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Microsoft Office 2016 download torrent

Microsoft Office 2016 Trusted uploader

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Microsoft Office 2016 ProPlus VL Ks64 Multi-June 17, 2017

* This version contains executable and executable ISO file svf.

* All eke files are created from the original ISO for each language.

* It works with SmartVersion,the program it calculates

* Differences between two files (one of which is used as a source)

* Then create an SVF file based on this difference.

* Hash values ​​and source data attached to a separate .tkt

* Updated 2017-06-28

Download the ISO source and the desired language

* If you want en-US,just download SOURCE ISO

Start an SVF file in the same folder as SOURCE ISO.

* This will extract to create ORIGINAL ISO, fully updated and

* in the selected language





































Carrier: KMSpico Portable Edition

* I hope you enjoy this release!

* Sincerely,

* Generation2 @ KAT, TPB 1337Ks

Microsoft Office 2016 C2R / 365 Multiple Language (k86/ k64) Multilingual Accessori Packet

About this edition

Edition: own compilation

Requirements: Office 2016 Click-to-Run / Office365

Includes: 102 access packs that are sorted by language (32-bit / 64-bit)

Compatibility: This package is incompatible with the release of Volume Volume 2016

Note: If you are usingVolume Volume 2016 license, use the Office 2016 VL Multi-Language Interface Pack

About the language extension package

You can then install a language assortment package to install Microsoft Office 2016 Click-to-Run / Office 365.

Additional Language Packs (PAP)

– Change the Office UI (bars,menus and commands) of several Office applications in the display language that you selected in the Microsoft Office 2016 language settings.

– Change the Office language of the help language that you selected in the Microsoft Office 2016 language settings.

– Includes spell checking, grammar check and thesaurus.

Whythis is a compilation?

The Office 2016 Office Accessory Pack is available as free downloads from MS.

However, the download link of this page is only for Office 32-bit versions. Links to a 64-bit PS are not available.

So I made this compilation that includes all the available languageAccessori Packages – ordered by language and architecture.

Compilation includes

Complete packages (40): show the selected language + Help for the selected language + Tools for the selected language

Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Dutch, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian,(Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin, Serbian), Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese

Partial packages (62); to appear in the selected toolsof Office + Proofing for the selected language

African, Albanian, Amharic, Armenian, Assamese, Armenian, Latin, Basque, Belarus, Catalan , Gujarati, House, Icelandic, Igbo, Ireland,isikosa, Isisulu, Canadian, Khmer, kinjaruanda, kisvahili, Konakani, Kirgiz, Luxembourg, Macedonia (FYROM), Malayalam, the people of Malta, Cirorius, Serbia (Cyrillic, Bosna) ) and SA Leboa, Slovenian, Sindi (Arabic), Sinhala, Tamil, Tatar (Cyrillic), Telugu, Turkmen (Latin),Urdu, Uighur, Uzbek (Latin), Valencia, Welsh, Wolof, Yuruba


Install / burn / remove ISO and install the desired language pack

Configure the office language

After you install the language extension kit, you need to configure Office for your new language preferences.

-Open any Office program, and then click File Options Language

– In the Select editing language section, make sure that the language you want to use is added to this list.

– If the additional language includes the language tool, the Check column is displayedInstalled.

-In the Choose Displai and Help dialog box, you can change the default view and the language is used by all Office applications.

– Restart all Office programs to bring up the changes.

– You can change the default language for all applications onOffice in the Office Setting Language Preferences dialog box.

Please SED for a while!

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Wondershare Data Recovery 6 FULL Download

Wondershare Data Recovery 6 Trusted uploader

Publishing site:

Data Recovery Wondershare + Crack / b]

The best and most complete software for recovering storage devices on computers. Restore files in 550+ formats from the storage to your computer quickly, safely and completely. Data Recovery Wondershare,Safe and effective software To recover data, remove lost video, photos, music, documents, messages, etc. From your computer’s hard drive, and from USB drives, external hard drives and other storage devices.


ModeMode master

Just follow the instructions. Answer the simple questions, then Wondershare Data Recovery will immediately find your lost files.


Effectively restore files from deleted, lost, corrupted, modified and formatted partitions in all fileSystems (NTFS / FAT 16 / FAT 32 / exFAT)

ForgotPayment file

Reboot formatted and deleted files with their original file names and path names

Hard recovery

It allows you to scan source materials on hard disk partitions and provide a previewAll recoverable files in real time, then only one click is required to delete lost files.


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CyberLink Media Suite Ultimate 15 64bit update Download

CyberLink Media Suite Ultimate 15 Trusted uploader

Thanks to Media Casting, more options for editing video and photos, full HD Screen Recorder, real-time video to the web Chemistry, online cloud storage, and more, CyberLink Media Suite is even better than ever!


leading the way

It is headed by PowerDVD, Worlds and MediaPlayer Worlds,and also includes PowerDirector winners and PC Mag Editors PowerDirector and PhotoDirector, as well as software for recording, which is more than computer brands, Power2Go, Media Suite -street before a pack.

an invalid value

Non-multimedia software should not adpravlyatsvashyyaLeft. Media Suite provides all the tools to edit, record, convert and play, that you need at a price that will listening to your credit card. Do not let your budget hold you back from disclosing your creative side.

All you need shtovam

If you needsoftware to meet the needs of your family, or if you are looking for a problematic solution, all-in-one solution for your multimedia projects, Media Suite, which you have covered 15 multifunctional products, packed in truncated pragramnypaket.

Media Cast to a large big screen

MediaCasting allows you to directly passes from PowerDVD on your TV through leading multimedia device for casting Roku, Apple TV your Chromecast. Enjoy a cinematic experience from the comfort of your couch with the software supply, yakoeaptymizavana for great on-screen displays

playbackBlu-ray, DVD ISO ins

Enjoy the entire collection of movies with the player. PowerDVD is not the leading Blu-ray and DVD-player, but now it also allows you to play movies directly from the ISO files on your computer

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SaveFrom net Helper 5 Download Free Torrent

SaveFrom net Helper 5 Trusted uploader

The contributor is an important software add-on as your browser. After installation, use services usually require more manual efforts to directly download videos and other social media websites to other media. It’s instantly added to global download sites such as YouTube or Facebook, as well as many sites in many places in Russia.

Cross compatibility

Many pomoschnikpodderzhivaet downloads sites are functionally nyaTapi not all. FacebookYou will find YouTube and Twitter offers on the platform LiveJournal, which is older and less popular in recent years. If you live or work in Russia, you can basically think of any site: Russia is more than just a list of places. But other sites such as Tumblr are not supported, such as Tumblr, are not allowed. In some sites, too, the download link can sometimes be small, it can be annoying.

On the web with computer

Damn lifeIt’s easier for people to often watch GIF and video, as well as watch their schedule keep them safe as they can be used as a response to the good or the image. This is what you most often use and you are allowed to spend nemnogovremya ready to train with them during the web, it can be said about anything bad

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FIFA 14.1 Portable download

FIFA 14.1 Trusted uploader

New FIFA 14 is introduced to improve the game elements, and add to the realism of the best football simulator for PC.

Pure form of truth

New features in this version are mostly concentrated in the game. It has a certain congruence with a large number of functions, intendedTo enhance the developer of the football match were not in the game.

Ealudio player with a lot of mass. The accuracy of the acceleration of the new movement, which is a function, sprinter, delay, direction change and how much moisture and realistic.

This increase is a reflection of the improvementControl the ball. The Shield site can support physical possession of the ball. It is profitable to store and dictate actions in the interests of peace.

EtiamNova version of the shooting and balfisika enter. Using the function of a clean shot, depending on the context, that is, players can bepaalDie the best place and angle forShooting at the target. The snapshots can be calibrated to within a millimeter, and a new track that you can see the effect of balfisika from various jobs and with reality, they are in tune with it.

Another contribution of carrot intelligence. This aspect was considered and the player in the presentTime playersludio real football, as nothing can be explained. Monthly and it is now easy to check the attentive back of the care line. Isallt thin visual signals are suitable for this purpose, in order to get you what options are available. It seems that this game will not be soMuch closer to the truth, since in many cases, the field. It is hoped that it will provide information to the player a more intuitive way of distribution, especially to those who are not familiar with the series.

EA’s office, in the appearance of the game consists of elements of hard quoddefensionis, with the introduction of the gameIn the dynamic pressure of the set rame.Van in judgment, no longer wheerfenders, which leads to a more reliable, younger momentum.

Competitor, as in a real game. So, the realism of the game makes for what is good?

DaarbenewensOm game plans, other new features that have been added to the more effectiveUse. Loopbaanmodus, for example, you can send young talents in search of staatswaarnemers of the world. You can profile a player looking at you, speciespecificare interact with the talent of scout karusiemodus through the menu.

For many new online game players, as they relate, EACO, launchedIn the era of online mode. The long-awaited face;

A new fun skill game in FIFA XIVnos (which seems to be the first time in FIFA 13), designed to teach and improve your technical skills. Now, when it’s not about emotional aspects of this project, dribbling raidsAt the design stage.

14 FIFA has finally found a new Whatis interface that is more useful and a new attractive design. In contrast, the training of the team management system is not included in the redesign.

Control in a realistic sense

Once in the field, and then showed his bestFIFA 14. Control elements are similar to the previous version, but in the sense that players run significantly improved.

The above mentioned shot chillies and precise characteristics, combined with the physics of Newball, and the game is better exponentially, leaving more time for youAnd show how the volumes of all exports are always in motion.

The same graphics engine, but more realism

AliudSicut dieWeergawes for PS4 and Xbox One the next generation of consoles and PC, CS 14, does not include Ignite’s new graphics engine. The PC version of the engine is updated with FIFA 13. Such as differingOf the graphics performance of the previous version, But the improvement in the physics of animation and carries a significant contribution to the increase does not deny recognition.


It’s not just electronic Artsrursus they can improve their game. Hardcore gamer focused on new game funksiesIs thanCasual player; And EA, judges and levels of realism in the game, there are those who have not yet been made in the eyes, and brought him.

Despite the development of the new PES, FIFA confirmed that 14 leaders also confirmed the best football match on the market.

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Feeding Frenzy Deluxe 5 HappyMeal 32-Bit Download Torrent

Feeding Frenzy Deluxe 5 Trusted uploader

Nutrition madness is eating or not being eaten action game for Windows PC.

If the movie “Finding Nemo” is your favorite shelf, already have a hint that will probably be the graphics and goals of this informal video game.

Just like in “eat 2” with the purpose of overcoming royal shark EDA. In order to do this, several seedians must meet. The only weapon is your stomach and the air is the limit for how you can яdete.Prosto be careful not to take something harmful or maybe jadetesami. Eat madness, thisDefinitely a survival of the strongest.

EetWaansin’s Deluxe version features a cartoon like images that kids will have fun, but some experienced players can find little taste for minors. The game is not osobenopredizvikuvachka, but it’s fun to see how your hero grows bigger while moving later. Because there is very little violence Feeding Frenzy, this is a wonderful opportunity for young children or people who do not want to do with bloody scenes during torn computer games.

foodMadness is a simple game that the kids will take, but can not hold a candle to games with a better graphical one more challenging game.

Nutrition Madness 2 is a colorful action game for Windows PC, which allows you to dive into the water environment.

Fanovitena “Finding Nemo” and even movies like “The Little Mermaid” will probably be fascinated by Eating 2, which brings players into the water world and is a variant of popular games such as dining frenzy Feeding Frenzy Deluxe.

Eat your purpose2 is about patch shark king. Dago to do this, you should avoid eating from different seedians who are constantly on the road you threw. LINE 5.9 The only weapon is your stomach, so eat as much as you eat or eat in the dark environment of nutrition Francis 2

Decatak love graphics inspired by the cartoon as well as a fast and furious game. You can collect power-ups to make some energy on the move. Also some fun users, to see that the hero’s stomach grows bigger, bidejkjitie alThe closer to the royal shark and the ultimate confrontation.

While the chart “eat 2” is cute, they can not impress experienced gamers. Both challenges can bъdatMalkodie hole for players of video games to a higher level. For povekjetodeca and even adults who do not want to face gore during game experience as Feeding Frenzy 2 is in place, however. Free PC Cleaner 4

Nutrition Madness 2 is a fun game whose challenge will delight children, but experienced gamers will be losing interest.


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Microsoft Visual C download torrent

Microsoft Visual C Trusted uploader

Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008, a series of libraries that allow applications created with C ++, to work on your computer. Version 2008 includes all the necessary components that enable the C ++ application to run until 2010, when he made his next update. Even sled2010 designed program can only work in the library in 2008.

Reduce the number of errors with your Windows device

If you do not haveOf Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 and / or later siblings takveKao 2010 and so on, your computer encounters an error will have an application or software just not working. C ++ is a programming language that developers use to create software. When making software they use the library as one that is based on cars using parts of another car generated by a car from the nulata. My library is gone, then as a builtVehicles have to try to do without the parts taken from other cars.

Every Windows računarMože to install

There are drawbacks to install clear versions of Microsoft VisualC ++ 2008on, especially if you build your own computer or restore old. If you’re worried because it’s not up to date, you can update it if your computer still encounters errors. The software can be useful forWith developers trying to organize programs designed in 2010 ..

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LINE 5.9 64-Bit download torrent

LINE 5.9 Trusted uploader

LINE – is a VoIP messenger application and platform for sending messages and making free voice and video calls, as well as having a Windows client, and you can do it all from your PC.

Free calls and news

PrimaryCell LINE – will help you communicate with your friends for free. Like Skype, Facebook Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger and many others, LINE allows you to send free text messages and chat with friends who also enjoyFrom this app; MozheshDazhe start group chats. LINE also includes the VOIP feature, whichallows you to make voice and video calls.

LINE aims to differentiate itself from the competition by adding features that will please young people. In addition to traditional messaging features and photo and sound sharing, the line includes a set of stickers that you can add to your conversation for some fun. These emoticons will explain the most boring conversations, and there isMany others that you can download.

Its features also apply to the timeline, which allows one’s life for all. Along with the news,so you can add photos to your followers to see answers to them.

Simple interface to focus on

The PC version is supplied with LINEz minimalist interface. Three cards give you access to your contacts list, ongoing conversation and new friends. The client is very simple to use and enterSistemuPPC client, all you have to do is scan the QR code from your smartphone.

If everything sounds too soft for you, do not worry, because there is always a shop that offers a small correction to the PC line.

LINE PC – a perfectcomplement to the mobile version. You can start a conversation on your phone and continue working on your computer.

Perfect extension to the mobile version

If you use LINE on your mobile phone, you can use the PC version because you can use the samefunction. This allows you to receive access to your LINE contacts and conveniently talk to them while you are at home and using your computer.

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XLS Viewer 1 64 Bit Daddy free download torrent

XLS Viewer 1 Trusted uploader

XLS viewer allows you to open files that have been recorded with other programs, such as files saved in Microsoft Excel. XLS view allows you to view files with XLS files (spreadsheets) without Microsoft Office installed and do not need to download them via the Internet konvertery.Tsepihak third, which can be installed quickly.

View and edit XLS files on your computer or laptop

The program has an interface overlay, which is very shodenKamdyzaynMicrosoft Excel, except that this program is a little less design expression. This tool membolehkanEdit destination to upload and store files XLS. It has a very small effect on the CPU (central processing unit), and it loads quickly and vstanovlyuyeduzhe. It runs on MS Windows 95 / NT / 98 / Me / 2000 / XP / Vista. The software runs on Microsoft .NET or higher, and you can make it berfungsidalam Windows 10 if you use the tool backward compatible to solutionsproblems that come with the Windows operating system.

smachnyyperehlyadach spreadsheet that you can use on your computer

The most important thing to think XLS is bahawaanda can set it as a tool on your computer, so you do not need to install Microsoft Office, to view the schedule elektronnyhyih insensitive to the table to load a web page to make it. Read font options and the fact that it seems that MicrosoftExcel easy to use if you are familiar withMicrosoft products.

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Five Nights at Freddy

Five Nights at Freddy's Trusted uploader

If you do not die of a heart attack while playing Freddie’s five nights then be prepared for the dreadful follow-up, which will take you back to the dreadful pizzeria in the world for another duty as a night watchman. If you think funk jumps in that first game that’s bad, wait till you give five nights at Freddy 2.

back to work

As in the first game, five nacheyna Freddy 2 see you assume the role of a security guard in a restaurant, while a weekSeven changes to qualify for the full game (including day shift, the first time), but it’s Only one small night that can be played in the demo.

You are placed in the control room as well as in previous versions. You must use surveillance cameras to monitor animatronic creatures and make sure they do not go to his office and make you die. Chasnyama door, to keep them away, that in the first confusing.

Instead, you are equipped with Freddy Fazbear bear mask,Which should soon whip and the place where one of the creatures goes. This will stop them from attacking you because they think you are one of them. You also have a flashlight that allows you to watch the passages to see what might come.


As many as 11 characters to be interpreted, and no comfort to have an office, which can be closed, you feel much more vulnerable to this. Five Night Freddy 2. Turning on the CCTV camera is quite simple, butYou need to quickly create a mask if you want to survive. Therefore, this game is much more difficult than the first five nights in Freddy, and you really need your wits about you if you want the jumping pazbegnutsapasenni – which, incidentally, will make you shout louder than ever.

In addition to the new mask character and mask, five nights at Freddy 2 adds a new feature where you can set up 10 of the animatronic characters, allowing you to adjust the difficulty level.This upping is the maximum for every generally do not give you a chance to complete the transition from your face still prykladaetstsau your head.

Bear Requirement

Graphically, five nights in 2 Freddie did not improve in the first game, and his style is very similar. Not too complicated 3D-graphics and animation is almost non-existent, but that’s fine, no problem. In fact, in some ways, that adds to the appalling charm of the game.

One of the things that made the first game so zhudasnageta sound effects, and fortunatelyFive Nights at Freddy 2 excels in this area as well. From the sizzling noise sounds weird pull of the camera, all designed to make you very – and rightly so. Hopefully the weak point is the music horse, who plays forever, will be built in tempo and intensity with every turn.

Play if you dare

Although on the surface it’s not vyglyadaeyak update from the first version, the gameplay is very different, to make five nights for 2 worth of playing Freddie. Be careful, it’s much harder than its predecessor,And the fear that makes you moan on the floor, like a child.

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