How To Grow Your Consciousness And Spiritual Mastery
For those ready for clarity, inspiration and Divine guidance around Consciousness, Empowerment, Growth of Awareness, Earth Changes, the Akashic Records, and Spiritual Mastery!
* Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow Children? * Am I/ my kids Indigo’s? * How to Recognise ICR children * Suggestions for dealing with difficult Indigo’s * Relationship to Autism, ADHD etc? * Why are ICR children coming in now? * What is the big picture? |
Indigo Crystal & Rainbow Child |
* What are Twin Flames/ Soul Mates? * Why Twins don’t recognize each other? * Difficulties with Twin Flame relationships * How to Recognise your Twin Flame * What if I can’t meet my Twin Flame? * Why are twins meeting now? * What about existing/other relationships? |
Twin Flame/Soul Mates |
* Frequently Asked Questions * History of the Cards * Major Arcana Meanings * Minor Arcana Meanings * Number Value Meanings * Meanings of the Suits and Seasons * Basic Spreads * Bonus Manifesting Spread |
Beginners TAROT |
* All about Acupuncture * What are the treatments like? * How long do treatments last? * What ailments does it treat? * Guidelines, Safety, etc * Comprehensive and informative * Try it – you will like it! |
Acupuncture |
* All about Aromatherapy * What are essential oils? * How are they used? * How long do treatments last? * What ailments does it treat? * Guidelines, Safety, etc * Comprehensive and informative * Try it – you will like it! |
Aromatherapy |
* All about Ayurveda * How is it used? * How long do treatments last? * What ailments does it treat? * Guidelines, Safety, etc * Comprehensive and informative * Try it – you will like it! |
Ayurveda |
* All about Reiki * What do the symbols mean? * Where and how is it used? * How long do treatments last? * What ailments does it treat? * Guidelines, Safety, etc * Comprehensive and informative * Try it – you will like it! |
Reiki |
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