Heart Health Made Easy: How To Lower Blood Pressure & Cholesterol

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From the desk of Lisa Nelson RD

Registered Dietitian

Wednesday 21 October, 2016.

Dear friend,

Have you recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure or high cholesterol?

If so, I’m sure it’s weighing pretty heavily on your mind, right?

I mean, anytime you have to deal with life-altering health risks such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol, it can become a pretty dark cloud hanging over you.

Worrying about whether you’re at serious risk for a heart attack or stroke… that’s NEVER something you want to deal with. In fact, did you know that high cholesterol. . .

It’s true. It’s no wonder it can cause worry, panic, and anxiety… and definitely get in the way of being happy and comfortable.

And because of your high blood pressure or high cholesterol, maybe you’re tired of feeling frightened about the possible health issues that may happen?

Maybe you’re fearful that you won’t be able to be as active with your kids as they grow up… or worse… that you won’t be around to see them grow up?

But it’s not like you haven’t thought about solving your problems, easing your worry and anxiety, and getting back to living a happier, less stressful life.

I’m sure your doctor told you that you can start taking medication to help reduce your risks.

And you know something; I do feel there’s a time and place for certain medications in our lives.

But for me… if there’s a quicker, easier, and more NATURAL way to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol…

I don’t feel you should live the rest of your life dependent on drugs, especially if there are natural alternatives.

Besides, do you REALLY want to deal with some of the dangerous side effects that are known to happen because of some of the cholesterol or blood pressure meds?

Things like insomnia, loss of memory, nausea, permanent kidney and liver damage, and decreased libido and sexual performance?

Look, the truth is… I’ve learned some simple techniques you can use in your daily life that can help lower your cholesterol AND your blood pressure… quickly, easily, and naturally.

All it takes is some fast and simple changes to your daily eating habits and a few other KEY lifestyle changes.

This way, you can see results a lot faster and you won’t be stuck with a lifetime of taking meds that have harsh, nasty side effects.

Now you can start living life with more comfort and peace of mind…. WHILE you save a ton of money by throwing away all those meds you no longer need!

Hi there. My name is Lisa Nelson and I’m a registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist, and recognized health expert on one of the top health forums in the world!

I have over 10 years of experience specializing in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol… as well as helping people lose weight.

I’m currently the lead health expert for The Health Central site, one of the top online consumer health programs. I’m affiliated with the American Dietetic Association and South Dakota Dietetic Association.

I also provide my tips and techniques to over 6,500 men and women through my online forums, educational programs, group coaching, and individual coaching.

I’m the founder and owner of the private practice Lisa Nelson RD, LLC… which offers support, education, and guidance for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Well, if you’re dealing with high blood pressure or high cholesterol and you don’t want to be stuck with taking expensive medications for the rest of your life, I can show you the exact steps you need to take to solve your problems.

After all, I know how you feel when you’re dealing with issues such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol. So you’re definitely not alone in this case.

I’ve heard from SO many clients each day who used to struggle with high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

And believe it or not, I’ve struggled with borderline high cholesterol since my early 20’s.

Even though I’ve been a very healthy and active person all my life… my cholesterol levels used to stay between 200-220 mg/dl.

Let’s just say I was dealt a crummy hand in the genetics department.

My grandmother died from a heart attack at 69 years of age, my grandfather also died from a heart attack, and another grandfather didn’t recover from his quadruple by-pass surgery.

There was NO WAY I wanted the same kind of outcome in my life… dying from a heart attack at a young age.

Here’s what I mean. Not only did I feel destined to solve my own issues with high cholesterol, I felt driven to help others as well!

I just knew I wanted to avoid dangerous or expensive medications by treating my conditions naturally.

In fact, I’ve spent most of my adult life learning about alternatives and proper nutrition for treating these health conditions.

I even received a double bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Exercise Science and became a Registered Dietitian because I was always interested in helping others overcome their health issues… quickly, easily, and naturally.

In fact, not only did I graduate with a dual major, I also graduated in the top 10% from an accredited dietetic program and then landed a highly competitive internship!

I guess you could say I was deeply focused on solving my own health concerns, as well as those that other people had.

I wanted to find ALL NATURAL things I could do, that were quick and easy, and that didn’t require me taking a lifetime of harsh, expensive meds.

In my years of schooling, I must have read hundreds of medical journals, books, and research reports on how to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

After years of research… after a ton of trial and error, I finally came up with a 7-step system that took my cholesterol from 220 all the way down to 161!

What’s more, I was able to maintain a blood pressure of less than 110/60!

Using the techniques I learned, I’ve been able to maintain a Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio of 3.3, Triglyceride level of 38, hit a high HDL level of 82… ALL while keeping my blood pressure at or below 110/60!

This had such an amazing and positive effect on me; I decided to start my own private practice back in June of 2007.

These days, clients from all around the country come to see me when they need to lower their cholesterol, blood pressure, and lose weight.

And now, you too can learn the simple techniques I used to lower my cholesterol to 161 mg/dl and keep my blood pressure at 110/60.

By the way, it didn’t involve prescription drugs, over-the-counter treatments, or ANY other expensive or harsh drugs.

And now that I know exactly what it takes… you can eliminate trial and error and spend your time and energy on what actually works.

These techniques will help you start living a life without the worry and anxiety that can come from having high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

For example, did you know that within 3 short days of eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, omega 3 can penetrate the arterial plaque to slow the rate of plaque build-up AND reduce the risk of plaque rupture, damage to the artery wall, and sudden death from heart attack, stroke, or arrhythmia!

It’s true! Omega 3 fatty acids also help blood vessels relax and results in reduced blood pressure and a decrease in stress on your artery walls!

So simply by adding fish, flaxseed (must be ground in order for your body to use the omega 3s), and nuts and seeds, you can almost instantly reduce your risk of stroke or heart attack!

Like I said, I learned many tips and techniques you can use to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels… quickly, easily, and naturally!

That means you can live the happy, healthy life you deserve… and you can have more peace of mind knowing you’re not dealing with these health issues any longer.

Ever since my discovery, I’ve helped thousands of people lower their blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

And I’d like to share some real-life success stories from real people just like you… people who have used my techniques to drastically lower their cholesterol and blood pressure, and do it naturally in a lot less time.

Lowered My Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks to the Delight of Both Myself and My Doctor

lower blood pressure

“I have lived with high blood pressure for many years and tried so many things to get it down I was coming to the end of my tether. Not being really overweight I still tried everything like exercise and walking every day. As a result I found I had an over active thyroid that could have killed me. I don’t put added salt in my meals and I try to eat healthy. At the start of August this year I was scheduled to have a total hip replacement and was devastated to find that due to my high blood pressure (176/133) I could not be operated on. I had been waiting for years on a list and I really needed help.

This is when I went on the Internet and sent cries of help and thanks to Lisa Nelson RD who was determined to help me I was on my way to recovery. I realized that I needed to be careful with my food and look out for hidden salts. I cut down on sugar and eliminated things that Lisa had suggested. As a result, and to the sheer delight of both myself and my doctor, I was able to go through with the total hip replacement.( four weeks later)

My blood pressure remained so low (89/40) throughout the procedure and for the next week that I was able to recover quicker. I have only had my surgery done less than a week ago and am feeling terrific, not only is the wound perfect but I have minimal bruising and am having loads of movement. I totally recommend anyone having problems with high blood pressure to follow Lisa Nelson RD’s carefully organized plan. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. All I can say is thank you so much Lisa, keep up the good work:)”

~ Janet Duff

Working with Lisa is One of the Best Moves I Could Have Made!

Cholesterol Help

“I found Lisa’s website on the internet and decided to take a gamble and sign-up for a Mini Diet Makeover. The whole time my wife thought it was a bad idea and I knew she was just waiting to say “I told you so!”, but I went ahead and finalized the purchase – one of the best moves I could have made! Lisa has been a GODSEND.

I have to say that I am very impressed with Lisa. She is very knowledgeable and a true professional. Lisa sincerely thinks that she can help me and I believe that also. With my willingness to change and her expertise I think I can lose those thirty pounds and hopefully more before my next trip to the cardiologist office. I’m down 20 pounds and if I continue like this I will be close to my thirty pound goal!”

“I’m 66 years-old with many health problems, including high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, and high cholesterol. I also struggle with my weight, which has drastically increased. My cardiologist wants me to lose 30-50 pounds before I have open heart surgery in 6-8 months to fix my aortic stenosis. Before working with Lisa I didn’t know what to do. I had cut back on foods so much I was barely eating anything, but my cardiologist didn’t believe me because I wasn’t losing weight. I now know that I do have to eat a certain amount of calories to keep my metabolism in a fat burning mode (plus exercise). I had always heard this, but my light bulb didn’t come on until I signed up for the Mini Diet Makeover. When I started reading Lisa’s comments in the Mini Diet Makeover I finally “got it”. That’s why I wish I had found her website a lot earlier than I did.

My first impression is that the Mini Diet Makeover seems like a good sensible plan I can stick to. I’ll have to push myself to get everything accomplished. My life could very well depend on it. I wish I had found this plan a few years ago. I have a feeling of confidence that I didn’t have before. The Mini Diet Makeover has helped me a lot and I’m getting more encouraged since starting the Balance Program. I still have a long way to go, but I find myself paying more attention to what I really need to eat as opposed to eating anything I want. I am looking forward to losing a lot more weight over the next six months and beyond.”

~ David Craig, Retired, Madison, NC

Blood pressure dropped from 150/90 to 130/80 in just two months!

“I wanted to share some great news with you. I had my checkup with my cardiovascular doctor yesterday and my blood pressure, which was 150/90 two months ago, dropped to 130/80!!! The doctor was clearly impressed and asked what I had been doing, as he rarely sees folks being able to reduce their numbers. I told him I had been following the DASH diet and increasing my daily physical activity with running, cycling and a 30 minute walk at lunchtime. His response was “well you certainly don’t need a cardio doctor!”

A big thanks goes to the material you provided which educated me on what I needed to do.


~ Jeff Jennings

Lowered Cholesterol in Just 3 Months

lower cholesterol in 3 months

“In just 3 months I have lowered my cholesterol from 7 down to 5.8 (Australian measures). My hdl is higher, ldl lower, triglycerides are good. The c reactive protein test and homysystene, lipoprotein were all in the normal range. My risk of heart attack is less than 5%, so thank you, I am so glad I googled lowering cholesteral and got onto you.

Thanks for your guidance.”

~ Wendy Burrows, Queensland, Australia

Lowered Total Cholesterol Over 75 Points in 3 Months

lower cholesterol 75 points

“At the beginning of November 2009 I signed up for the e-course How to Lower Cholesterol in 8 Simple Steps. At this time my cholesterol was high at 271 with an LDL of 220, HDL 51, and triglycerides of 155. I have a family history of heart disease. My mother has high blood pressure and takes medication for high cholesterol. Over the past 3 months I have implemented the steps outlined by Lisa. I have lost ~30 pounds (from 205 down to 175 lbs.) and I had my cholesterol rechecked the end of January 2010. I was delighted with the results! My total cholesterol has dropped below 200, my LDL is down to 132, HDL up to 54, and triglycerides dropped to 47!

I continue to follow a healthy diet with regular walking. I feel the best I have in years and look forward to seeing my next lab results!”

~ Dennis Daniel, Textile Management, Atmore, AL

Information Definitely Works – and in a Short Time Period!

“I just want to thank you for your e-lessons and steps on how to Lower Blood Pressure and also how to Lower Cholesterol. Since doctors are not the patients partner in health – only in illness – it is you who’s the partner in health.

Lowering Blood Pressure was for me and Lower Cholesterol was for my husband. Your information definitely works – and in a short time period! Not even medications can do that. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. You are most honorable.”

~ Lore Tarrance, Keller, TX

My blood pressure is down and medication cut in HALF.

lower blood pressure

“I have been on the meds since May 2010 after a fibroid surgery. It’s been frustrating because I never had HBP prior to the surgery. My blood pressure is down from 128/80 something to a range of 103-109/75 because I have added potassium, calcium, and omega 3 fish oil to my diet!! Thank you soo much! I have been able to cut my medication in HALF!! (Done in about 30 days!! Maybe less because I didn’t start tracking my blood pressure again until last week!)

I start working out this week next! I am hoping that I will be able to completely come off of it within 6 months once I start adding exercise. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! (Can’t believe my Family physician didn’t remind to keep taking it after I was discharged!)”

~ Tracey Mitchell, Age 42

Clear and Succinct – Extremely Helpful!

lost 10 pounds

“I have found your information and advice extremely helpful and have been able to lower my cholesterol and maintain healthy levels by following your guidelines. As I receive your messages, I store each one in my “Lisa” file for future reference. I feel very fortunate to have discovered your website and am grateful for your responsiveness as well as the depth of your knowledge, which you offer to your readers in such a clear and succinct fashion.

I think you are wonderful!”

~ Diane Moss, DianEdits, Woodside, NY

My blood pressure is now 120/80 mm Hg.

“I’d been monitoring my blood pressure and it was higher than 15/10 cmHg most of the time. I followed all of Lisa’s recommendations and suggestions to lower blood pressure – exercising, healthy eating (low fat and no added salt), and eating more fruits. My blood pressure is now 120/80 mmHg. I’ve never had to take medication. Thanks a lot for your help.”

~ Houshang Razban, Technical Worker, Iran

Excellent Advice – More Thorough Than My Doctor

“I have received your “Lower your Blood Pressure” e-course and find it very helpful, excellent advice – am working with your suggestions. I can snack on nuts, GF pretzels (Glutino brand) with sesame seed instead of salt (delicious!), nuts, fresh and dried fruits and fresh veggies such as carrots and celery or very thin raw slices of larger veggies. It is interesting that eating smaller amounts but more in lieu regular meals is actually helpful

My husband has high cholesterol and no food allergies along with his elevated blood pressure – drinks a lot of milk (I can drink almond milk but use it mainly for preparing foods here). I need to know what I can do to help him lower his cholesterol.

I also signed up for your heart healthy tips. We both take blood pressure medication: I take 20mg lisinopril and he takes 5mg terazosin and metoprolo for his high blood pressure. So the “Lower Your Blood Pressure” e-course works for each of us.

I don’t believe I wrote a paragraph about how good you are, but I should have. Your advice is excellent and more thorough than my own doctor gives me. Thank you again.”

~ Lore Tarrance, Retired, Keller, TX

Much Needed Help and Encouragement

“As I completed this course I’ve made changes in my diet. One of the biggest changes is in sodium. I was reading labels prior to reading your e-course, but now I am being extra vigilant.

Thank you for the course and for the time-line of 4-6months. I have seen improvements already, but will try to be patient. I really needed the help and the encouragement that the e-course gives.”

~ Pauline Glenn

A Long Way From First Diagnosis

“I wanted to let you know that I gave blood today. Part of the screening is the blood pressure. Mine read 118/76 ? That’s a long way from when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure. Thank you for all your efforts!”

~ Don W., Systems Administration, San Antonio, TX

Taking Your Blood Pressure Advice and It’s Working!

DASH diet

“You told me about the DASH diet and it is working. Not only did it bring down my blood pressure, but I feel a lot better. I have a long way to go, but I’m sticking with it even when my blood pressure is low enough. I hope you continue to write about healthy eating, because I’ll be right there taking your advice. Thanks again!”

~ Jack Donais, Pet and Livestock Sales, Priest River, Idaho

Great Course for Anyone Trying to Lower Blood Pressure

lower blood pressure

“I found the Free E-Course to be very useful. I am putting into practice the things I have learned and would recommend the course to anyone needing advise on Lowering Their Blood Pressure. Great Course!”

~ Pat, Office Manager

Pertinent, Pithy and Practical

“Your info is pertinent, pithy and practical. As opposed to medicine-taking, it is also cost-effective. I am discussing your ideas with my physician and she is very interested in the outcome. She is supporting me all the way.”

~ Robert Kibuuka-Musoke, tendotours.com, Uganda, Africa

More In-Depth Than Any Other Source

lowering blood pressure with DASH diet

“Having been recently diagnosed with high blood pressure I was searching the internet to find out more about it when I can across your site. What I learned here is more in-depth then any other article I have come across. Thank you so much!!”

~ Liz Suber, Pittsburgh, PA

The Results Are Amazing

“The ecourse 7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure was good for me. Just learning I had high blood pressure the ecourse made me aware of the risk and has been a great help to moderate myself over the past 2 weeks.The results are amazing. My blood pressure was 170/100 and I’m now usually around 120/80. I feel healthier. Also, back to playing on alternate days and regular brisk walking for about 45 minutes in the evenings.”

~ Mark D’ Almeida, IT Professional, Bahrain

Easy to digest.

“I found your E-Course easy to digest. The language is clear and concise. I appreciated the fact that I could easily read each email quickly without getting tangled in a lot of medical terms and didn’t need to wade through pages and pages of information. Thank you.”

~ Patricia Jarvie, Retired but active community volunteer

It really worked.

“Thanks for the inspiring way of learning how to lower blood pressure. On the first occasion, I didn’t know whether it would work, but to my surprise after following the instruction it really worked. I am happy to say that I keep to the system. Thanks very much.”

~ technician

Tips & advice have been very beneficial.

“My husband had a minor stroke at age 47 due to high blood pressure. He’s made a full recovery but it’s one of the scariest things he’s ever been through. He’s finally making dietary changes to lower BP & cholesterol. Your tips & advice have been very beneficial.”

~ anonymous

Easy to Follow and Very Helpful

“The 8 step e-course is in itself very explicit, easy to follow, and contains very helpful information I was not aware of before. I have made many positive changes since completing the e-course, such as drastically decreasing my alcohol intake, walking everyday, avoiding high fat and oily foods, eating more fruits and veggies, and having oatmeal for breakfast. Thanks a lot! You have changed my way of living. Very positive and I feel I will attain my objective.”

~ Rama, Beau Bassin, Mauritius

My numbers improved a lot.

“Thank you for these tips [7 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure ecourse]. It’s only a week since I read your course and my numbers improved a lot. My worries of selecting food to eat is eliminated. I am also sharing this to my family.”

~ Charito

Data I need in one location from someone who knows what they’re talking about. . .

data in one location

“I was able to find much of the same info contained in the eCourse online, (although it is mostly in scattered bits as opposed to all in one place like what you have offered), during the same search that led me to your services. However, it’s difficult to know which info to trust, (some is actually contradictory and confusing), among all of those varying viewpoints. What you have done is excellent! Having all of the data I needed, in one location, from someone who obviously knows what they’re talking about and isn’t trying to sell me the latest “miracle” supplement is exactly what I was looking for.”

~ Tim W, Maintenance Mechanic, Seattle, WA

Steps Towards a Healthier Lifestyle with Your Help and Encouragement

Healthier Lifestyle

“I have never told you how grateful I am of your newsletters. I read every one and attempt to follow some of the suggestions. I pretty much am struggling with almost everything you discuss. In February when I went in for my first physical (yes, I know…..34 and first physical) I was told I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar (borderline). The doctor put me on high blood pressure medicine and told me that he would hold off on meds for the cholesterol to see if I can bring it down on my own within six (6) months. In September I go back to have all my blood work checked again.

I have taken baby steps toward a healthier lifestyle with the help and encouragement of your newsletters. I starting riding my bike 6 miles twice a week in June, then extended my route to 13.5 miles twice a week in July and now I am going to attempt to ride three times a week at 13.5 miles a trip. I eat more fish and salmon (at least once a week). I have also adjusted my vitamins and supplements. I am keeping my fingers crossed that these changes will make my test results better.

The older I get the more I realize how important it is to take care of ourselves.”

~ Elizabeth Hall, Legal Secretary, Salina, KS

Raised my HDL 10% in 1 Month

“This was an enlightening guide and would love to have seen more information. More information on the efficacy of supplements would have also been helpful. As a result of the information here, I raised my HDL cholesterol by 10% so far in the past month.”

~ Alan A., QA Engineer, Phoenix, AZ

Letters I can refer to again and again

“I thank you so much for the good work you have done in my life and so many others who have taken this course. I really appreciate what I have learnt and hope to keep all the letters and often go through to make sure it guides me as to what to take and what not to take. I really appreciate them and am grateful.”

~ Charles Fefey

Great info to incorporate more omega 3’s into my diet. . .

omega 3's

“This e-course contained great info about omega fatty acids: what the different kinds are, what they do for you, how much you need, and how to increase them in your diet. It made me check the kind I have in my frig and consider how I could incorporate more into my diet. Thanks for the info!”

~ Freya R, Mother, Bozeman, MT

Very Encouraged and Thankful I Followed Your Advice

“I would like to thank you and the Cholesterol Network. In November of last year, I found out I had high blood pressure and an extremely low HDL level (15). I was 39 and had not been to the doctor in over 5 years, so I was really worried about the damage that I might have done. I had no idea how to turn things around, but I knew I had to if I wanted to live through my 40s. I found this site, started excersizing daily, doing everything you suggested, lost 12 pounds, and taking the drugs perscribed by my Dr (Lisinopril 20MG and Simcor 500MG).

This morning, I got the results of my lipid profile and found my HDL was 31 and LDL was 120. I still have a ways to go, but I am very encouraged and very thankful I followed your advice. I can’t tell you how much your encouragement has helped. Thank you!”

~ Joe Wortman, Software Developer, Lake Milton, Ohio

My Eating Habits and Lifestyle Have Changed

“This was a great course and I learned many things. Because of this course my eating habits and lifestyle has changed. I am so excited to have now started doing the thing that I thought was most impossible for me to do. Thanks!”

~ Betty

This Will Be A Great Reminder

“The information is very helpful to me. I am now becoming more aware of my calorie intake and the importance of nutrition and daily activities to help lower blood pressure. I am new to this but I know that it will be a great reminder. Thanks for the info about promoting a healthy heart and lowering blood pressure. =)”

~ Elementary School Teacher

Reliable Information that Saved Me Time

“I have found your course very interesting and have worked hard on lowering my blood pressure without medication. I feel strongly that doctors push drugs when they should be concentrating on other ways. I’m looking forward to going back to my doctor in 2 weeks time with a lower pressure and without medication.”

~ Val, printer

Tremendously Helpful in Short Period of Time

“I’m looking forward to balancing my intake through the mini-makeover so I can stop looking to ‘diets’ and start living a healthy ‘lifestyle’ plan. You and Lisa both have been tremendously helpful already in the short period of time I’ve been in the NewU Support Group. Thank you!

~ Cindy, Marketing Manager, Illinois

Highly Informative Insight

“A very highly informative insight into my cholesterol condition. I’ve managed to get my cholesterol level down from 17.4 to 7.9 mainly due to going into the detail from your e-course and looking more at what I eat. I wanted to thank you again!”

~ Geoff Hazells, Plumber, United Kingdom

From 184/114 to 125/84 in 4 weeks.

“I have readings for the past 3 days without taking Amlodine and all readings are within normal limits or lower.

My lifestyle has changed. I rest more, am more relaxed, and I now drink more water. I believe my blood pressure will be managed by natural means and not tablets. I will be working with my doctor, as well as praying.

Thank you for your help. My blood pressure was 184/114 just 4 weeks ago and this morning its 125/84 (sitting) and 117/75 (standing).”

~ Joyce

Easy to Understand, Practical Information

“I found your e-course very informative, concise and to the point. It did not take up a great deal of time yet gave a broad overview of the situation. It was easy to understand and was packed with practical information. The response time to my questions was great and very professional.”

~ Stephan du Toit, Wine Maker, South Africa

Really Enjoy the Great Information You Provide

“I’m a big fan! I’ve been receiving your newsletters for a while now and really enjoy the great information you provide. I so wish I could meet with you face to face. I need a total body makeover! Not only do I have Diabetes Type II, but I also suffer from Hypothalamic Obesity due to a brain tumor I had at the age of 16. I have no working hormones, so thereefore I suffer from numerous problems, including extreme fatigue, and have a really hard time taking good care of myself. Over the years I’ve developed high cholesterol, extremely high triglyceride levels, and most recently high blood pressure. I live in fear every day that I’m going to die of a heart attack. If you ever need a “test patient,” I’m your gal.”

~ Kathleen Dunagan

Common Sense, Practical Approach

“This is great information and exactly what I was looking for. I appreciate the common sense practical approach you have to nutrition.”

~ Brian M, Financial Advisor, Olathe, KS

Easier Than I Thought

“I have made the changes necessary, your course has been very helpful and I am so glad I asked for your help. It has been easier than I thought which is GREAT! Hopefully the results will reflect in my lab tests scheduled for early April. Thanks so much for your help…wonderful that you are so committed to your work to look after folks via Internet.


~ Petra

Excellent Resource Material

“I really appreciate the tips and our very knowledgeable and informative instructor. The wealth of information shared will definitely increase life expectancy of many who have this illness. I will revisit this site when I receive the next status update of my cholesterol levels. Thank you so much for providing this excellent health resource course. My cholesterol levels were borderline in my last checkup. Thank you again for helping me to reduce the bad levels and increase the good levels. Again…excellent resource materials.”

~ Unknown

Very helpful for controlling cholesterol levels

“I have received your e-mails from time to time. These are very helpful to control our cholestrol level increasing HDL and decreasing LDL and Triglycerides. I am very thankful to you personally and your department for sending e-course free of cost. Again bundle of thanks.”

~ Muhammad Farooq

Looking forward to my next checkup to see the numbers drop

“I have been trying add some exercise in my daily routine… A bit of skipping and amazingly my breathing is no longer laboured, and am making sure I have an apple and some nuts… Thanks so much for tips am looking forward to my next check up hoping to see the numbers drop… Thank you!”

~ Anonymous

Managed to Get My Blood Pressure Down

“Thanks for all your help Lisa, I have managed to get my blood pressure down and I have lost a couple of kilograms. I am now getting ready for my surgery in Sept thanks again I couldn’t have done it without you:)”

~ Janet, Perth Western Australia, Creche Supervisor

I liked the conciseness that you presented the facts…

experienced advice

“I have been a health addict for years and knew most of what you presented, but the refresher has been good. I liked the conciseness that you presented the facts in as well as the explanation of HDL and LDL along with Triglycerides and how they all interact with each other. It has given me a new perspective toward reducing the latter two and increasing the first. Thank you for that!”

~ Richard

Very informative and gave me a new perspective…

“I LOVED this ecourse and am extremely happy I signed up for it. It was very informative and gave me a new perspective and ideas that I have been currently trying. Thank you so much!”

~ Kimberly Joviak

Well worth my time.

“Excellent course; Prepared and presented in an informative and professional manner. Well worth my time. The medical professional has a wealth of knowledge in the areas heart health and BP management.”

~ Bill Jumper, Retired

Educational and inspirational.

“I greatly appreciate your email advices which were both educational and inspirational. They clearly cover the important basic pointers to remember and be aware of and easy to follow, which have given me inspiration and a desire to keep my blood pressure and other medical conditions in check.”

~ Anonymous, Administrator

And you’re about to learn the same simple yet powerful breakthrough I discovered that helped lower my cholesterol and blood pressure to incredibly normal levels… without drugs and without expensive supplements.

Believe me, I spent years of study and trial and error trying to figure this out. I researched thousands of hours’ worth of nutritional information to learn these techniques.

And what took me YEARS to learn… you can now learn in an HOUR.

You see, as I shared my results with friends and family… and as I also shared a lot of my clients’ success stories… more and more people kept telling me ” You just HAVE to put your tips down in a book so you can help other people out!”

So that’s what I did.

I wrote down all of the information I personally used to get my cholesterol levels from 220 to 161, while maintaining a blood pressure of 110/60… as well as helping hundreds of clients lower their blood pressure and cholesterol to healthy levels as well.

I put it ALL into a course that contains a 125 page guidebook and MP3 audios.

Family physician

This new course is called “Heart Health Made Easy: Master the Basics to Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for a Longer, Healthier Life”.

This program includes over 125 information-packed pages that show you the simple, practical steps you can take to lower blood pressure, decrease cholesterol levels, and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Just imagine… not having to worry about which medications to take. Imagine having more energy than ever, being able to do all the activities you want to do.

Whether it’s going hiking, going for a walk, playing golf, gardening, playing with the kids or grandkids, or anything else you like doing… you’ll have more energy and peace of mind.

Lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol will allow you to get your life back and enjoy all the things you MIGHT be worried about doing when you have high blood pressure or cholesterol.

Without a doubt, the thought of having a heart attack or stroke can weigh heavily on your mind and could even prevent you from doing certain activities you enjoy.

Well, I’m going to show you how to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels, without using medications, so you can get back the active, healthy and happy lifestyle you want and deserve!

  • Make informed decisions regarding your treatment plan.
  • Learn which foods will decrease your heart disease risk in just 3 days!
  • Decrease your dependence on medications or completely get rid of them.
  • Make the necessary adjustments to the foods you eat for the greatest results.
  • Unlock the puzzle to permanently lowering cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Learn how to lower your bad LDL cholesterol and raise your good HDL cholesterol.
  • Discover how to reduce your triglyceride levels and also lose more weight as a result
  • Help you regulate blood sugar levels, which can help in cases of diabetes risks.
  • Find out how to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke!

It doesn’t matter if your high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure is from genetics, stress, or poor nutrition; you’re going to learn how to lower your levels quickly and naturally.

My techniques are simple, they only take a few minutes a day, and you can start seeing results in as little as 7 days.

What’s more, you can get rid of all the expensive medications that cause some pretty nasty side effects.

This is by far the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels… and do it naturally so you don’t have to deal with those side effects from prescription meds.

Since I’ve compiled all the steps into one easy-to-use program, you’ll have all the basic steps you need to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels dramatically, and in less time.

Step 1 – How to Know if You’re at Risk for Heart Disease, Make Informed Treatment Decisions, and Live a Longer, Healthier Life

Step 2 – What You MUST Know About Healthy Fats For Lowering Cholesterol

Step 3 – How to Drastically Lower Your Blood Pressure by Limiting One Mineral

Step 4 – How to Improve Your Blood Pressure with Three Critical Minerals

Step 5 – How to Lower Triglycerides by Tackling the Two Biggest Risk Factors

Step 6 – How to Use Omega 3’s to Reduce Heart Disease Risk In Just 3 Days

Step 7 – Simple Steps to Lower LDL Cholesterol with Dietary Fiber

If you’re newly diagnosed with high cholesterol and/or blood pressure and don’t know the next step to take, you should use this program.

If you want to prevent high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease from happening in the future, you should use this program.

If you don’t want to use expensive, harsh drugs that have nasty side effects, you should use this program.

If you don’t want to search for the answers yourself, but want the information you need easily and quickly accessible, all in one exact place… you need this program.

Can you imagine? No longer having to search for the answers any longer?

That’s a great feeling. You’re going to feel a giant weight lifted off your shoulders.

  • Find out exactly what steps and actions you need to take today in order to start lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol in the shortest time possible!
  • How to quickly and easily understand your blood pressure and cholesterol results and what they mean for your overall health.
  • How to best work with your doctor to further investigate your health situation, so you can find out if your treatment plan is the best one for you.
  • Learn if your numbers indicate a need for medication or if a simple lifestyle and diet changes are all you need.
  • Understand the link between triglycerides and total cholesterol… and how it can make a huge difference in your day to day life.
  • Learn why increasing your knowledge will help you make informed treatment decisions and reduce your heart disease risk.
  • Know precisely what dietary changes that will have the fastest, most effective impact on your heart health.
  • Apply this easy to understand, practical explanation of saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats immediately to slash cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Use a simple checklist to analyze your typical foods and make quick adjustments to avoid major heart risks or implications.
  • Discover exactly how to balance four critical nutrients – sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium to drop blood pressure levels quicker than anything else.
  • Learn how to enjoy wonderful restaurant meals without ever worrying about cholesterol.
  • Learn a quick and easy system to assess the foods in your kitchen and eliminate heart clogging fats.
  • Learn what simple modifications allow you to enjoy your favorite home-cooked meals and desserts without compromising flavor or health.
  • Learn simple balancing techniques to enjoy the foods and beverages you love without elevating triglycerides or cholesterol levels.
  • Understand the different types of fat, fatty acids, and dietary fiber and their effect on total cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Learn the exactly right level and type of omega 3 fatty acids to dramatically improve heart health in just 3 days.
  • Find a specific comprehensive list of omega 3 sources to boost intake naturally for a healthy heart.
  • Identify the essential level of omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber you need to add to your diet everyday (and how!) to significantly improve cholesterol and blood pressure to reduce heart disease.
  • Get a clear outline and plan of action to increase omega 3 fatty acids and dietary fiber naturally to see results.
  • Discover the must-have information before selecting and buying an omega 3 supplement.
Financial Advisor

Decreased total cholesterol, LDL “bad” cholesterol, and triglycerides

Financial Advisor

Increased HDL “good” cholesterol

Financial Advisor

Reduced plaque build-up in your arteries (lowering your risk for heart attack or stroke)

Financial Advisor

Increased energy

Financial Advisor

Reduced blood pressure

Financial Advisor

Drastically reduced heart disease risk

Financial Advisor

Healthier, longer Life with less worry, stress, and anxiety!

Well, let me ask… how much COULD you spend on a lifetime of drugs to lower your blood pressure or cholesterol?

Thousands? Tens of thousands?

Not only that, but what’s the health risk and implications from years of taking those harsh, dangerous drugs?

What if you learned techniques in this course that helped you lower your blood pressure and cholesterol… and do it quickly, easily, and naturally?

What would that be worth to you?

I know from speaking with many of my clients, it would be priceless to have a life with no more worry and anxiety that comes from dealing with high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

It’s nice to be able to get back to living your life again.

Look at it this way: The amount of money you invest in this program will be tiny compared to the money you’d spend on expensive drugs or supplements over the years.

And wouldn’t it make more sense to reduce your blood pressure and cholesterol naturally anyways, without having to worry about the side effects or cost of these dangerous drugs?

I’ve been able to naturally lower my own blood pressure and cholesterol… and KEEP it low for years now. Not only that, but I have a healthy, thriving private practice that helps clients each and every day to do the same.

Because I was able to put this information into an instantly downloadable format, I don’t have to be there in person to teach you this stuff. So I don’t have to charge the normal fees that my private practice clients have to pay.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d love for you to come see me. But it’s not cheap. To cover all the information in this program in person, it would take 10 hours and cost well over $1,200.

But since I don’t have to be there in person, and since I offer this as an instantly downloadable ebook, there are no shipping or printing charges. This way, I can pass the savings on to you.

If you order today, your investment in this proven system for lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol is now only $279.00 $67

For the same cost of a gourmet coffee each day for a month… you’ll learn the exact techniques my clients and I use to lower blood pressure and cholesterol!

Would you trade a coffee each day for a month in order to reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure, get rid of the worry and anxiety it can cause, and just plain feel better?

Bonus #1: (Value $49.00): Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane Answers Your Questions

Cynthia MDDr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane answered 17 top asked questions related to heart health. If you’re not familiar with Dr. Shelby-Lane, she’s the current president of the American Association of Women Emergency Physicians, board certified anti-aging specialist, and emergency room physician for past 23 years. She’s also been on Oprah more than once!

You’ll receive the entire interview – 43 jam-packed pages – filled with valuable information related to blood pressure, cholesterol, and heart health!

Bonus #2: (Value $27.00): 3 Top Steps to Promote Heart Health for a Longer, Healthier Life

aduio & transcript(MP3 & Transcript)A 60 minute interview between Lisa Nelson RD and Liz Copeland where you are taken through three simple steps to promote heart health and reduce heart disease risk. This bonus provides valuable, practical steps you can implement immediately. You receive download access to the entire audio mp3 interview, along with a full pdf transcript. Listen via your computer or portable audio device.

Registered Dietitian

You know, I’ve already proven this program can help you lower your cholesterol and blood pressure to normal levels. I’ve done it and so have hundreds of my clients.

So I’m confident my techniques will work for you as well.

But I really want you to feel absolutely at ease with your decision. That’s why I’m going to eliminate all worry for you by letting you use this program at my own expense!

Here’s what I mean! Go ahead and invest in this course right now and take a full 8 weeks to try it out.

If you don’t lower your blood pressure and cholesterol to normal levels, if you’re not able to finally get rid of your expensive and harsh drugs, if you’re not absolutely thrilled with what it’s done for you… I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

That’s more than a guarantee, that’s a personal promise.

So you have an important choice to make here… a choice that could make the difference between improving your health and improving your life… or staying exactly where you are, dealing with the same exact health issues.

Sure, you can go on a lifetime of expensive and harsh drugs, but do you really want to spend thousands of dollars? And do you really want to deal with all those harsh side-effects?

So, go ahead and take action. Use my course to lower your blood pressure and/or cholesterol levels naturally, and for a lot less money than you’d spend on medications.

This is something you can do for you AND your family. Your family deserves to have you around, and to be healthy.

And you deserve to be happy. You don’t deserve the worry and anxiety that can be caused from having health risks like these on your mind all the time.

So please, don’t procrastinate and “think about it”. With just a click of the button below, you can be reading the important information I learned over the years that has kept me and thousands of my clients at very low blood pressure and cholesterol levels for years.

I can honestly say that this is in your own best interests.

In a very short time, you can have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels back down to normal and you can be rid of the worry and anxiety… and instead, have the happiness and peace of mind you deserve.

When you’re happy and comfortable… you just feel a WHOLE lot better in your day to day life.

And you know something… you deserve this. It’s important that YOU’RE happy!

So go ahead and take the next step. Click the link below, order, and then download the entire program in PDF file and MP3 file format, so you can read and listen to the program anywhere!

Downloadable $67 Program



Lisa Nelson RD

Lisa Nelson

Registered Dietitian

Licensed Nutritionist

P.S. If you want to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol in the fastest and easiest way, and also do it naturally, this course will do it.

I’m going to show you the exact steps and specific directions you can take with your daily nutrition and activity so that a lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels are a natural result.

P.P.S. And remember, there’s absolutely no risk for trying this out.

If my techniques don’t work for you, if you don’t get your blood pressure and cholesterol levels down to normal, if you’re not 100% happy, you can get your money back quickly and easily. So don’t you owe it to yourself to at least try it?

Why keep worrying about your blood pressure or cholesterol? You don’t need that extra stress or worry when you’re dealing with health conditions like those.

You owe it to you AND your family to be healthy… so you’re around for a long time.

I promise, once you get your levels down to normal and you’re no longer worrying about your health, you’ll have more peace of mind in all areas of your life. You’ll feel better than you ever have… you’ll be HAPPY more often!

So order now while it’s fresh on your mind!

Downloadable $67 Program


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