That’s about as fair as
it gets, don’t you agree?
But I tell you what
I’ll also do to make this the best investment you ever make. I’m going
to throw in some free bonuses which could literally turn you into a
marketing wiz in a matter of days.
So if you grab your
copy of “How To Make Money Scrapbooking” right now,
here’s what I’ll throw in (and yes these are worth more in dollar
terms than the whole book):
BONUS #1 – 101 Scrapbooking Tips
This 106-page
e-book is something every serious scrapbooker should have – you’ll never
be lost for ideas with this resource by your side. For instance, you’ll
What you need
to start scrapbooking (and the best news is, you don’t need
much more than these few essential items … and they won’t cost you
the earth!)
The simple
materials you can get your hands on for next to nothing and
without going to a supply store, but which make your scrapbook look
simply sensational
Do you know
what “weaving photographs” is? Tip No.19 reveals what it is and
how you can use it to create a 3 dimensional artist look in your
The simple way to create fake “wax seals” in your layouts
(incredibly effective and creates a beautiful finish, but use Tip
No.26 and you won’t have to get your hands anywhere near messy hot
Ever wondered how
to make a “pop-up window” – yes, just like the ones you see in
children’s books? No problem – Tip No.60 tells you exactly how to
do it … and it’s super-simple too
Tip No.86 reveals
how to get that “rusted metal” look – that adds so much character to
your designs – WITHOUT
the rusted metal (wait till your friends see how you
do this – they’ll be kicking themselves for not thinking of this
trick themselves!)
And that’s just a
fraction of the 101 tips you get in this fully downloadable ebook. What
could these ideas be worth to you over the years as you use them to
power your scrapbooking business?
The ideas contained in
this special ebook bonus will become the backbone of your business, and
help you turn your customers into your biggest fans.

Click Here To Order
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And that’s not all!
Because order now and you also get more sensational bonuses – but this
time to help you look after the
of your business (the very thing which keeps it afloat!)…
VALUED AT $348.00!
See, knowing how to be a scrapbooking
artist is one thing. But knowing how to market your talents is another.
Safe to say, that even
the best scrapbooking artist in the world would remain a secret if they
didn’t know how to market their business, true? Here’s what you get
(and these reports are personally written by me, as I’ve been
helping businesses like yours for 16 years):
Why you MUST own these
special reports now:
– just press “play” button |
The Advertising
Of The Future – What It Is, And Why You Need to Start Doing It …
Discover why small businesses actually have an ADVANTAGE
over traditional mass marketers
How you can
become No.1 in your customers eyes, while other companies
get nowhere
DIFFERENT: How Extraordinary Businesses Advertise Their Way To
Success And How You Can Too (RETAIL
VALUE: $29)
You’ll discover:
How to instantly
take a boring “me too” advert and turn it into a “killer”
with just the addition of 1 or 2 lines
Powerful examples to make it super easy to apply
“differentiation” in your business
How successful
entrepreneurs have made themselves and their businesses
3 ways you can
make your business impossible to ignore … NOW
SPECIAL REPORT #3: How To Sell Your Product Or Service
So Well, Customers Practically Beg You To Take Their Money
The simple but
super powerful process for virtually grabbing your prospect
by the collar and making them drink up to your sales
presentation like it was milk to a baby
Heaps and heaps of ways to apply this process in your
business for real PROFIT, including actual ideas and
examples that you can flat out copy, or just use to spur on
your own imagination
How to intrigue
your prospect; create desire in their hearts; close the sale
… and more!
The Yawningly
Simple … And Devastatingly Effective … Way To Triple Your
Profits And Become An “Advertising Genius
The only way to
create advertising that will make you rich
4 advertising mistakes that can lose you thousands of
How smart
advertisers make their fortune
The simple principle you can use to make money from your
advertising all the time, with every single ad you run
How I became an
“advertising genius” and how you can too … PLUS amazing real
examples of advertising tests
SPECIAL REPORT #5: REVEALED: The Money-Making Secrets
Of A Killer Sales Letter Which Made $139,800 in Just 29 Days!
See an actual sample of a letter which made $139,800 in just
29 days – I don’t think I need to mention how important this is
for any business owner to see. Actual proof that what you write
can make you rich.
How To Design Your
Own “Killer” Ad And Increase Your Response By 500%
How NOT to design
your ad
One of the key secrets of successful advertising design
(something which most graphic artists don’t have a
clue about, so don’t get them to design your ad! Do it
Exactly how to
design your ad for maximum profits
6 proven examples of advertising design that work, including
one that has personally brought me over $12,000 in sales in
just a few months
SPECIAL REPORT #7: Sensational Ads Set To Dominate And
Profit (RETAIL VALUE: $29)
How an ‘average’
Yellow Pages ad was turned into a blockbuster
How a client of mine can now pick and choose the jobs he
How a reader is
using what he’s learning to write great ads, and
- “The 5 Fears” – why they’re holding you back from big
DOWN? Here’s What To Do About It Now, And Recession Proof Your
Business … Forever (RETAIL VALUE:
SPECIAL REPORT #9: How To Get Your Customers To Stop
What They’re Doing And Order – The Secrets Behind Offers That No-One
How to make your
offer so irresistible that your prospects can’t wait to
contact you or spend their cash
“killer” examples of hot offers that got the phone ringing
off the hook (including one offer which
tripled the owner’s business and made him an extra $200,000
a year) – model these offers for your own profit
- How to send your sales soaring with a simple little
LESSON: Two Of The Most Successful Advertising Pieces In The History
Of The World – Revealed Here For Your Own Profit
The actual
word-for-word advertising piece for American Express which
was mailed to over 280 million people and generated well
over a billion dollars in revenue
Then a second piece which again was a world-beater, but this
time for The Wall Street Journal – taking in an estimated
billion dollars
- How to use these outrageously successful letters for
profiting in your own business
SPECIAL REPORT #11: How To Write Ads Which Make Your
Customers Practically Beg You To Take Their Money
The real
reason you create an advertisement
How to find and understand your prospects like they were
The nine things
you must know if you want to make money hand over fist
- A real-life example of someone who can’t handle any
more customers and beats every other business in his
industry – even though he lives in one of the smallest towns
in Australia
8 Quick And Easy Design Secrets Of Ads & Sales Letters That Sell!
Which point-size
is the most effective for increasing readership and getting
Which fonts are the best to use, and which to avoid like the
How to make sure
you don’t scare your prospect off BEFORE they’ve even reader
your ad
How to make
prospects notice the things you want them to –
you’re actually in control!
- How to hook your reader into reading your complete ad or
sales letter … and more
Phew…that’s some list of FREE Gifts, right?
Now, I’ve gotta tell you.
I’ve been writing advertising for 16 years. Over 8,600 ads for 153
different industries. Working solely with small businesses. And these
reports contain some of my best-kept secrets.
They’re each 8 pages
long. Which means you’ve got a total of 96 BONUS pages of
easy-to-understand advertising insights you can use to promote your business! Isn’t
that great?
And I’m not charging you
a cent for them! HOW CAN I DO THAT? Simply because I’ve already written
the reports and made my money back on them. And by allowing you to
download them doesn’t cost me a cent. So why not give them to you?
They’re each worth
every cent of their $29 value. But hey, they’re yours FREE.
In fact, here’s what one recent customer had to say about these reports:
Hi Brett, firstly I want to
thank you!
I started a party plan gift
basket business from home about 4 months ago and have been
struggling with advertising and attracting customers – then I
came across your e-book on making money scrapbooking. I love
scrapbooking BUT…
bought it because of the BONUS marketing reports.
I must say, it was the
best thing I did. You have got my motivation back and I feel
that by following your very sound advice, I am half-way to
success. So THANK YOU!
Sharon Graham, VIP Baskets.
But I don’t know
how long I’ll keep these bonuses up there. It’s part of a marketing test
I’m doing. They’re worth a lot to me in my heart, and at any time I
could take them down forever. So if you want them, get in quick.
Click Here To Order
Securely Through Click Bank
Wishing you great
success .

Brett McFall
P.S. Don’t forget, you’re getting $348 worth of
bonuses for just a fraction of that price. Everything to get you
started in making money with scrapbooking. So if that’s what you want to
do, this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
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Securely Through Click Bank
P.S. LAST MINUTE BONUS!! If you’re a scrapbooker, then you
love to sketch your designs out before you do it for real for your
clients, right? So I’ll include a “Sketch
Template” which you can use to plan out your pages.
The page layout is done for
you, all YOU have to do is add your genius!
Most times, preparing your layouts like this BEFORE you proceed can make
a huge difference to your end results (and that’s what will help you
make a decent income doing scrapbooking for a living). THIS BONUS
IS YOURS WITH MY BEST WISHES! But only while this special offer
lasts – so secure this bonus and all the others now by …
Clicking Here To Order
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NOTE: We use Click Bank to process all orders. Click Bank utilizes the
strongest security
and anti-fraud features available on the Internet and
never stores your financial data on their system!
Your credit card data
is passed directly to the bank and no one but bank has access to your
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