveys to Create Best-Selling eBooks & Info-Products Learn how to find out what people want and then have them pay you to give it to them.
- “Guaranteed Success Thinking”…Use your mind. This book guides you ..
- 7 Hidden Psychological Secrets to Maximum Sales This book will help you increase your sales because you will understand why people buy.
- The Multiple Mentality Course By Harry Khane
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