Become An Instant Business & Marketing Expert!

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Left — Don’t Miss Out!

Only Private Label Rights Package That Can Turn YOU Into

An Instant Marketing Expert
– Overnight!

If You Can Type Your Name, Then You Can Quickly And
Have At Least 5 Profitable Online Businesses That Earn
You Money While You Sleep! Without The Hard Work Or Research!

Instantly Create Your Very Own HOT-Selling

“Expert-Quality” Products That Bring In Continuous Autopilot
! Even If You Don’t Know The First Thing About Marketing!

Plus, Have Everything
Up And Running Almost Overnight!


You Get Complete Private Label Resell
Rights To 5 Proven Products, The Rights, Sales Letters AndGraphics…
Everything You Need To Build An Online Business Instantly!

An Overnight ‘Online Profits EXPERT!

Just ‘Type In’ YOUR Name On These Best-Selling, ‘Expert-Level’

Ebooks And Start Pulling In The Kind Of Autopilot Profits That

Usually Reserved Only For The Top Experts!

Having A Line Of Hot-Selling,

Top-Quality Products – With YOUR Name

On Them – So You Can Easily…

  • Become
    a recognized and respected “expert” in your field –
    almost overnight!
  • Whip
    up your very own high-quality ebooks instantly, to sell them yourself
    or start striking hot joint ventures with other big sellers.
    (It’s easy to do when you know the secret that I’ll share
    with you!)
  • Set
    up a line of one-page money-making sites that takes orders for
    you all day long, even while you sleep.
  • Easily
    set up your own affiliate program and get hundreds of other people
    to sell your hot new ebooks for you!
  • Sell
    resell rights (for each book) to others for $47 to $97 each!
  • Sell
    master rights for $67 to $197 each!
  • Break
    them up into smaller, hot reports and turn them into your own
    viral list-building, profit-pulling machines.

    (Watch your name and web site address quickly spread throughout
    the Internet – at the speed of a virus!
  • Sell
    them on Ebay or other auction sites for quick cash, or sell them
    individually through Google Ad Words all day long!

  • Create
    an entire line of back-end products to sell to your existing customers,
    and give yourself an instant pay raise by adding another quick
    income stream!
  • Use
    them as bonuses to increase the perceived value of your existing
    products and packages.

  • Compile
    all of them into one MEGA product and finally have your very own
    high-ticket product! Sell it for $97 (or more) a pop.
  • Get
    you more traffic than you can handle! Build your lists – and profits
    – fast!
  • And a
    whole lot more!

all this is possible…at breakneck speeds!

Urgent Message From:

Bryan Kumar


Let’s be honest…
anyone can create ‘a product. Anyone can learn to
write an ebook if they tried hard. But, as you may have already realized…
Not… Enough
Creating just another product will not make you rich. In
fact, it may not make you any money at all!

You have to create
a hot-selling product if you want to make any real money!
You need to write a best-seller in order to be recognized – and
respected – as an expert!

Otherwise, no one
will joint venture with you, no one will affiliate with you, and no one
will buy from you either! Just ‘a’ product won’t cut it. Nobody
tells you this, but it’s the sad truth about the ‘online profit world’
that most people find out the hard way.

But…there is a
‘shortcut’ strategy you can use to gain mega success fast!

Look…it’s not easy to become a recognized, respected, and successful
marketing ‘expert‘. It’s even harder trying to convince others
that you are one. But the worst part is…unless you can convince others
that you are an expert in your field, you just don’t make any
That’s just the harsh reality.

Of course, every
marketing ‘guru’ is telling you how important it is to have your own
, with your own name on it, to really start making the
big bucks. But, they don’t tell you just how hard it is to actually create
a hot-selling product that people will love!

And, let’s face facts…you
need to have some solid marketing experience (and solid writing
experience) under your belt to be able to write something that people
will love! That’s the hardest part!

But…here’s a sneaky
little secret that no one’s talking about! Most of the top gurus don’t
even create their own products! That’s right. They hire other experts
to write for them! Then, they simply sit back and enjoy the profits
from selling these pre-written ebooks that have “their names”
slapped on top of the cover!

The absolute beauty
of this strategy is that anyone can do this! Even you!

But…there is one
big problem… finding and working with a writer that can deliver a hot
product can get frustrating AND expensive! Most private label rights
to hot-selling ebooks will cost you around $1,200 each — that’s
twelve hundred dollars for one ebook! If you can afford that, great. If
not, it will be difficult for you to use the above powerful strategy.

But, there is
good news
. Extremely good news, in fact.

If you’ve ever wanted
to have a best-seller to your name, if you’ve ever wondered just how much
money you could make with a hot-selling, “expert-level” ebook
with your name on it, and how much easier it would be to get
those ‘guru’ marketers to want to joint venture with you
, then
I’ve got some amazing news for you…

Finally, you can
own the ‘private-label’ resell rights to 5 amazing hot sellers, and (for
the very first time,) you can put your name on them as the author,
so that you can…

An Instant Internet Marketing Expert!

this is not a joke. While others are buying (and reselling)
the same old bundled ebooks that everyone else is selling,
you can have an entire line of unique and fresh hot sellers
which you can sell to others and keep 100% of the profits!
You can even sell resell rights to the finished products with
YOUR name on it. This is how the big experts get rich fast!

these ebooks are hot sellers. I have made a name, and a fortune,
from selling these best-sellers on the Internet. Just go to and type in my name “Bryan Kumar” for
proof of how my products are doing out there.

of my ebooks have been sold by the thousands (and I’ll tell
you why soon.) All the work have been done for you. I’ve even
created, and tested, the sales pages and graphics for
these ebooks. They work! They sell, and they earn me a profit
every day!

But this isn’t about how much money I’ve made from these products.
The real question is…

How Could YOU Profit From These Five High-Quality,

Hot-Selling Products?

profit-pulling possibilities are endless! But here are just a few
ways you could instantly profit from these pre-written hot sellers:

  • Whip
    up your very own high-quality ebooks instantly to sell them yourself
    or start striking hot joint ventures with other big sellers. (Once
    you have your very own hot product, it’s easy to do. I’ll show
    you how!)
  • Easily
    set up your own affiliate program and get hundreds of other people
    to sell your hot new ebooks for you!
  • Sell
    them on Ebay or other auction sites for quick cash.
  • Sell
    them individually through Google Ad Words all day long!

  • Create
    an entire line of back-end products to sell to your existing customers
    for and give yourself an instant pay raise!
  • Break
    them up into smaller, hot reports and turn them into your own
    viral list-building machines.

  • Use
    them as bonuses to increase the perceived value of your existing
    products and packages.

  • Set
    up a line of one-page money-making sites that takes orders for
    you all day long, even while you sleep. (I’ll show you how to
    do all of these things!)
  • Compile
    all of them into one MEGA product and sell it for $97 (or more)
    a pop. 

  • And
    much, much more! (As I said, the possibilities are endless!)

But wait a minute,
you may be asking yourself…

What Makes MY Ebooks So ‘Special’ And

Different From Others?

you’ve heard of me, and maybe you haven’t. The bottom line is, I’m a very
well-known, and well-respected name in the Internet marketing world. And
there’s a good reason for that.

see, while I have been blessed with a unique writing style, and the years
of marketing experience under my belt to allow me to sell thousands of
copies of my books, there’s something more important that you should know.
It’s a little-known fact that…

Top Online Marketers Pay ME To Write Hot-Selling,

High Quality Products For Them!

right. For several years, I have been silently making money by writing
high-quality, attention-grabbing reports, articles and ebooks for some
very well known marketers.

have been fortunate enough to write for Superstar marketers like Allen
Says and Jonathan Mizel, to name just a few. I have sold entire ebooks
to other very successful marketers like Tom Hua, Gary Cooper, and Tom

I have
been paid $350 each for articles that are just 7 pages long! I
have sold short, 30-page ebooks for up to $1,200
each! And, these are top marketing experts who are paying
me, not just anyone!

I’m not
telling you all this to impress you, but instead, to make one important
point: I get paid a lot of money by the top experts because my products
make them money!
My writing style and marketing knowledge sells!
That’s the bottom line.

that’s what is important to YOU! Because I’m about to make you
an offer that’s never been heard of before! In fact, my top marketing
friends think I’ve really lost it this time…

the very first time ever, I’m releasing private label resale rights
to 5 of my top-selling Internet marketing products. These are high-quality,
high value ebooks that I sell myself, from my own sites! Each one is an
additional ‘solid’ income stream for me.

And just
incase you’re wondering, these ebooks are still selling
very well every day! Even my affiliates and resellers are making money
with them. But, until now, no one (except top marketers) has ever had
the opportunity of slapping their own name on my best-selling products,
and keeping 100% of the profit and exposure!

best of all, there are still millions of people that don’t know about
these products. Plus, more and more people are coming on the Internet
everyday, so the opportunity to profit from these products are phenomenal
— for anyone who’s smart enough to run with this easy-to-setup “Instant
Expert” package.

I show you the actual package, let me explain to you what exatly you’re
getting and why this is such an incredible value…and opportunity…

What Exactly Is
‘Private Label’ Rights?

you already know that the books you’re getting are hot sellers and have
made me and my partners a lot of money.

the main reason this particular opportunity is so unique is the “private
label” rights that come with these 5 hot-selling products.

you get private label rights, you get the actual raw contents of these
products in Microsoft Word, Rich-Text, and Adobe Acrobat formats!

means, you can add your name to them as the author and publisher! You
can break them up and rip them apart any way you like and turn them into
smaller reports, articles, e-courses, or whatever you want. You can edit
and modify these products however you want! You’re the boss!

can also combine them all into one mega manual and sell copies for a much
higher price! Have you ever wanted your very own “high ticket”
product that you could sell for $97 or higher? It’s easy to do with this

There is serious
income potential when you have this package in your hands!


The ‘Instant Expert’ Profit-Pulling Package!

So, what
exactly do you get in this ‘never-before-available’ Instant Expert package?
Here are the stars of this package that I’m proud to share with you:

graphic designer

Expert’ Ebook #1

Traffic Strategies Revealed:

How to
Bring A Flood of Targeted, Responsive Buyers To Your Site…Continuously!

Private Label Resell

Value: $1,297

This ebook reveals only the best-of-the-best
traffic strategies that are easy to set up, quick to profit from,
and continue to work for you long after you put them into place.
Automatic profits really is possible when you follow the strategies
revealed in this powerful manual.

a person needs to know

to get ‘buying’ traffic is in here.”

Allen Says

here for more details about this package

hot products

Expert’ Ebook #2

How To Create Hot & Profitable Products, FAST!

Private Label Resell

Value: $997

This guide reveals how the experts are able to create one hot product
after another — quickly and easily. It shows you how to cheat your
way through the entire product-creating process, from beginning
to end. There’s no faster way to create a line of your own hot products

“I got so many instant

creating’ ideas that I can’t

decide which one to do first!”

Tom Gates

here for more details about this package

Internet marketing experts

Expert’ Ebook #3

Email Strategies Explained:

How To Easily Build & Profit From Your Very Own List!

Private Label Resell

Value: $1,097

Email marketing is still one of the fastest,
easiest and FREE ways to make a fortune on the Internet. This step-by-step
guide shows you exactly how to build a highly targeted, responsive
list and profit from it massively – without ever getting in trouble!

is an eBook every newbie must have before they start
selling on the Internet.

Allen Says

here for more details about this package

Internet profit machine

Expert’ Ebook #4

Internet Riches In 30 Days:

A Step-By-Step, Paint-By-Numbers Approach To Making Money Online

Private Label Resell

Value: $997

Imagine having no money to start with, and no
prior marketing experience. This manual shows how anyone can come
to the Internet and go from zero to profits — and start earning
a solid income within just 30 days!

I only had this ebook when I was starting out. It would have saved
me years of mistakes and dollars!”

Gary Cooper

here for more details about this package

Internet today

Expert’ Ebook #5

Autoresponder Cash Machine:

Make Money While You Sleep!

Private Label
Resell Rights

Value: $997

Few people have harnessed the true money-making power of the super
autoresponder. This guide explains how to put almost 90% of your
moneymaking system on autopilot! Do less and make more profits!
A lot more!

a copy of (this book) and don’t look back… goes beyond the ‘norm‘…”

Teresa King

here for more details about this package

products are some of my prized possessions. I have

spent thousands of dollars on developing, tweaking and testing
these products to turn them into hot sellers!

In all honestly, you are getting over a decade of my hard work and experience
within these quality ebooks — all for just pennies on the dollar.
If you were to purchase ‘private label’ rights for ebooks that are comparable
to the quality and the profit potential of these babies, you could easily
pay $1,000 each for them! I’m dead serious about this.

you’re really getting here is a chance to create your own line of unique,
new products — a chance to build your own online empire! And, since I
also provide you with the pre-tested sales letters and graphics, all you
have to do is slap your name on these products and start profiting from

“…drive your bank teller crazy
this year!”

“Bryan is a brilliant internet marketer and prolific writer. His
marketing wisdom, success advice and products are VERY generous
in what he shares with readers.

products have all the information you need to drive your bank teller
crazy this year!”


Listen, there are a ton of marketing products out there. And most of them
are pure junk! That’s why so many people are bundling them up and selling
hundreds of them for $19.95, because they can’t ‘move’ them any other
way. It’s ridiculous. Many of these misled marketers actually believe
that they will get rich doing this.

the real gurus and experts sell their ebooks for $49, $97, or even $300
EACH! Who do you think is making more money? I think you know the

Of course,
the problem (again) is that creating your own hot-seller that you can
sell for at least $19.95 each is very difficult and expensive,
especially if you don’t have the marketing and writing experience under
your belt.

And that’s
why this package is such a life saver. It gives you 5 quality and high-value
ebooks — stuff you can actually sell and be proud to put your name on!

Not only
do my customers love this product, but I also get rave reviews from some
of the top Internet marketing experts. Here’s just a small sampling of…

What The Top Marketing Experts Are

About Some Of My Products:

a person needs to know to get ‘buying‘ traffic is in
here” – Allen Says

“Presents a formula for
success you may be unfamiliar with” – Jonathan

“Create infinite
riches online or off practically at will.” – Yanik

I’ve seen so far in your (package) blows my mind!”
Ewen Chia

“Too much good stuff
in there. Way too much.” – Jimmy
D. Brown

“Thanks for giving us
a very rare and powerful gem.” – Willie

“It’s profound; it’s powerful;
it’s definitely a winner!” – Teresa

“It never feels like
‘work’ when Bryan is involved!” – Carmen

“It is a wonderful book
filled with ‘Pure Gold‘…” – Tom

Anyone can
start to make money immediately with this.” – Jack

The customers
love my products. But, when you have industry experts and trusted
names like the ones listed above giving glowing testimonials, doesn’t
that give you the extra confidence that this package could really
make a difference to your profits, and your life?

is your chance, you’re standing right in front of the golden door of opportunity.
An incredible opportunity to tap into the millions of potential customers
waiting to buy quality products from you — worldwide! (That’s the added
power-benefit of selling on the Internet!)

At this
point, you may be saying to yourself… “This all sounds great, Bryan.
But what is all this going to cost me?!” Well, first of all, let’s
look at…

How Much It Would Cost To Have

Just ONE Hot-Selling Ebook Created For You!

don’t mean to get you depressed here. But, let’s quickly look at what
your total costs would be to create just ONE hot ebook that could make
you money IF you were to pay someone else to do all the work for you.
You would have to pay:

  • at
    least $1,000 (and up to $2,000) for a worthwile writer.

  • at
    least $1,500 for a mediocre copywriter to create a sales letter for

  • at
    least $150 (and up to $500) for a graphic designer to create the graphics
    for you website (for one product.)

brings you up to a total cost of about $2,500 – $4,000…that’s just
for one eBook. For a set of 5 hot ebooks, you’d pay
a total of around $11,000 to $20,000.

Not the smartest (or cheapest) way to start your ebook selling business,
is it?

Ok, let’s get back
to our original question, which is…

How Much Is Your Investment In The Hot-Selling
“Instant Marketing Expert” Going To Be?

that it would cost you over $11,000 and up to $20,000 to pay someone else
to create a package that’s comparable to the “Instant Marketing Expert”
package, you’ll find out why my marketing friends are calling me crazy
when you find out what your investment here will be.

not forget that my 5 ebooks are proven sellers and have been tested worldwide,
out in the real online marketplace where it counts.

don’t forget that all the hard work and testing have already been done
for you. That, along with my 10+ years of hardcore marketing experience,
is something I can’t even put a price on that.

Forget the 11 thousand
dollar price tag coz that’s just ridiculous. I’m not even going to charge
you one thousand dollars, or even 5 hundred dollars! (Although,
I could very easily sell this power package for at least $500. That’s
what my marketer friends suggested that I should do. Remember, I get
paid $350 for just one 7-page article, and over $1,000 for a 30-40 page
! So, you can understand why my friends are calling me insane
for releasing this package.)

No, I won’t charge
you what I charge the top marketers for my products. Instead…

One-Time investment for this entire package,

which includes:


Private Label Resale
Rights to FIVE in-demand, hot-selling ebooks, that have been
proven to make money!


Pre-written, battle-tested
sales letters, and promotion materials, created by expert
marketers and copywriters, and proven to work.


Professionally designed websites
and graphics that have also been tested and proven to work.
Just make the minor changes (of your personal info, etc.)
and load them up to your website. You can be up and ready
to sell in one day!


Pre-written ‘Thank You’ pages,
download instructions, and ads. All the tools are ready, all
the hardwork is done for you. You just have to plug into it
and start profiting! On autopilot! (I’ll show you how.)

… get everything
above for a one-time measly investment of just $247! But, hang
on, coz it’s gets even better…

Now think about that
for a minute. One ebook package would cost you about $2,500. But
here, you’re getting FIVE ebook packages, with private label rights, for
a mere $247. That’s a savings of over 95 percent! You’re darned
right people are calling me insane! ;-)

So, what’s the catch?“… you may be asking youself…

no catch. But, there is a very good reason for my releasing the ‘private
label’ rights to my highly-valued products…

You see, I’m ‘retiring’
these ebooks. Yep, I’m moving on to other projects and adventures. But
since these products are still great and still sell easily, I want to
help others set up their own little money machines, just like I’ve done
for myself for the past several years.

Well, ok, there is
one more little ‘condition’…

You see, I’ve always
been rewarded in life for taking immediate action! Whenever I saw an opportunity,
I decided to jump on it and profit from it. That’s why I am where I am

And I believe that
everyone who takes action gets rewarded. That’s the big secret to moneymaking
success. So, I want to reward you for taking immediate action! Let me

When you grab this
incredible package right now, your investment will only be a measly $247
(for a package worth up to $20,000.) That’s the lowest possible
price, and that’s your reward for acting fast.

If you wait a few
days to order, the price will begin to go up by increments of $50. That
means, if you came back to this site after a few days, the price may already
be up to $297…$347 or higher!

If you act now, you
get rewarded. If you delay taking action, the price continues to rise.
(And, there’s also a good chance that you may miss out on this completely.)

And no, this is not a marketing ploy. You can test me on this. Although
I hope for your sake that you won’t. Because you may only have to pay
a higher price for this package if you come back for it later.

Although, as I said
earlier, this package would be an incredible steal even at $500.
But why pay that much when you can get it for less than half that, am
I right?

you’re serious about finally staking your claim on the Internet and establishing
your “Internet Expert” status (while enjoying the profits that
come along with that title,) this is your chance. You will NOT find a
ridicuously affordable price on 5 hot products like these anywhere else.
Products that have been proven to make money! Plus, you get “private
label” rights to them so you can make them your own! You can edit
and modify them however you want, and add your name as the author! Poof…Instant
Expert Status!

You can rename them
to whatever you want, and you can even change the website and graphics…but
only IF you are familiar with ‘power copywriting.’ (Otherwise,
I wouldn’t recommend that you change the sales pages too much. They have
been tested to work and pull orders, just the way they are.)

Remember, in life,
you only get rewarded for taking action. If you don’t act, nothing changes.
Your income, and your life remains the same.

So, please, don’t
pass up this rare opportunity.
charge now and change your financial future dramatically.

Heck, act right now
and I’ll even throw in some incredibly powerful bonuses, just to reward
you further for being a go-getter. I’ll tell you what the incredible bonuses
are in a second…

Quickly Re-Cap All That You Get

Strategies Revealed:

With Private
Label Resale Rights!

ebook reveals only the best-of-the-best traffic strategies
that are easy to set up, quick to profit from, and continue
to work for you long after you put them into place. Automatic
profits really is possible when you follow the strategies
revealed in this powerful manual.



To Create Hot Products, FAST!

With Private Label Resale Rights!

guide reveals how the experts are able to create one hot
product after another — quickly and easily. It shows
you how to cheat your way through the entire product-creating
process, from beginning to end. There’s no faster way
to create a line of your own hot products anywhere!



Strategies Explained:

With Private
Label Resale Rights!

step-by-step guide shows you exactly h
to easily build & profit from your very own list! Email
marketing is still one of the fastest, easiest and FREE
ways to make a fortune on the Internet.



Riches In 30 Days:

With Private
Label Resale Rights!

having no money to start with, and no prior marketing
experience. This manual shows how anyone can come to the
Internet and go from zero to profits — start earning
a solid income within just 30 days!



Cash Machine:

With Private Label Resale Rights!

ebook reveals how to make money while you sleep! Few people
have harnessed the true money-making power of the super
autoresponder. This guide explains how to put almost 90%
of your moneymaking system on autopilot! Do less and make
more profits!


Professionally Crafted Sales Letters

A good copywriter can charge
at least $3,000 per sales letter. But…it’s worth it
because your sales letter is the most important part of
your profit-earning process. Without a powerful sales
letter, you won’t be able to sell even the best product!
But YOU won’t have to pay the expensive fees. I’ve already
done that for you. You can an order-pulling sales letter
for each of the 5 products.



Sets of Professionally Designed Graphics For Each Product

The graphics make all the
difference. Actual studies have shown that web sites with
the ‘appropriate’ professional graphics dramatically increases
the sales of that site. You get the graphics for each
product, as part of this package.


A Total Value Of:


   Your cost: Only

that’s not a ridiculous bargain, I don’t know what is!

(But this price could go up at any time!

Plus…You Also Get These Power Bonuses

If You Act Now!

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to profit big from this
package, so I am also going to include these amazing, highly-valuable
bonuses, just to help you be super successful at profiting from the
‘Instant Marketing Expert’ package:

Your “Quick-Fix” Troubleshooter’s Guide to Huge Internet

Master Resale Rights!

powerful report can help give your online business a “check-up”
to find out exactly why you’re not making massive profits
right now! It’s just like plugging your business into
a diagnostics machine that tells you specifically where
the weak links and profit leaks are, so you can
fix them immediately and skyrocket your profits instantly!

Resale Rights allow you to sell the report, as well as
the ‘standard resell rights’ to others.



Easy eBay

Master Resale Rights!

Every day, there are millions
of people from around the globe shopping on the Internet.
The most popular public auction site, eBay, is where people
gather to find anything from dishes to jewelry to houses
and just about everything in between. This guide shows
you countless ways to make a profit from eBay – from the
comfort of your own home!

Resale Rights allow you to sell the report, as well as
the ‘standard resell rights’ to others.



How To Use
Blogs For Fun & Profit

Master Resale Rights!

Blogging is one of the hottest
things on the Internet today. Even movie stars and other
celebrities are getting into the blogging craze. Why should
you be left behind? This guide reveals how you can start
getting your share of the blogging profits!

Resale Rights allow you to sell the report, as well as
the ‘standard resell rights’ to others.


A Total Value Of:


Your costFREE!

are all yours as special bonuses!

(But only if you grab this package now!

That Brings The Combined Total Value Of This
Package To: $21,470.00

But, Your One-Time Investment For Everything


But, it doesn’t end
there. I want to make this offer so irresistably hard to pass up that
you’ll feel like a complete fool if you pass it up. So, as confident as
I am about the incredible value of this package, I’m still going
to give you…

No-Nonsense, Completely Risk-Free MoneyBack Guarantee

Listen…typically, most marketers would be
very hesitant to offer a ‘moneyback’ guarantee on a package like
this one because it includes ‘private label‘ rights to so
much powerful information. And, I really don’t blame them for not
wanting to offer a guarantee.

There are many blood-sucking leeches out there
who are just waiting to get “something for nothing.”

But…I’m not going to punish you because of
those other ‘scarcity-minded’ individuals. Sure, I may get a few
people who will try to get a free ride. But, in life, there’s no
such thing as a “free ride.” They will get what’s coming
to them. I’m a firm believer in “What goes around, comes
” Life will come back and bite them in the butt
10 times worse than what they “think” they’re scamming
me for.

But, let’s
get back to you…the person who can see the incredible
in what I’m offering here…

Since you’re
the kind of person who is willing to take action and go after your
dreams, I want to do everything I can to take all the risk away
from this deal.

Try my “Instant
Marketing Expert
” package for a full 90 days, completely
risk free. If it doesn’t give you at least 5 instant ways
to make money online, just let me know within 90 days of your date
of purchase, and I’ll immediatly refund your payment in full.

Sounds more
than fair, doesn’t it?

You’re getting
over $20,000 worth of products here — products that have been proven
to make money! I am confident that you’ll do very well with them.

But, if for
some unforseen reason, you are not able to profit from this, rest
assured that your investment today is absolutely guaranteed!

This incredible
package offers you an amazing opportunity… a chance to make a
name for yourself in this business, and make some insane profits
at the same time.

I’m sure you’re
smart enough to see a real opportunity in front of you right here,
right now.

your turn to start making money from the Internet the “easy”
way…without having to spend a fortune before you ever start the
business. This package offers you that opportunity.

I’m really offering you here is a blueprint, a “business-in-a-box”…
a chance for you to copy my success, by doing exactly what I’ve done,
so you can get the same (or better) results that I’ve gotten! AND…you
get to try it all out absolutely Risk Free!

Get this
package now, and change your financial future forever! Just use the
link below to order now…

Yes, Bryan!
Ready To Become an “Instant Marketing Expert” And Open Up A
Whole New World Of Online Profits!

Me Have Access To The Entire ‘Private Label’ Package Right Now!

would be crazy to pass up this incredible ‘limited time’ opportunity.
For just a one-time, tax-deductible payment of $21,470.00
, I can have the complete
Instant Expert” package in my grasp within
minutes after I order.

Remember, if
you don’t get this package now because you’re not sure, the
price may be much higher when you come back to this page.

you may completely miss out on getting this package — because
I may decide to discontinue this offer at any time. And, once it’s
gone, it’s gone forever!

Those who
take action get rewarded. Grab this ‘private rights’ package now
and put your Internet profit machine on hyperdrive! Order

To your instant
online profits,


There are at least a dozen ways you can profit instantly
from this package. So, please don’t miss out on this incredible
opportunity. Take advantage of the insanely low price and start
pulling in the cash. Get it all now.

Remember… top marketing experts have paid $350 each for my 7-page
articles…and up to $1,200 each
for my short, 30-page ebooks! They are happy to pay me those fees
because my products make them money! But, you can
get my products for pennies on the dollar! Only through this

– Here’s another powerful way you can profit from this package. After
you order the package, you will be given a chance to join my private “By
Invitation Only” Affiliate Program and start earning a fat 50%
just by refering others to this site. With a generous 50%
payout, your commissions can add up fast! Start today!

: Every effort has been
made to accurately represent our package and its potential. Please note
that each individual’s success depends on his/her background, commitment,
desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no certain
guarantee that you will earn any money.

Copyright ©
All rights reserved.

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