Law Of Attraction Money Hypnotic Manifesting Bundle For Entrepreneurs
Are you ready to put an end to your financial struggles?
Are you ready to claim the financial freedom you have been longing for?
The door to unlimited and infinite opportunity is about to open wide for you
From The Desk Of:
Christof Coopman: “The law of attraction hypnotist”
Before we begin this exciting journey into the world of law of attraction mastery,
I just want to let you know that,
it really excites me to be sharing discoveries that radically transform lives for the better.
So, I’d like to thank you for allowing me to uncover this for you today…
I’m not sure exactly what will most tickle your imagination as you follow along reading this or how you will see the value in this,
but I do know that you want to create a better life.
As you know, a better life comes with great decisions.
I do want to ask, as a favor, that you make sure to ask the questions that let you be certain, a great decision is going to be made for you.
“Why don’t we join together in exploration of what Law of Attraction can do for you in a way that you feel great about it? ”
Just imagine for a second…
how it would be for you to enjoy true financial freedom !
Never having to lose sleep worrying about money and bills stacking up or stressing about debt!
Imagine living your life with passion and purpose.
Finally being able to attract anything you want!
- Creating ultimate abundance not only for you, but your loved ones.
- Living that ultra- abundant lifestyle you have always desired.
- Having the freedom you have always longed for.
- Only doing things you really love to do, as you enjoy your life!
- Be and do whatever you want, whenever you want and wherever you want!
Deep down inside you there is a part of you that knows it is true….
You will manifest your desires.
It wants you to tap in to your well of infinite power and abundance.
That part of you my friend is your unconscious mind.
“Your unconscious mind can make you rich!”
But along the way many of us have been misled….
We picked up limited beliefs around money and prosperity from others in one way or another, or convinced ourselves it was too good to be true.
That’s why until now you’ve probably only scratched the surface of what law of attraction can give you. A fraction of what’s possible.
Don’t worry, in a moment I will show you…
how to explode through and evaporate all those negative beliefs and blocks and countless others besides.
I want you to know that,
It’s not your fault. You are not alone. It’s not even the fault of the others. They probably meant well.
Unfortunately they did not have the tools I’m about to share with you.
They did not have the tools to help themselves and trust me, the tools make all the difference in the world.
Do you want to be truly empowered to remove all fears … worries… self-doubt…lack of confidence…
and all those other abundance energy blocks?
Your unconscious mind can.
The universe is waiting for you to claim your treasures.
“Your unconscious mind holds the key to your dream life and the income, happiness and joy that you want”
IT’s time for you to reclaim your personal power…
Now is the time for you to take those keys and unlock your destiny.
The program I’m about to introduce you to WORKS. It’s super effective.
If you use the powerful transformational tools and hypnosis I’m about to give you,
manifesting your dream life will become child’s play.
Your unconscious mind and the universe are ready!
Now it’s time for you to take a leap of faith.
One solution to reprogram your mind with financial abundance… that could quickly manifest your life of freedom
Delivered to you by, Christof Coopman
‘’Probably the Number One Practicing Law Of Attraction Hypnotherapist.”
Let’s explore just exactly how you will benefit from this program and why this program is probably the program you have been searching for all along.

Christof, I have been using your law of attraction hypnosis mp3’s once a week. I listen daily to your audiobook for a half an hour. I had a call from a business client this morning unexpectedly and made a €10,000 deal out of the blue. I’m so grateful! The tools and hypnosis are working very well for me. I recommend people to invest and see for themselves! Thank You Christof.
Herman Mitchell
Listen and Grow Rich:
Law Of Attraction Money Mastery Hypnosis For Entrepreneurs
Remove UNWANTED money blocks
* Removes your FEARS around money.
* Removes your UNWANTED BELIEFS around money that keeps you poor or limits your business.
* Removes self-sabotaging ways of thinking and acting.
* Removes SELF-DOUBT connected to manifesting money or having a successful business.
* Removes feelings of IMPATIENCE and NEED that prevent you from manifesting money.
* Removes feelings of PROCRASTINATION that puts your business on hold.
Reprogram old limited programming about money
* Reprogram Childhood beliefs by going trough powerful visualisations.
Powerful Money Manifesting Suggestions
* Direct suggestions that will make you feel rich in every area of your life.
* Direct suggestions that are designed to make you manifest more money in business.
* Direct suggestions that will make you happy and grateful. You will find more joy and beauty in each moment.
* Direct suggestions that are designed to make you sell more and attract more clients or customers.
* Indirect suggestions during a magical story that will inspire you.
*Direct suggestions that will give you a rich feeling of confidence when it comes to making money and your business.
*Direct suggestions that will make you value your worth and the worth of your business and services.
*Direct suggestions that will internally motivate you to take action on your business with strength and conviction.
This hypnosis MP3 will make you feel absolutely amazing and satisfied.

The very day that I first listened to this MP3 I had a wave of opportunities come to me to grow my business and life for the better. It was as if stepping stones were being laid at my feet to take the next step towards the financial freedom I have been craving.
as soon as I think I need something else to help me, it just appears!! Truly magical. I could not have imagined that this would have happened this easily or quickly. Thank you, Christof for your gift that is your work, truly the universe is magic! If we just allow it to be.
Jill Marie Ansell-Douglas

“My business has blown up. I’m helping others, people are PAYING ME. It has snowballed so fast I can’t believe it. I’m so happy and feel like I’ve 100% found my purpose. I want to thank you again for your help.
Emma Chartrand

You were right about the “Listen and grow rich” mp3.
It’s a totally transformational experience and it works!
In the last week I made almost double the money than the last 2 months with my business.
Am I convinced? Absolutely, mind blown!
Stein Declerq

Since purchasing I have left my job and I’m pursuing my own business dreams and I’m seeing bigger results than I anticipated!
Now, I’ve used and bought quite a few hypnosis products in the past, but nothing compares to this.
Laul Richardson
Law of Attraction Hypnotist’s toolbox:
17 practical tools to manifest what it is that you want
With this audio-book Manifesting will become child’s play for you.
Practical Law of Attraction working Model that creates Proven results
*Learn exactly how you turn UNWANTED manifestations and WANTED manifestations in the future
* Learn all the different Law of Attraction Dynamics.
* Complete your Law of attraction puzzle so you have a FULL, CORRECT and CRYSTAL CLEAR UNDERSTANDING.
* Learn exactly how to practice law of attraction and get TANGIBLE results IN THE REAL WORLD.
* Learn how to harness the power of your Inner Guidance.
* Understand exactly how to find out what opportunities you will profit from and what opportunities that you should stay away from.
Learn the Powerful and Super Effective LOA Techniques that influence your unconscious mind to give you exactly what you want.
*Learn effective Law of Attraction techniques to REMOVE and EVAPORATE the RESISTANCE that are preventing you from manifesting all of the things what you want.
*Learn the powerful Law of Attraction Creation Techniques so you mold and carve out the exact life that you desire.
*Learn effective “Feel Good” techniques will reduce stress and alter your EMOTIONS so you feel more CENTRED, GRATEFUL, CONTENT and HAPPY in life.
*Learn The Law of Attraction Action tools so you know exactly HOW and WHEN you should take ACTION and WHEN NOT to take ACTION so you reap the most results out of these actions.
* Trust techniques that well help you TRUST in the Law of Attraction.
* It will help you to STRENGTHEN your RELATIONSHIP with the UNIVERSE
Daily Law of Attraction Routine That will make you manifest like a PRO
*Daily routine to really AMP UP your MANIFESTION RESULTS! Practice law of attraction from the moment you open your eyes to the moment you blissfully close your eyes at night.
*Real life manifestation Stories out of my OWN PERSONAL LIFE and the lives of my Clients that will get you SUPER MOTIVATED to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
*Extra Bonus Commentary in every section: Take advantage of the KNOWLEGDE I have gathered from working with HUNDREDS OF CLIENTS and my own PERSONAL law of attraction PRACTICE
Remember, if you haven’t been getting the results you want in the past. You need to Change things up so you DO get the results. This audio-book will help you with that.

I picked up the ”17 practical tools to manifest what it is that you want” and listened to it the other day.
Within 24hrs I had received four payments of money at almost £1000.
On top of this, five new clients booked new appointments. Power words! Thank you, Christof
Becky Wells

I have read many Law of attraction books. I had already made quite a lot a progress but my major difficulty was to keep myself in alignment when I was feeling down, when a feeling of need blocked me.
I did not know how to shift these feelings. This audio book finally showed me how to do it. All your tools are just amazing. After I finished listening to the audiobook, everything finally made sense to me. Now I will practice all of the tools.
Isabel Duarte

Christof, since putting your tools into practice I have experienced many good changes. My business has gone from strength to strength; I have secured an amazing new Venue with a prestigious business address for the new year, I have seen an increase in clients and those clients are getting great results. On a personal level, lots of good changes are happening. this is only the start- my introduction to LOA and so far I can highly recommend it
Claire Norris

The Audiobook is amazing. Christof Coopman talks to you like you are sitting one to one with him. I love listening to it over and over again. Repetition drives the material of the book home. Seriously give yourself the gift of his audiobook. It’s well worth it. Even if you know a lot about Law of Attraction, you’ll learn something you didn’t know before.
Edit Nagy
Disclaimer Testimonials:
Testimonials appearing on this site are actually received via text, audio or video submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or another. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.

Christof Coopman
Master Hypnotist and Law of Attraction Business Expert
Before I tell you exactly how I got to this point, I just want to thank you for allowing me to share my passion for law of attraction and the magnificent changes it has created in my personal life and the lives of the hundreds of clients I’ve had over the years.
Tag along as I take you back 24 years to the first moment my dad first told me about law of attraction, not knowing then that it would forever change my life.
Soon I started experimenting with law of attraction. By the time I was a teenager I was obsessed with self-development, listening to audiobooks and seminars on a daily basis. Soon after I started my first business, I discovered quickly that when I applied the law of attraction the right way I would get the results that I wanted, and when I ignored the principles of the law of attraction I would have to pay for it in one way or another. After years of experimentation and research I concluded that your unconscious mind holds all the keys to manifesting the life of your desires. I became obsessed with hypnosis and all of the wonderful ways it can help us to finally manifest the desires we have been longing for. I soon embarked on my law of attraction hypnosis and coaching business and quickly started attracting hundreds of clients from all over the world.
Why am I telling you this? I want you to know that whatever your current situation, I can help you. I have either experienced it myself or have worked with clients in similar situations. Do you need to get out of debt? perfect! Are you a millionaire wanting to attract even more wealth? Let’s make it happen!
At this point just one question remains…
Are you convinced,
That you Can’t Afford To Miss Out On This Powerful Mind Altering Law of Attraction Money Manifesting Program?
By now you are probably already realizing and readily convinced yourself that this is for you!
Get your instant access now! Press the ”click here to purchase” button underneath.
Congratulations you have made a wise investment.

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If you don’t love it, we will refund you!
The Law of Attraction Money Manifesting Bundle for Entrepreneurs
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- Delivery of this product is strictly for the purchasers sole use only.
- Any forwarding on these download products to third parties is deemed theft.
- The company does not accept responsibility for the amount of change / success..
- This product is strictly for those who are not currently suffering from / have suffered mental illness.
- Do not listen to these MP3 audios when driving or operating dangerous machinery.
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- You will need access to a PC or Mac, and iTunes to listen to the audios on your iPhone or iPad.
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