High Converting Offer From Joe Vitale!
What’s the real secret to removing hidden inner blocks so you can have preferred results?
What’s the truth about the Law of Attraction, anyway?
- At last! – You can now start clearing the unconscious limiting beliefs in you that have prevented your attracting all you desire!
- Just listen to The Clearing Audio™. You don’t have to do anything in particular except relax. You can even listen while you surf the net, rest, or work. Let the audio do the rest. It’s really that easy.
- Order The Clearing Audio™ right now and begin to release and actually erase your hidden blocks to the wealth, success, happiness and all that you desire!
- Does this honestly work? (It’s guaranteed.)
- How does it work? (See below.)
- Keep reading for the surprising proof…including why some people haven’t been able to attract money (until now) and how the universe really works…!
From the E-Desk of Dr. Joe Vitale
Wimberley Texas, Planet Earth
Dear Friend –
You probably know I’m in the movie The Secret – the hit movie that is teaching people around the world about the Law of Attraction.
But far too many people see it, try it and say it doesn’t work.There’s a reason for that. And the movie doesn’t explain it.
So let me explain it…
How the LOA Really Works
The Law of Attraction (LOA) is as real as gravity. I’ve already proved this in such books of mine as The Attractor Factor and The Key, and in my audioprogram, The Missing Secret.
The thing is, the LOA works on an un-conscious level.
That means if you have counter-intentions within you, those intentions will get manifested instead of the conscious intentions you really want!
Stay with me on this—
Say you want more money.
You state the intention “I now attract more money into my life.”
You sit, meditate, feel the good vibes of having more money.
But—the money doesn’t come.
Why not?
Most likely because in your unconscious mind you have beliefs such as—
“Money is evil.”
“Money will attract problems.”
“Money will make me a selfish person.”
“Wanting money is greedy.”
“Rich people are snobs.”
If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you’ll attract any money?
In truth, you’ll attract NOT having money.
Because your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is bad”) will veto your conscious intention (“I now attract more money into my life””).
Is it any wonder some people say The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?
It’s only $9
Hi Joe,
I just wanted to share with you since I bought the clearing audio just 48 hours ago (yes 48 hours ago) I feel more calm, less stressed about life and my business and the really neat thing is, I wanted to test this theory of setting the intention and listening and doing the inspired action that followed, this is a really big deal so stay with me.
I am a work-a-holic, my intention was to make 1000 thousand dollars easily and effortlessly, I listened to the 20 minute audio, I finished with the session and the inspired thought came to me to take time to play with my newborn son that everything is taken care? Not sure where that thought came from as it is not me, well we played and played and played and finally I put him to bed last night around 7pm and decided to check my emails before watching my NASCAR race, at 6:49 pm I received an email from my system saying that I had a new sale and that sale was for guess what 1,000 thousand dollars :-)
I am ecstatic and I am looking forward to cleaning and clearing on a lot more issues. This one tool ties everything together and makes it work beautifully…Thank you so much
To your and my success,
John and Chystal Pate | www.ConnectwithJohnPate.com
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How the Universe Works
In my book The Key, and in my audioprogram The Missing Secret, I use the following diagram to explain how the Universe works:
Joe, I just want you to know that I am positively stunned by the effectiveness of the Clearing Audio. I downloaded them, dropped them on my ipod and used the binaural music track during my morning meditation, I was not only charged with positive energy, but I had amazing and inspired new insights for product ideas, AND I had several inbound requests for big time joint ventures. Wow. But that’s not all. A little later in the morning I ran it again while I was training (exercise). UNBELIEVABLE results, more energy, more power, faster recovery. It is my new secret weapon. You’re amazing. Thank you!
Steve Little | California
Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening.
The roadblocks are gone.
You’re clear.
But how do you get clear?
After all, the unconscious limitations are un-conscious!
So how do you find them and erase them?
I’ve been developing different ways to help myself and others get clear for years now. They include Miracles Coaching, my books, my events, DVDs and more.
All of those work, but not everyone can afford them.
So I created The Clearing Audio™.
What does it do?
It’s only $9
The Clearing Audio™ is a breakthrough in personal growth.
It is original music and original statements by me, a certified hypnotherapist and, well, a “master belief cleanser.” :)
The combination of spoken commands and original music, combined with some high-tech binaural sounds (Milagro VF™), creates a unique audio that speaks to your unconscious mind.
The music is easy listening, relaxing, and de-stressing.
You can play it while you work, drive, rest, exercise or even sleep.
You can listen to it once a day, once every few days, or whenever you feel inspired to play it.
Regular use is best, of course, because it will continue to clean those hidden blocks. (I’m listening to it as I write this.)
We made the audio months ago but wanted to keep testing it to be sure it works.
Boy, does it!
I’ve listened to it on a regular basis and noted my energy went up, my productivity went up, my creativity improved, and I achieved more goals easier and faster.
And I was already doing pretty good!
Now it’s your turn.
Hi Joe,
The Clearing Audio has been very powerful for me. While listening the first time yesterday I came up with an exciting business idea. I immediately took action on registering the domain name. I put the audios on to fall asleep to last night and had to get up and log back into my computer to register another domain. I finally turned them off so I could get some sleep!
I think they are magical!
Thank you for a powerful and simple cleaning tool.
Fran | fran@theposperitywhisperer.com
It’s only $9
Order The Clearing Audio™ right now. Download it to your computer or iPod or any other player, and listen to it.
That’s it.
I still suggest—no, I insist—that you set intentions and take action, but now you’ll have The Clearing Audio™ to remove those hidden blocks in you so you can actually achieve your intentions.
Think of it.
Now you can use the Law of Attraction in a conscious, directed way.
The secret formula for success is simple:
- State your intention.
- Listen to The Clearing Audio.
- Act on the Inspirations you get.
It’s only $9
- With the affirmations spoken by Dr. Vitale–out loud–so you can hear them.
- With the same affirmations delivered directly to your subconscious.
- With just the inspirational music.
To make sure you get the most effective results, we’re including three different forms of the Clearing Audio™.
You can immediately download all three audios.
It’s only $9
Just a note to let you know how beautiful this audio is. I have been looking for something like this for the past few years.
Back in the 60’s Jose Silva with the Silva Mind Control developed an audio with sounds that slowed the brain to 10 cycles per second which is the alpha state. The second sound on the audio slowed down the heart. Together it sounded like an old washing machine. But it worked and was a fast way to put a person into self hypnosis.
I have heard the one put out by [another company] but the sounds upset my hearing and were harsh.
This is beautiful.
Eunice |
Your Guarantee: If you’re not happy any time within 8 weeks from your purchase, let me know and you can have your money refunded—all of it—no questions asked.
There’s nothing else to say except try this for yourself. The investment is tiny but the return could be abundantly miraculous.
Why not order The Clearing Audio™ and see for yourself?
After all, what if it really works?
Order Yours Now!
Yours for Success,
Dr. Joe Vitale
Author of way too many books to list here
PS—The Clearing Audio™ won’t take away your will to do anything or replace earthly action.
You still have to set your intentions and take action.
But now, with The Clearing Audio™ on your side, you’ll be able to easily remove those blocks to your wishes.
Order it and let the magic begin.
PPS—I’ll be blunt. You know you’ve attracted some things easily but other goals have seemed impossible or difficult.
Why were some easy and others hard? The Law of Attraction works all the time, so the difference must be IN YOU.
Again, if you have blocks and beliefs that don’t agree with the intention you state, you won’t achieve your intention.
You must get clear.
The easiest, fastest, most cost effective way I know how to do this is with The Clearing Audio™.
You may be skeptical about it, but what will you achieve if you don’t at least try it?
Order it and test it for yourself.
It’s only $9