Basic Double-entry Bookkeeping Fundamentals

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Using A New, Never Seen Before Unique Method That’s Easier To Understand Than Elementary School Arithmetic, You Can Now Find Out How Easy It Really Is To Understand The Fundamental Concepts Of Basic Bookkeeping, A 500 Year-Old Venetian Art That Is Woven Into The Fabric Of The Worldwide Business Community Today.

Have you ever noticed how some fairly new, or even second or third year Accounting students, along with most Business Owners, Accounts Clerks and Computer Operators struggle with the perceived mysteries of basic double-entry bookkeeping?

They make debit entries to accounts which they should be crediting and vice-versa. They just don’t have a grasp of what it’s all about.

They embarrass themselves by making elementary errors.

Others, however, seem to have it all figured out. They make the correct entries first time, whether manually or by computer.

As well as not having to waste time figuring out where they have gone wrong during the compiling process, the people who understand it all, are able to quickly produce accurate and meaningful financial or management accounts that balance first time!

So what’s the difference?


From: The desk of Phil Ramage

Re: “Bookkeeping The Easy Way”

Hi there all budding Bookkeepers and Accountants


A long time ago, I used to be one of those struggling students, but one day the light dawned and I qualified as a Scottish Chartered Accountant in 1974.

Since the early 1980s I’ve also been a full-time expatriate. Now I live in Thailand with my Thai wife of 30 years, and I have no intention of ever returning to the U.K.

Well how did a noticeably disabled person manage to live a life which enabled him to live in Australia and all over South East Asia?

I did it by giving my employers and clients RESULTS

And I did that mainly by getting the best possible productivity from my subordinates.

And how did I do that?

“Bookkeeping The Easy Way”


What Customers Are Saying ….


What Liz Hopkin wrote after he read the book (presumably when she was a little older than she was when the picture was taken).

Phil definitely knows his stuff! This book translates complex information into easy-to-understand concepts – supported by lots of helpful examples – which you can put straight into action. Phil also reveals valuable tips for understanding what your accounts are REALLY showing you. Thanks Phil!

Liz Hopkin


What Musisi Byogo (originally from Uganda, Now living in Korea) said:

I have read through the E-book, “Bookkeeping The Easy Way” twice and I am sure what is inside this book will help me in my small business. This E-book and the excellent diagram is a must read for anyone who would like to get some knowledge in basic bookkeeping.

Musisi Byogo


Sam Brinkley, an Englishman wrote:

Phil certainly knows what he’s talking about. I thank him for taking something that I thought was complicated and making it so easy and straight forward to understand. I particularly liked the examples in his book; they were truly enlightening. FINALLY I GET IT!

If you want to be successful in your business affairs or just manage your personal finances with pin-point efficiency then I highly recommend Phil Ramage’s book “Bookkeeping The Easy Way.” The word “accounts” can fill people with fear – but it needn’t. Phil’s training on the fundamentals of bookkeeping are foundational to your success. I will be recommending his book to ALL of my students. What’s the point of coaching people to grow their business if they can’t accurately measure where they are financially?

Samuel Brinkley

Are YOU one of the billions of people worldwide, that this E-book would help? If you can identify yourself with some, or even only one, of the following groups of people, then you most certainly are:

  1. Fairly new accounting students, just beginning their study courses

  2. Second or even third year students who get distracted from more complicated issues by still having to think long and hard about relatively simple bookkeeping entries

  3. Business people who want to keep their own manual records

  4. Business people or computer operators who are just interested to know how their computer programs keep their records straight

  5. Just ordinary family men, women, or couples, who want to keep better track of their income, and to where it is disappearing

  6. Anybody else who is fascinated how accountants can produce balance sheets that “balance”.

If you fit into one, or more, of these groups, then“Bookkeeping The Easy Way” IS FOR YOU!

Here’s just some of the things you’ll discover when you get inside:


It doesn’t matter which category of interested person you fall into, the benefits and advantages of what “Bookkeeping The Easy Way” will give you are immense.

This E-book approaches the perceived difficulties of bookkeeping from a completely unique angle to any other text book on the subject.

An angle that brings, what has always been considered to be one of the most boring subjects on the planet, TO LIFE! Everything is explained in plain, logically set out English, which is very easy to read and understand.

The unique concept is centered on an easily understood diagram, which is set out in the book. In addition, all but 1 of the painstakingly explained examples in the final chapter, is accompanied by a smaller version of the diagram which proves that the concept “works” in every imaginable situation.

Here’s What Some More Of My Customers Have To Say About “Bookkeeping The Easy Way”


After reading the book, Jason Johns wrote:

Having just set up my own business I know the importance of keeping proper accounts, particularly with some of the horror stories I’ve heard from friends who were caught out by the taxman for their lack of accounting.

Not being an accountant myself and not being in a position to pay for one, I needed to know how to track payments and expenses for my business correctly and accurately. I read Phil’s book and was surprised to find a complete explanation of everything I needed to know about keeping my accounts, explained in an easy to understand manner. Having now created spreadsheets I am able to track my costs and my payments received and am confident that my accounts are in good order, lifting a weight of worry from my shoulders.

Jason Johns


Here’s Steven Lucas’s judgement:

Many years ago, I ran a franchised business selling flooring, and I really wish I’d Phil’s book then. He has taken much of the confusion out of basic bookkeeping and makes everything much clearer. If you manage any part of the bookkeeping for yourself or your company, you really need to read this E-book before you next tackle that pile of profit and loss paperwork.

Steven Lucas


John Rotnem from Hollywood Made These Observations:

I just finished reading “Bookkeeping The Easy Way” by Phil Ramage and I was impressed. I am not usually a numbers guy but with his easy and clear explanation, even I was able to follow his steps to easy bookkeeping. I implemented his suggested tips, which included simple and understandable graphics, and found myself less afraid of the monthly task of setting up my P&L statements and budget.

This a definite must have, especially for all business start-ups, including new Internet Marketers, so that they don’t get lost in the paper shuffle before it’s too late. I wish I had learned this before starting my online business. Thanks for this great report Phil.

John Rotnem

Before I finish, I’d like you to watch a very short video about Ken, a fictional restaurateur. As you will see he wanted to take his record keeping to a certain stage himself, to save money. You may never be able to produce a final Set of Accounts yourself, or lodge a business tax return, but the more you can help your year-end accountant the better. When I was working for Chartered Accountants, the average cost of my time to a client was 3 times my gross salary for the same amount of time. So even if you are saving the time of your accountant’s junior staff, the savings will soon add up. Of course, if you can save the time of higher grade staff, the savings will multiply. So click below to see how Ken got on after studying

Bookkeeping The Easy Way

Amazing “Take Action Now” Bonuses

I’m not even finished yet! If you buy a copy of Bookkeeping The Easy Way you will receive 3 bonuses. Two of them immediately you download the E-book and possibly another in the future, if, by any chance, you should need it.


The Unique Diagram:

Although the unique diagram, which is an integral part of “Bookkeeping The Easy Way” is, of course, set out within its pages, you will receive a separate PDF file containing a full-color version of the diagram.

I suggest that you print this out and pin it to your wall for quick reference. If you have subordinates, print them each a copy too, and ask them to pin it up near their desk, within their cubicle or in their office, as the case may be.

This will mean that you and everybody under your control will be able to keep everybody outside your control happy at the end of the Financial Year. Your boss, (if you have one), your external accountant, (if you have one), the tax man, the Government, the tea lady….. Everybody!


“TEN Cash Flow Strategies For A Successful Business”

This is an E-book written by Scott Richards who is a qualified accountant based in Australia. You don’t know it yet but, at the end of studying this bonus, you’ll know everything you need to know about how to control your or your clients’ cash flow better. The importance of this topic is touched upon in “Bookkeeping The Easy Way”, but Scott’s book goes into this important subject in much more depth.

Many businesses, which are profitable on paper, fail because they simply run out of money. This book will help you to understand how to avoid your business from falling into this nasty trap.

Here is a list of only 5 of the 10 strategies this amazing bonus contains:

  1. How to get your pricing right to maximize your income

  2. How to control your expenses to minimize your costs

  3. How to manage your debtors in order to get paid quicker

  4. How to manage your stock so that you never run out, but you are never caught with too much

  5. How to get the most out of your assets to maximize their effectiveness

Even better, right? But that’s not all you get, because I’m also throwing in…


My Personal Assistance

If, after reading “Bookkeeping The Easy Way” you still have trouble with bookkeeping problems, just contact me by email, using the email address you used when you first purchased the book, and I will answer up to 3 questions free of charge, as soon as I am able.

However there are 4 conditions to this offer:

  1. The question or questions must be bookkeeping related. Not accounting or taxation related

  2. The name of the company or enterprise involved must NOT be stated

  3. The numbers, or Dollar amounts used to illustrate each problem must be fictitious

  4. Although I will try to answer all questions as quickly as possible, I cannot guarantee the speed of my answer. So there must be no time deadline set.

The total Value of All Three Of The Bonuses cannot be estimated. The diagram is an invaluable aid to understanding the basic concepts of Double-Entry Bookkeeping; knowing and applying the contents of Scott Richard’s book could be as valuable to you as your business itself; and, in the offline world, I charge my time at $400 per hour, so answering your questions would not come cheaply.
You Are Also Protected By My 60 Day IRON-CLAD 100% Money Back Guarantee


“Bookkeeping The Easy Way”
Only $17.00 !

All you need is a credit card, debit card, or Paypal account. No special internet accounts or anything like that. And it’s totally secure. Your credit (or debit) card data is passed directly to the bank and no one but the bank or Paypal has access to your sensitive information.

Wishing you great success.


Phil Ramage C. A. (Scot) C. A. (Aust)

P.S. Everything you need to get started making entries into either a manual or computerized General Ledger system is in:

“Bookkeeping The Easy Way”

So if that’s what you want to do, but have never before been confident that you fully understood everything that you needed to understand, then this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

“Bookkeeping The Easy Way”
Only $17.00 !

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