For Sale By Owner Help.
From the Desk of Jim Edwards Dear Home Seller, Your chances of selling your house without an agent just got better than ever… If you want to avoid paying outrageous commissions by selling your house yourself so you can move into a larger house… or so you can make a larger down-payment on your next house… or if you would just plain like to hang onto your equity that you’ve worked so hard for, rather than just handing it over to a real estate agent… this may be the most important letter you ever read! I’m sitting here at my computer on a Sunday afternoon thinking about a time not too long ago when I was standing at a crossroads in my life… right where you probably are at this very moment. I wanted to sell my house so I could make a move I thought was vitally important to my career… but hiring a real estate agent was out of the question! To make matters worse… I actually had TWO (2) houses I had to sell in less than 45 days in order to make a move to Florida to take a job I really wanted. On top of all that I had just gotten married two weeks before to a wonderful lady I wanted desperately to please and provide for. Now at the time I thought I was lucky, because I had been a Mortgage Banker for about four years and thought I knew the real estate business as well as anybody… after all I had been involved in helping over 1,000 people make their most important real estate decision by that time, and hardly any of the agents I knew had any clue about business… let alone real estate. I figured if they could do it… I could do it! So I decided that if anybody could sell these houses in 45 days I could… boy did I have it coming! The first two weeks nothing happened. I ran ads like everybody else… and got the same results as everybody else… nothing. The only people who called me were realtors trying to see if I would list my house with them… and they proceeded to get mad at me for trying to sell it on my own when they had been sending me mortgages… go figure! They were mad at me for trying to sell my house without them… even though I knew there was no way they could meet my time-frame… besides I’d never seen one really earn that high commission anyway! Things were looking mighty bleak… I was running out of time! Then one night something happened I’ll remember for the rest of my life… and I want to stress to you that everything I am saying here is the honest-to-God truth. I have actually toned down some of the events in order to keep them completely believable! Like I said… I was running out of time. The job in Florida was going to close soon, and I had to have a contract on both houses within 2 weeks so I’d have a shot at closing them within 30 days after that. I went to bed on a Wednesday night after asking God to help me figure out what to do… and then drifted off to sleep. I woke up a little after 1:20 a.m. in the morning and sat straight up in bed breathing very, very fast! I had the “answer”. It was so simple, yet it was so powerful… I knew I had the answer! The next day, Thursday morning, my wife and I sat down and re-wrote the ad we had been running for the last two weeks. We actually raised the sales price of one of the houses, made some other changes to the ad, and called the paper so the ad would run in Sunday’s paper. Next we each got on the phone and made 10 to 15 phone calls to people we knew. Next I redid the flyers based on the inspiration I’d had the night before. I drove down to the copy store and had 50 made up of each. I gave some to my wife, took the rest myself and we both went to work. What happened next seemed almost like magic… but looking back it makes so much sense, I still want to kick myself for not thinking of it sooner! That night we got a call from one of my wife’s co-workers who had seen the NEW flyer I’d made up. The one slight modification I’d made to the headline and the terms we were offering set off a chain reaction of phone calls and events I couldn’t believe. That lady, along with one other called that night and made an appointment to see the house Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning rolled around and I showed the house to my wife’s coworker. She looked around for 5 minutes and said “I’ll take it!” She wrote me a check for her entire down payment on the spot… with ZERO price negotiations. She paid me full asking price without even so much as an argument! We filled out the simple paperwork and we were one house down… and only one house to go! The next morning was Sunday, and I was so nervous I couldn’t eat breakfast. How would the new ad do… would my flash of inspiration for the newspaper ad pan out… or fizzle like a match thrown in a bucket of cold water? The phone started ringing almost off the hook! Call after call after call! As soon as I put the handset back in the cradle, within 5 minutes the phone would start ringing again. The ad worked… IT WORKED! That day we made appointments with 7 people to come look at the house. We had the usual tire kickers of course, but the third couple that came through the door were the ones who bought the house. They had all kinds of questions, but we were ready for them (just as you’ll be ready after I’m done teaching you!) with financing information, closing information, the proper disclosures and a whole lot more. We made an appointment with them to return the following Wednesday to write the contract after he talked to MY banker… that’s right he was going to talk to my banker who was fully authorized to tell me everything I needed to know about this buyer’s financial ability to buy my house! They came back that Wednesday and we signed the deal… for FULL PRICE… and I knew it would go through because I knew… beyond a shadow of a doubt… that he could get the money because he had talked to MY banker! Both houses closed within 30 days from date of contract signing… and I got the job in Florida! About a year later I ran into a friend who was trying to sell his condo. He was pulling his hair out, and his marriage was really suffering under the strain and stress of trying to get one of their two houses sold. They had to sell because they needed to free up cash flow for renovations to their dream home. Two mortgage payments were eating them alive and things looked hopeless! I sat down and explained to them exactly how my wife and I had sold both of our houses, and the light bulb went off for him too! My friend change his classified ad using the technique I had used to sell our house that Sunday… and he ran his ad the next Saturday. He got 13 phone calls in two hours…. made 6 appointments and sold the house the next day… he sold his house THE NEXT DAY for FULL PRICE… without the first bit of haggling on the part of the buyer! The astounding thing is that two (2) Realtors had had the exact same property for over a YEAR and they couldn’t sell it with their multiple listings and caravans and big newspaper ads… but my friend sold it on his own (with a little advice from me) in ONE day! It was then I decided to do two things:
We got written up in some big newspapers and did some radio across the country too…
The Richmond Times Dispatch calls us “… a useful guide to the details of preparing and selling a house.”
Do you know how hard it is to get the newspapers to say anything good about anything… let alone a product that is going to make many of their advertisers really, really mad (realtors spend a lot of money on ads)!
When realtors saw these articles they went completely nuts. “How dare you!” seemed to be the first words out of every agent’s mouth… “How dare you take money out of our pockets and keep us from earning those high real estate fees!”
All these agents started flipping out over the book because they could see in a minute what a valuable tool it was and that it was going to take the easy real estate commissions right out of their pockets!
Needless to say I became very unpopular with other agents… but I DIDN’T CARE… in fact it was kind of fun to put them in their places and give away their “secrets”. Incredible as it may seem, most of them don’t even know, understand, or use what I’m going to teach you in this ebook… because they are too lazy to learn! Most agents just throw your house in the MLS and hope it sells… that’s it… all the promises about marketing most agents make are just a smoke screen! The only thing they have that sells a property is putting it in the MLS… the vast majority don’t do any meaningful marketing!
So now some time has passed and over the years I have helped literally thousands of people to make educated decisions about selling, buying and financing!
As a mortgage banker and real estate agent I have sold, bought, financed and represented MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars worth of transactions. I have seen it all, heard it all – “been there, done that” – and I have boiled it down to a simple system that – if you do what I tell you – you can sell your house – no matter what your local market conditions!
Let me say it again… This system MUST work for you… it doesn’t have a choice! If you do it the way I tell you… a buyer has to appear… just like the law of gravity states that a rock dropped from your roof must fall to the ground. It’s unavoidable… it can’t be screwed up!!
People just like you have used this incredible system to save the commission and move into a nicer home, make a larger down-payment or just plain hang onto more of their hard-earned money!
Here’s what just a few of them have to say about this amazing book, “Selling Your Home Alone”, that has literally changed their lives… Jim. My husband and I are so excited I had to write and tell you our good news! Thanks to your book we sold our house in a week for virtually full price ($176,200) and saved $10,572.00 in real estate commission! We were contacted on Saturday, showed the house the next Saturday and had an offer within two hours! (And 10 minutes after our second showing left the house.) What a whirlwind.
Thank you so much for writing such a good resource for those novices of us out here who need it! – K.T. Reynolds, O’Fallon, IL I bought and downloaded your package in January of this year and put my house on the market, without a realtor, in early February. Following the techniques in your book, I ran classified ads in two consecutive Sunday newspapers (that’s it – two $98 ads), had open houses, and had a contract in 13 days! I was happy with the price I got (the house sold in the $160,000 range), and I can’t tell you the satisfaction and confidence that came from doing it without a realtor. Now, this is a hot housing market, so I wouldn’t guarantee these kind of results for everybody. But I would say three things: 1. Buy the FSBO book. 2. Read it. 3. DO WHAT IT SAYS. Thanks. – J.R., Boonton, NJ I credit you and your book because If had not read it and had the plan laid out for me, I would never have had the courage to try myself. There are so many variables into taking on such a project that it overwhelmed me and left me a dazed and confused state. I really wanted to move to a nicer neighborhood and the only way to have the money to buy another house was if I sold this house myself. I hesitated out of fear of the unknown, but was also determined not to fail. When I saw your article in the Richmond Times Dispatch, I was thrilled.
Your book has guided me through the steps and I succeeded. I am working with a lawyer now for the legalities, and he is guiding me now step by step. I paid him a 140.00 to write the contract. I guess the cost of your book, web page update, add, and lawyer fee was under 200.00. If I had listed with an agent I would have spent roughly 5400.00. I am very happy and thank you. – K. G., Richmond, VA After receiving your manual, we followed the directions to the letter….
We had our first offer in three days. It was a contingency offer made with the help of the buyer’s realtor. I explained to him that I would not pay his fee and if he was going to be involved, the fee would be added to the purchase price and paid by the seller. Everyone agreed and a purchase agreement for our full asking price was signed the next day. My lawyer read through the papers and charged me $70.00 for this. We continued to show our home for the next 10 days. The same realtor brought another party in last Saturday. They gave us a full cash offer within an hour. We still had the contingency to deal with. The first couple sold their house the same day and will not take possession of our house in June. I will still have a lawyer fee tied in with the closing, but so far I have spent less than $600. This compares to the nearly $8000.00 that a realtor would have received as a commission. Thanks for your book and you web site.
– Bruce, Faribault, MN Thanks for your easy to understand manual.
It gave us the confidence we needed to sell our house in just 2 weeks, and without a realtor. – K.T., Garland, TX I sold my home in 10 DAYS! Jim, Just thought I’d let you know that I sold my home in 10 DAYS! I found a cash buyer (actually, he found me) and I sold it WELL above my personal minimum price.
– S.S., League City, TX
I’ve got pages and pages and pages of people just like you all over the country – in fact, all over the world, who have sold successfully and quickly using our easy and proven system for success!
Now I can’t guarantee that your house will go under contract this weekend… or that you will save $13,963 in real estate commissions. I don’t know you and I don’t know your situation. But I CAN guarantee that you will sell a lot FASTER with this information than without it!
I can guarantee that some people’s houses will never sell, because no matter how much I scream, yell, beg, threaten and plead… they won’t do what works!
I can guarantee that some people’s houses will take years to sell… sometimes because of things they can control but don’t do anything about (like price or condition)… or some things they can’t control like a nearby airport or nuclear waste dump!
I can guarantee that people all over the world have used my simple and powerful techniques to sell their houses as fast as possible based on their local market conditions by pricing their houses correctly and getting the maximum exposure possible in the shortest period of time… and that if you do exactly what I tell you to do… your house will sell! Worth over 150 times what you’ll pay!
The truth is – I don’t charge nearly enough for this book! How much is saving the commission worth to you? $5,000… $ 10,000… $15,000… MORE?
How much do you charge someone for information that is going to save them that amount of money for such a minimal amount of effort in comparison? $150… $300… $1,000… MORE? Would you pay $499 to guarantee getting $10,000 in return? (Say yes!) Wait… Don’t decide now!
You don’t have to decide now. Get the book and try it out for 30 days at no risk! If it isn’t everything I say it is… if it doesn’t help you to get your house into the proper condition… if it doesn’t show you exactly how to price your home for maximum profit … if it doesn’t guide you step-by-step through the escrow process and keep you out of all the pitfalls most sellers who even have agents fall into… then I don’t want your money! I’ll give it all back … no questions asked!
In fact, you can even keep all the free bonuses including the Special Report “How I did it!” for taking the time to review the book. You simply can’t lose! Get these Bonuses if you act Now! If you act today I’ll guarantee you receive the following bonuses: BONUS Special Report: HOW I DID IT I’ll reveal exactly how I sold both of our houses AND how my buddy sold his house in one day just by changing his ad! I’ll hold nothing back and I explain everything about each deal in detail.
BONUS Report – How to get FREE Property Listings Pages!
BONUS– Sample Forms Pack purchase my for-sale-by-owner book right now, “Selling Your Home Alone”, you also get instant access to our FREE Contracts and Sample Forms PAK.
BONUS– 25 minute “Live” Uninterrupted Radio Interview |
Radio Interview with FSBO Expert Jim Edwards Selling” Listen in to a recent radio interview I gave on a mid-west real estate talk show where I covered the “9 Keys to Successful Selling” and revealed tips, tricks and techniques on:
“An absolutely fantastic “quick-start” and motivator for any serious for sale by owner!” The only thing standing between you and a successful sale is the specialized information we’ll teach you in this course. Here’s how you get started:
All these tools for less than the price of a small classified ad in next Sunday’s paper! Try it Risk-FREE for 30 days! 30 Day, Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee: If you are not completely satisfied with the eBook “Selling Your Home Alone” – well gladly refund your money. Keep the Sample Forms PAK and the Bonus Reports as our gift to you just for trying it out!
Only a download “ebook” copy with instant access. WHY can you buy it now for OVER 50% off? – Because I don’t have to send you anything in the mail! There’s no tape to mail, no manuals to print, no postage to pay. You access everything online right now! Since I can make the same amount of money at this price I just pass the savings on to you and we both win!
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You are about to receive your immediate download codes and you will begin viewing this breakthrough program and start using it to get your house SOLD! To your success, Jim Edwards, Author “Selling Your Home Alone” & The TEN Dirty Little SecretsTM of Mortgage Financing
P.S. Remember, we are only offering the special price of $39 (regularly $97) for a short time! I can only guarantee you’ll receive one of the books and all the FREE bonuses if you order right away. So don’t delay. Act now while it’s fresh on your mind! P.P.S. – Not Sure about buying this great resource? At least download a free copy of the first chapter by clicking here. ====> First