Creating Wealth Without Risk
You are about to discover a wealth secret that
Wall Street doesn’t want you to know…
Hello, my name is Steven and I’m going to detail a strategy used by investors and Wall Street insiders to exploit a “loophole” in the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill (TARP) allowing them to capture double digit profit rates of 16% to 36% – mandated by United States law!
Banks that took bailout money were supposed to use part of the taxpayer-provided cash infusion to help customers avoid foreclosure, but instead, many of them are using the tax-payer money to pad their own pockets!
As a result, the top banks are 23 percent larger than they were before the crisis. They now hold more than $8.5 trillion in assets, the equivalent of 56 percent of gross domestic product, up from 43 percent just five years ago. The banks now control 52 percent of all industry assets, up from 17 percent four decades ago.
Although the primary goal of the $787 billion bailout was to prop up struggling banks stung by the mortgage crisis, the government has criticized banks that took bailout money for not doing enough to help customers.
The federal inspector general monitoring the bailout issued a stinging report criticizing the banks.
The U.S. Treasury Department has taken steps toward holding the mortgage servicers accountable by pledging to withhold bailout incentive payments to three of the largest banks – Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and JPMorgan Chase.
Banks, Wall Street Insiders, and Hedge Fund Managers don’t want you to know that they are using billions in tax-payer bailout money to capture these double digit profit rates where they receive 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% guaranteed by United States law.
Once you understand this powerful wealth secret you’ll be able to cut out the middle men (banks, hedge fund managers, wall street insiders) and capture these double digit profit rates just like they are.
For decades Wall Street has been quietly using this strategy to build their financial empires…
They don’t want you to know this but for nearly 200 years they’ve been using your money to exploit this powerful investment strategy.
You see the bankers and Wall Street Insiders give you 1% to 3% with low-yield savings and CD’s. Then they turn around and use your money to capture double digit profit rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% – guaranteed by United States law! They’ve also done their very best to keep this powerful investment to themselves.
What’s more, this strategy is virtually unknown to all except a small percentage of the world’s wealthiest investors. Which is why it has attracted the attention of some of the biggest banks and hedge funds in the country including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Fortress Investment Group.
Here’s how it works.
In the conventional mortgage market, lenders typically insist that an escrow account be set up to cover the costs of real estate property taxes and mortgage insurance. However, the vast majority of subprime mortgage loans that were made before 2008 did not include an escrow account.
Some lenders and mortgage brokers used the lower monthly loan payment amount without escrow to lure consumers into believing that the loans were more affordable. Many homeowners wrongly assumed the new loan would also have an escrow account and did not know that they would be responsible for making tax payments directly to the local municipality.
As a result of the subprime mortgage meltdown, thousands of counties all across the United States have millions of dollars in outstanding property taxes. Communities rely on the revenue generated from property taxes to fund daily services.
Unpaid real estate taxes creates a serious cash-flow problem for cities and communities.
If local governments are unable to collect real estate property taxes, they are also unable to fund important government services like police protection, public schooling, and emergency medical services.
Recently, The National Tax Lien Association reported that annual property tax delinquencies are on the rise and total approximately $15 billion nationwide.
Politicians find themselves in a difficult situation, raising property taxes isn’t popular and could mean losing an election. The failure to collect on these past-due debts weighs heavily on their already-overburdened budgets.
Across the United States cash-strapped county and
city governments turn to investors for help.
To solve this cash-flow problem, local governments allow investors to pay off a portion of these delinquent property taxes. In return, investors receive a tax lien certificate which is a claim for property taxes.
Currently, you can buy tax lien certificates in the following states and cities:
When you buy tax lien certificates you are helping cities and communities. The money you pay to purchase these tax lien certificates generates the much needed revenue cities and communities need to pay for essential services.
Between $7 billion and $10 billion worth of tax lien certificates are sold to investors each year.
Investors buy tax lien certificates at delinquent property tax sale auctions. A tax lien certificate transfers all the rights that come with being the owner of the real estate tax lien from the government to the investor.
Investors effectively own a claim against the property until the property owner pays the county or municipality back or until they default on the debt entirely.
A growing number of counties and municipalities conduct their delinquent property tax sale auctions online making it possible to purchase tax lien certificates from the comfort of home. If purchasing them over the Internet isn’t your thing you can buy tax lien certificates through the mail. You can even walk into the county offices and purchase them over-the-counter.
With a lot of investments it takes a great deal of money to get started but this is simply not the case with tax lien certificates. County governments and municipalities sell tax lien certificates on all types of properties so you can find tax lien certificates that will fit most budgets. I’ve seen them range from as little as $6 at the low end to several million at the high end. You can even use your retirement account or 401(k) to purchase them.
Cities and towns would literally go bankrupt unless
someone buys these tax lien certificates.
When you buy a tax lien certificate, you are paying someone else’s delinquent property taxes. What’s more, the government actually gives you the right to receive all of the tax money due – including fees, high interest, and penalties.
To encourage tax-delinquent property owners to pay their past-due property taxes, the county charges them interest and/or penalties (think of it like a late fee), which is passed directly to the tax lien purchaser….that’s you!
Unlike Wall Street, state laws set the rates that counties can charge delinquent taxpayers and they can range anywhere from 12% to 36% per year.
Property owners who pay back what they owe, pay the county, which then repays the investor what they paid to satisfy the delinquent taxes, plus whatever interest rate was set at the time of the sale.
Unlike the stock market, these profit rates are fixed to stay high, regardless of the economy.
A lot of people have seen their retirement accounts evaporate with the ups and downs of the stock market. With tax lien certificates, you are mandated by law to receive profit rates of:
When you buy tax lien certificates you’re solving several problems. Communities get their much needed tax dollars, allowing them to fund daily services, property owners get more time to pay their delinquent taxes (usually 6 months to 4 years, this period of time is called the redemption period) and you get profit rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% mandated by United States law.
The redemption period can be rather short in some states. For example, a property owner in Arkansas has only 30 days to redeem after the sale, and in Delaware the redemption period for owners is only 60 days. The District of Columbia, Maryland and Massachusetts permit the redemption period to be foreclosed as soon as six (6) months after the tax sale.
When the county collects the past due taxes they mail you a check covering what you paid to satisfy the back taxes PLUS profit rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% which are mandated by United States law!
By law, real estate tax liens are senior to other liens including mortgages and deeds of trust.
By law, real estate tax liens are senior to other liens including mortgages, deeds of trust, judgment liens, and even IRS liens. Thus, because taxes are usually only a fraction of the value of the property, this makes the tax lien certificate a well-secured investment.
Since most property owners pay off their delinquent property taxes within a year and about 95% of the time back taxes are paid off within two (2) years you won’t have to wait too long to recoup your profits.
If the property owner does not satisfy the delinquent taxes within the period of time specified by state law (known as the redemption period). Then, the county has the legal right to give you the property – debt free with no mortgage!
Let me explain.
All across the country state governments have passed laws which make the real estate tax lien superior and senior to all other liens and encumbrances, including the mortgage.
Most states grant this “super-priority” status to property tax liens as a matter of statute while other states have reached the same result as a matter of judicial decision.
In the state of Florida:
“All taxes imposed pursuant to the State Constitution and laws of this state shall be a first lien, superior to all other liens, on any property against which the taxes have been assessed…“
– 2011 Florida Revised Statutes (Title 14 Ch. 197 Sec. 122
Just like Florida, all across the country individual states have enacted similar laws which mandate that tax liens are “superior and senior to all other liens.”
State laws authorize county governments the right to give you the property – debt free!
What happens if the property owner does not redeem the tax lien and pay the county their delinquent property taxes?
If the county does not receive the property taxes plus interest and/or penalties within the period of time specified by state law, then according to state law the county has the legal right to give you the property.
In return, all you have to do is pay any remaining property taxes and costs related with them (i.e. title and recording fee’s) at which point the county will wipe out any liens on the property including the mortgage (with the exception of New Mexico).
Keep in mind, about 95% of the time back taxes are paid off within two (2) years and about 5% of the time they’re not at which point state law grants the county the legal right to give you the property – debt free with no mortgage (with the exception of New Mexico).
I thought I would take the time to show you some real deals. I’m talking exceptional profits, the kind that could change a person’s financial condition fast.
The original tax lien certificate on this beautiful 3 bed 2 bath home was only $909.52 and it was acquired debt free with no mortgage and then it was resold for $40,000.
The original tax lien certificate on this 3 bed 1 bath home was only $430.45 and it too was acquired debt free with no mortgage and then it was resold for $65,000.
And the original tax lien certificate on this beautiful 4 bed 3 bath home was $2,797.45 and it too was acquired debt free with no mortgage and then it was resold for $175,000.
It’s important to mention that in the examples above these student investors did their homework, they were informed and knew the pitfalls from the very beginning. The last thing you want to have happen is for you to become the owner of a property ridden with problems which could end up costing you far more than your initial investment.
Banks and Investors have been profiting with
tax liens for years and now it’s your turn…
No doubt the idea of capturing profit rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% mandated by United States law and secured by real estate is exciting especially given the current conditions of the global economy.
Double digit profit rates secured by real estate are just two of the reasons why tax lien certificates has attracted some of the biggest banks and hedge funds in the country including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Fortress Investment Group.
The banks were dabbling in the tax lien business before the $787 Billion Stimulus Bill but they have ramped up their purchases since the crash of the housing market and bailout money became available.
Take a look at just one county in the state of Arizona. In the two years before the bailout, banks bought about $3.9 million in tax liens at the annual Pima County Arizona tax sale auction. Banks have bought $10.3 million at the last two auctions. Since the bailout, they’ve bought an additional $4.1 million in tax liens outside the auction (over-the counter).
Since the bailout, the banks have bought $16 million
worth of tax liens in Pima County, Arizona…
Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, US Bank, and Wells Fargo collectively have bought $16 million worth of tax liens in Pima County Arizona since the 2008 bailout.
The interactive map below will allow you to see the tax lien certificates purchased and the foreclosures processed by each Bank. You can get started by clicking the boxes next to the various bank names.
If you click on the tax lien or foreclosure icon a bubble will pop up to show you the address, the lender, the amount of the tax lien and what year the tax lien or foreclosure occurred.
The latest figures indicate that the opportunity to profit with tax lien certificates will continue into the foreseeable future. In fact, the National Tax Lien Association recently estimated that annual property tax delinquencies are on the rise and total approximately $15 billion nationwide.
There’s a fortune waiting for the taking with county-held tax liens (unsold tax liens).
As I mentioned above, it has been estimated that tax delinquencies are on the rise and total approximately $15 billion nationwide.
It has also been estimated that between $7 billion and $10 billion worth of these tax liens are sold to banks and investors each year.
There’s between $5 billion and $8 billion worth of unsold tax liens each and every year. Which means there’s still a lot of opportunity to get involved with the tax lien certificate business.
What happens with the tax lien certificates that are never purchased?
More often than not there’s more tax liens available than investors to buy them. In situations such as this unsold tax liens are transferred to the county.
These county-held tax liens are available for purchase on a first come first serve basis.
In a normal tax sale auction investors compete for the right to purchase each tax lien certificate. It is through this competitive bidding that the interest rate is reduced and the tax lien is sold to the investor willing to accept the lowest interest and or penalty rate they would receive in the event the tax lien is redeemed.
The great thing about these over-the-counter tax lien certificates is that you can buy them without having to attend the tax sale auction. Since you’re not attending the auction there’s nobody else bidding AND nobody else pushing down the interest and/or penalty rate you would receive in the event the tax lien is redeemed.
When you buy county-held tax lien certificates you’ll be receiving the maximum interest and/or penalty rate mandated by state law. What’s more you can buy these county-held tax lien certificates through the mail or the Internet. If you prefer a more hands on approach you can simply walk into the county offices and purchase them over-the-counter.
We’ve covered a lot, I think it would be a good time to stop and summarize this business.
In review, when you buy tax lien certificates you’re helping our communities by paying a portion of these past due taxes so they can continue to fund important government services like police protection, public schooling, and emergency medical services.
You’re also helping delinquent property owners by giving them more time to pay off their taxes (usually 6 months to 4 years), and when the county collects the past due taxes they mail you a check covering what you paid to satisfy the delinquent property taxes PLUS profit rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% – mandated by United States law!
As the owner of a tax lien certificate you have a first lien position on the property. This means the property owner cannot sell, refinance, get a second mortgage or home equity loan until you receive what you paid to satisfy the delinquent property PLUS interest and/or penalties.
If the property owner does not satisfy the delinquent taxes within the period of time specified by state law (known as the redemption period) then, the county has the legal right to give you the property – debt free with no mortgage!
Once you own the property you can do whatever you like; sell it for huge profit checks, rent it for monthly cash-flow, or if you like, even move in with no mortgage payment. The choice is yours, the property belongs to you.
Since 2001 I’ve been on a mission to provide accurate and authoritative information.
As I mentioned before, my name is Steven Waters and I’m certain you have a lot of questions. I’ve been in this business for over a decade. I can still remember my first tax sale auction and how excited I was to buy my first tax lien property. It’s hard to believe that was nearly 15 years ago. A lot has changed between then and now but one thing has remained the same; my passion for this business.
In 2001 I founded Tax Lien University with the sole mission of providing accurate and authoritative information so beginning investors could learn how-to profit with tax lien certificates.
From the beginning, I wanted Tax Lien University to be a different kind of company. I wanted a company that not only valued it’s customers and clients but was committed to helping them achieve their goals.
I’ve spent nearly 15 years of my life perfecting the steps and process for investing in tax lien certificates. Through our free newsletter and top-selling course Creating Wealth Without Risk™ I’ve helped nearly 100,000 people learn how to profit with tax lien certificates.
At Tax Lien University, we measure our success by the success of our students.
“I purchased 3 tax lien certificates at an Internet auction for Miami-Dade County, Florida. All three were buildable vacant lots in moderate income neighborhoods. The prices were: (1)$1,018.86 (2) $1,224.90 (3) $1,654.82. I got 18% interest on all of them. I placed 39 bids in total.“
– A. Hamad, Florida
Every day we go to work helping our students capture the tremendous wealth-generating power of tax lien certificates. We do this by channelling knowledge and value through our various educational products and services. It was true when we opened in 2001, and it’s just as true today.
With all the hype and misinformation out there it’s hard to know what is fact or fiction.
Over the last few years I’ve seen the various late-night infomercials and high-pressure seminars where the “guru’s” talk about how rich you can get with tax lien certificates.
They rarely take the time to point out the pitfalls because they are too busy exaggerating the benefits in order to sell a product or service.
Focusing entirely on the upside and neglecting the downside does more harm than good because it paints an inaccurate and distorted picture of this business. It not only confuses people but more importantly it completely misleads them.
Unfortunately, I’ve been on the receiving end witnessing first hand the damage resulting when a misinformed and mislead investor pulls the trigger and buys a tax lien on the wrong property. The excitement quickly fades once they realize they just became the new owner of a property ridden with problems.
Tax lien certificates are exciting but you have to know what you’re doing or you could lose.
Tax lien certificates can be a profitable investment and they have a lot going for them including double digit profit rates mandated by United States law and secured by real estate. On the flip-side, tax lien certificates can be a costly investment because there are some pitfalls which, if not avoided, could end up costing you far more than what you initially invested.
In my opinion, tax lien certificates are the ideal investment but you need to know what you’re doing so you can completely avoid these costly pitfalls including:
Since 2001 I’ve been on a mission to arm investors with accurate and authoritative information so they can bypass the pitfalls and profit, like Wall Street does, with tax lien certificates.
In an effort to promote the launch of my new home-study course, I’ve agreed to give away complimentary copies of my 4-CD Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Training Course (over 4 hours of instruction).
My hope is that people will see how much value I’ve packed into this program making the decision to get my complete Creating Wealth Without Risk™ home-study course (at an ultra-low promotional price of $27) a no-brainer.
As I mentioned earlier, I just put the finishing touches on my all NEW Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course. When I got started it was extremely difficult to find detailed information explaining how to profit with tax lien certificates. I can remember wanting to get started right away but not knowing where to begin.
In an effort to save you the time and hassle of recreating what I’ve already done, I’ve assembled all the steps, processes, resources, phone numbers addresses, laws, forms, contracts and things you need in my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ course so you can get started right away.
My Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course is not one of those teaser infomercial kits, it’s nearly 15 years of experience consolidated and packaged into this program explaining step-by-step (there’s 10 of them) what you need to know in order to purchase and profit with tax lien certificates.
With Creating Wealth Without Risk™ you’re getting a profit generating system that will guide you step-by-step through the 3 stages of the investment process.
I could make a list a mile long detailing every time-saving, pitfall-avoiding, and profit generating idea, strategy, and technique packed into Creating Wealth Without Risk™ but we don’t have time for that.
Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Manual ($97 value)
The Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Manual is the “meat-and-potatoes” of the entire course. It contains the foundational, conceptual, and practical strategies, tips, and techniques for purchasing and profiting with tax lien certificates.
Learn the foundational principles and concepts including which states offer tax lien certificates and which government officials you need to be working with!
- You’ll have my proprietary steps (there’s 10 of them) for purchasing and profiting with tax lien certificates. They were designed to move you through the 3 stages (Prepare, Purchase, and Profit) of the investment process!
- You’ll have and learn the various ways of purchasing tax lien certificates including the traditional oral bid auction, over the Internet, through the mail and over the counter!
- You’ll have and learn bidding strategies and techniques that will give you the upper hand over your competition!
- You’ll have and learn how to get the tax sale list of tax lien certificates and tax sale properties sent directly to you – saving you time and money!
- You’ll have and learn my proprietary due-diligence and research system so you can zero in on the deals with the biggest profits.
- Learn how to side-step the tax sale, avoiding the bidding process all together and so you can get the maximum profit mandated by law.
- You’ll also have access to my quick-start state-by-state summaries explaining the process for getting involved in all 50 states including rookie pitfalls.
- Access to my list of time-saving strategies and resources including research websites, phone numbers, spreadsheets, forms, contracts and much much more!
My Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course was designed to help you take full advantage of the tremendous wealth-creating potential of tax lien certificates. It’s not some teaser course but rather a complete A to Z guide for profiting with tax lien certificates!
Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – CD Course ($37 value)
If you’re like me, you’re busy and you don’t have a lot of spare time. Therefore I’m including Creating Wealth Without Risk™ on four (4) CD’s (you can even put them on your ipod or MP3 player).
Learn the entire step-by-step process of investing in tax lien certificates while you drive, exercise or travel.
You’ll have and learn the various ways of purchasing tax lien certificates including the traditional oral bid auction, over the Internet, through the mail and over the counter!
You’ll have and learn bidding strategies and techniques that will give you the upper hand over your competition!
You’ll have and learn how to get the tax sale list of tax lien certificates and tax sale properties sent directly to you – saving you time and money!
In audio one you’ll learn what makes tax lien certificates the ideal investment. Then, moving on with a discussion on the taxation process and the legal issues surrounding this incredible investment. Next you’ll learn the various methods for collecting delinquent property taxes. Finally, I wrap it all up with the discovery of your investment goals.
In audio two I provide a simple and straight-forward way for you to identify the best state and counties to begin your investing. This process is a function of several factors, of which, I will cover. Lastly, how to obtain an accurate and current list of tax lien certificates available for purchase.
In audio three, I present my super-simple risk-reducing research system. First, I review the tax sale list and the information it provides. Using your goals and the information provided in the tax sale list, we begin to narrow the list of available tax lien certificates down to the diamonds in the rough.
In audio four, you’ll learn the different methods of purchasing a tax lien certificates, including through the mail and over the Internet. Once you’ve determined the best method for purchasing your tax lien certificate, you’ll learn how to get registered and what paperwork and or forms you must complete. You’ll also learn the various bidding systems, including their strengths and weaknesses.
Tax Free Returns – Manual ($97 value)
In this exciting manual you’re going to learn how you can legally roll that under-performing 401K retirement account into a self-directed IRA allowing you to grow your retirement with the law-mandated rates you can only get with tax lien certificates.
In this manual, securities expert Jeff Desich of Mid Ohio securities provides a simple yet straight forward process to realizing tax deferred even tax free returns with tax lien certificates.
You will learn the benefits of a Self-Directed IRA relating to tax lien certificates and real estate in general.
You will also learn the exact mechanics of purchasing tax lien certificates and real estate with a Self-Directed IRA. This is the ONLY course of its kind and you cannot get it in bookstores. In addition, you will also learn the simple six step process of purchasing tax lien certificates with a Self-Directed IRA.
Finally, you will learn how to get started reaping tax deferred, even tax free profits with a Self-Directed IRA! Forms and worksheets are included ensuring you have all you need for keeping more profits and paying less taxes.
7 Days of Property Listings* ($9.95 value)
When you order the Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course today you’ll receive a 7 Day trial* ($9.95 retail value) to access the most complete database for property listings.
With your 7 Day trial* Access you’ll have the ability to search Live Auctions, Foreclosures, Pre-Foreclosures, Bankruptcies, FSBOs and Tax Lien Certificates. Refine search results to display listings based on price, city, zip code and the desired number of beds and baths.
In addition, enjoy access to such invaluable property information such as zoning classifications, lot sizes, tax assessments, property pictures (when available), aerial maps and driving directions. Pull detailed information about communities and schools surrounding investment properties and much, much more.
The National Directory – Manual ($97 value)
This is the most complete source for hard-to-find phone numbers, addresses, maps, and tools to help you connect with the best tax lien certificate states and counties.
Helps you quickly find phone numbers, addresses, maps and research tools to the best states and counties for profiting with government issued and real estate secured tax lien certificates.
The National Directory is a huge time saver. You’ll have the right phone numbers and addresses for the government agencies and officials who can get you hooked in with this incredible opportunity.
Features over 3000 county, municipal and local government listings, including addresses and phone numbers…all jammed in The National Directory.
Personal Strategy Session ($197 value)
Like anything new, purchasing your first tax lien certificate might seem a little foreign at first. In addition, you may have a lot of fears holding you back. I want to help you take those tough, but crucial first steps.
I simply refuse to let you miss out because you don’t quite understand something or you have a deal that you are not sure about. Listen, when I tell you that I am serious about your success, I mean it. I will not allow anything to stand in your way to getting that first deal done!
During this complimentary telephone call we will take time to understand where you are, help you identify your goals, resolve concerns, and create a detailed plan of action enabling you to realize your financial dreams. The value and more importantly the impact of such personal support far exceeds the investment in my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course and is priceless!
Real Estate Forms ($47 value)
The Real Estate Forms Pack is a comprehensive collection of real estate forms and agreements. It puts these must-have forms at your fingertips. Use the Real Estate Forms Pack to ensure you have the information and forms you need when selling and renting real estate. This collection provides an economical alternative to printed forms, allowing you to create unlimited forms in a variety of formats whenever they are needed.
This package includes some of the most essential real estate contracts and power forms you need to make your deals happen saving you time, hassle, and the cost of hiring an attorney to draft them for you.
From finding bargains, performing a market analysis, purchase contracts to rental agreements and more.
- Buyers Agreement
- Evidence of Title
- Inspection Check List
- Comparative Market Analysis
- Occupancy Agreement
- Personal Networth Inventory
- Property Profile
- Property Selection Grid
- Purchase Agreement
- Rental Agreement
- Rental Application
- Shared Appreciation Agreement
- Annual Property Operating Data
With these real estate contracts and power forms you can quickly and easily put them to use. Unlike traditional forms, you buy them, use them and runout. Since these forms are digital, you can find and print them as many times as you like.
Tax Free Returns – CD Course ($37 value)
When you order the Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course I will include Tax Free Returns on two ipod-friendly audio’s. While you commute, exercise, or travel you will learn the secrets of growing the profits generated from investing in tax lien certificates tax-free.
You will also learn the exact mechanics of purchasing tax lien certificates and real estate with a Self-Directed IRA. In addition, you will also learn the simple six step process of purchasing tax lien certificates with a Self-Directed IRA.
In audio one You will learn the benefits of a Self-Directed IRA relating to tax lien certificates and real estate in general. You will also learn the exact mechanics of purchasing tax lien certificates and real estate with a Self-Directed IRA. This is the ONLY course of its kind and you cannot get it in bookstores.
In audio two You will learn the simple six step process of purchasing tax lien certificates with a Self-Directed IRA. You will also learn how to get started reaping tax deferred, even tax free profits with a Self-Directed IRA! Forms and worksheets are included ensuring you have all you need for keeping more profits and paying less taxes.
Upgrade now and you’ll have everything you need to hit the ground running and secure your first tax lien certificate or tax deed property in record time.
My complete Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course includes the key time-saving, profit-generating strategies, techniques, forms, maps, contacts and resources you need to succeed with safe, certain, and high-yielding tax lien certificates.
Sure, you can figure this out on your own, but imagine how much of your valuable time you will waste trying to recreate what I’ve already done. Plus, I would hate to see you lose your shirt making a rookie mistake.
You don’t have to work harder, just smarter. Investing in tax lien certificates doesn’t have to be a “do-it-yourself” project.
Why reinvent the wheel? It will take twice as long to “do-it-yourself” when you could just get my
Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Course
With my complete Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Home-Study Course you will have my basic step-by-step system so you can profit with law-mandated rates of 16%, 18%, 24%, up to 36% and get your next home or investment property for as little as 2 or 3 cents on the dollar.
I know without question what an important opportunity this is for you, and how complete, systematic, practical, and fool-proof the materials are.
Starting today, you can make the decision to release a flood of wealth and prosperity in your life.
Starting today, you can use the strategies, tips, and techniques contained in Creating Wealth Without Risk™ to harness the incredible wealth-producing potential of tax lien certificates to transform your financial destiny.
Maybe you’re asking yourself, “What’s stopping me from learning this on my own?” The answer is nothing.
No doubt, you can figure this out on your own, but imagine how much of your valuable time you will waste trying to recreate what I’ve already done.
Plus, I would hate to see you lose your shirt making a rookie mistake. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, ask yourself what your time is worth to you. Be smart and leverage what I’ve done to your advantage.
People have paid thousands of dollars for these profit generating strategies
Here’s what I’m going to do, instead of charging $999.97 for the physical version of my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Home-Study Course you can get the download version of my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Home-Study Course for just $27.97.
Let’s face it, the profits from just one deal out weigh the profits from the sale of one course, which is why I am not going to charge you $999.97 for the course (though it would be well worth every penny at that price).
I love giving people a great deal. So, I am offering this entirely unique, immediately usable, and extremely simple Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course for only $27.97* (see pricing disclaimer below)!
Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Package Pricing Disclaimer
During the promotional launch phase of our marketing, my team and I can only guarantee the price of $27.97 through 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May th 22nd, 2019.
Please note: This pricing is only being offered during our promotional launch phase, and is closely monitored on a daily basis and can be changed at any time. However, we will honor the package pricing on all orders that we receive until exactly 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May th 22nd, 2019.
When, you order before 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May th 22nd, 2019, you’ll receive the complete Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course for the promotional price of $27.97*.
This brand new download version of my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Home-Study Course has the exact same content… the exact same A-to-Z money-getting tips and strategies… as the printed version of the course but obviously I don’t have all the costs to print and ship a 45-pound box of manuals, CDs, DVDs, and other goodies.
Like I said before, I really like giving people a good deal. When you order Creating Wealth Without Risk™ today I’m also going to include a copy of my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ 6 Video Quick-Start Course so you can put these powerful profit generating strategies, tips, and techniques to work right away!
Bonus 1: Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Video Course ($499 value)
I’m serious about your success which is why when you order Creating Wealth Without Risk™ today you’ll also receive at no additional charge my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ 6 Video Quick-Start Course – a $499 retail value.
In video one you’ll learn exactly what makes tax lien certificates such an attractive alternative to other more traditional methods of investing. Then, we’ll move on with a discussion of the tax foreclosure process, what it’s about and how it works and the systems that exist across the United States. Finally, we’ll wrap it all up with the discovery of your investment goals.
In video two you’ll learn the process resulting in how the real estate tax lien comes about what goes on at the county level thats results in the investment opportunity of tax lien certificates. You’ll learn about the county budget, the appropriation process, the tax levy, the role of the county assessor and the tax rate for meeting the county budget.
In video three, you’ll the learn what a tax deed is and how the tax deed sale process operates. You’ll also learn the strategies of investing in tax deed properties so you can get properties debt-free with no mortgage. You’ll learn the various processes of perfecting the deed and taking it to market so you can profit.
In video four, you’ll learn the different methods of purchasing a tax lien certificates, including over the Internet. Once you’ve determined the best method for purchasing your tax lien certificate. You’ll also learn various methods, aspects, and strategies of bidding giving you the upper hand on your competition.
In video five, I present my super-simple risk-reducing research system. First, I review the tax sale list and the information it provides. Using your goals and the information provided in the tax sale list, we begin to narrow the list of available tax lien certificates down to the diamonds in the rough.
In video six, yyou’ll the learn about managing your business including identifying your budget, resources, formulating your investment strategy, selecting your target state and county, obtaining a current tax sale auction list, finding bidding opportunities by performing your due-diligence. We will discuss various aspects of the registration process, make your purchases and managing your purchases.
Bonus 2: National Tax Sale Calendar – Lifetime Access
Finally, when you take action and order Creating Wealth Without Risk™ today, I will also include lifetime access to our National Tax Sale Calendar.
- Tax Sale Auction Date,
- Tax Sale Auction Location,
- Tax Sale Auction Type
The National Tax Sale Calendar is a huge time-saver. We update the National Tax Sale Calendar near the end of each month so you know exactly what, when, and where tax sale auctions taking place each month.
When, you order before 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May th 22nd, 2019, you’ll receive the Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course (digital download copy) so you can take it wherever you go – on your laptop, ipad, iphone, ipod or other tablet device AND you’ll also receive my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ 6 Video Quick-Start Training Course a $499 value and lifetime access to our National Tax Sale Calendar!
I’ll even give you a full 60-Days to review my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Course!
I’m confident that my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course has the strategies, steps, techniques and tips you need to get you started with tax lien certificates.
In fact, I am going to give you a full 60-Days to review my Creating Wealth Without Risk™ Home-Study Course and if you feel it isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, simply send it back and I’ll issue you a full no questions asked refund (less shipping and handling).
Safe, certain, and high-yielding tax lien certificates are the ideal investment and the Creating Wealth Without Risk™ – Home Study Course has everything you need to get started right away. With my 60-Day risk-free money-back guarantee, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Remember, I am only guaranteeing the bonuses for a limited time. I can’t make this offer forever. PLEASE (I’m asking nicely!) do not email me and get upset if you try to order and I am no longer including the $400 in FREE BONUSES.
Massive Success,
Steven E. Waters
Creating Wealth Without Risk™
Listen, you don’t have to take my word for it …
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Tax Lien University, Inc. is an educational organization, and individual performance depends upon the individual skills, time availability, and dedication of each student. Testimonials included may not represent typical results. Unique experiences and past performances do not guarantee future results. Tax Lien University, Inc. its owners, employees, and affiliates do not give investment or financial advice and are not licensed as brokers by or registered as advisors with any agency. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought.
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