Potty Train Your Puppy With Litter Box – House Training Dogs Indoors
Enjoy a
full happy life with your dog WITHOUT the need
to rush home to take your pet outside … NO MORE dog
walks in bad
weather with potty training dogs indoors!
On Potty
Training Puppies
With Dog
Litter Box
Dear Fellow
Dog Lover,
If you just got a new puppy or will be getting one soon —
CONGRATULATIONS! As a dog owner myself since 1979, I know that
becoming a dog owner is one of the best
things that you can ever do for your overall happiness and well
being. Of course, you are giving a dog a happy home too,
which is great.
At the same time, I’m sure you are
not looking forward to dog walks in bad weather (too cold, too hot, too
wet, too snowy). And what about those days when you might be
delayed in getting home in time to take your dog outside? Or what
happens if you temporarily become too ill to take your dog out?
What if you live in an apartment and the elevator is out of order?
Pepper &
Chester & Roxie
All Potty Trained Indoors
Well, I’ve been in all of these situations with the four Lhasa Apso
dogs I’ve had now so I know the huge responsibility that can hang on
your shoulder with pets. Fortunately, I had a solution to
effectively manage all of these issues.
If you are reading this,
I’m assuming that you are thinking about the possibility using a system
of potty training dogs indoors for your new pet. The
news is that not
only is potty training puppies with a dog litter box possible, but
that come along with it. That’s why I’ve become a total advocate
for this system and I would like to share with you these great benefits.

Of My Dogs Using Our Dog Litter Box
Training Dogs Equals NO NEED To
Stick To Fixed Schedules
Once your
puppy is fully trained, you can come and go as you
please. There is no
need to rush home at the end of the day to take your dog
outside for elimination. You don’t worry about coming
home late if caught in rush hour traffic. You can even sleep
in during weekend mornings if you want to as your pet uses the dog
box even while you are still asleep. This means much more FREEDOM for both you AND your pet. Your dog no longer stresses his or
her bladder by having to hold everything in for long hours
at a time – after all, would you want to have to do this?

Potty Training Dogs Means NO MORE Bad
Weather Walks
right, no
more walking your dog in heavy rain or snowstorms or intense heat.
Both you and your dog can stay inside where it’s comfortable and
dry. You go outside only when you want to for fun and
exercise. Your dog will really appreciate this! My
current two dogs certainly do!

Training Dogs
INSIDE In Case Of Illness Or Injury
In unforeseen
situations where mobility is affected for either
you or your dog, they are best managed with a practical
indoor dog litter box system. The same thing with
senior older dogs as mobility decreases with age.
It’s much better to potty train dogs indoors while
young rather than wait until the later senior years.

Chester & Roxie With Their Dog Litter Box
Training Dogs PERFECT For Apartment Buildings
It turns out that potty training
puppies with a dog litter box is perfect
apartment dogs. No more having to struggle with
elevators or
stairs two to three times per day in order to take your dog downstairs
and then outside for elimination. Again, go outside only for
fun and exercise in nice weather!I’ve been potty
training dogs since
1979 so I have
experience in this area. All of my Lhasa Apso dogs were
trained indoors. Most of these years were spent
living in high-rise apartment condo buildings
which poses unique challenges for dog owners (in photo below –
points to 12th floor condo I lived in with my first two dogs).

Training Puppies Indoors Perfect
For High-Rise Apartment Dogs
Now, I show you the exact same method for potty training
new puppy that I used for my own dogs. Here’s
what this method teaches you.
- The step
by step potty training dogs progression from day
one all
the way
to when your puppy starts using the dog litter box on its
own. How to take your pet from the
newspapers already
introduced at the pet store or breeders and progress towards
the dog litter box.
- All
the items
and supplies that you need, preferably in place before
bring puppy home. Also introduce a few different product
options that you can choose from.
- How
to set up
the puppy room and where
to locate it within your
home as well as the different changes that takes place
this room as you and your dog progresses.
- How
to set up a
feasible training schedule. Yes, you and your dog
will be on an initial potty training schedule for the quickest
but once fully trained, you can then do away with any
fixed schedules.
I even show you the initial
potty training dogs schedule I used with my own
puppies so
you can use this as a template that you can modify as needed. This
takes all the guesswork away for you!
- How
to integrate
crates with potty training puppies for best results as well
as what to do overnight.
- The
best way to integrate
outdoor dog walks with potty
training dogs. After all, you will be going outside with your
play and exercise.
- How
to combine
all this training with travel
in case you want to take some trips with
your pet. You can take your dog on overnight road
trips and have lots of fun together!
- Besides a dog
litter box, this training progression can be used for any indoor dog potty system
available on the market that uses grass/turf, wood shavings or a grid
surface. The actual training to teach puppies to use a specific
indoor location is the same.
- I even show
how to teach a dog that was already house trained outdoors to
start using
an indoor dog litter box
(in case you have had enough of those freezing cold winter
IS possible!
I cover all of the above
so that you successfully potty train your pet to go to a dog
on its own
at the desired indoor location whenever needed. All of this
valuable information is covered in my book called;
Train Your Puppy With A Litter Box –
Convenient House Training Indoors For Dogs”
2 Hour Video Version Now
Also Available – Details Further Below
It is a very easy read with twelve chapters containing numerous photos
to help you along the progression in a logical format. Here
is what two different dog owners had to say;
Less Stressed As
Owner Training Two Dogs
“It’s been a week and I’m having wonderful results. Stewie and Lilly
are going on the paper and I have only removed a small amount but they
are getting the idea. All the poop was on the papers. I’m
less stressed about running home at lunch to let them out. I was very
skeptical and I’m just thrilled with the results. And the best thing
about it was first Sunday in a year I wasn’t up at 6 am to let them
out!! I slept until 8 am.”
“Thanks, so much!”
Geri Muniz, CA
On The Way To
Become Happy Parents Of
Happy Puppies!
“I am always amazed that people spend more time preparing for such
things as their weekly meals than getting a dog. My husband and I
didn’t want to make this mistake, as improper puppy training leads to
issues into their adult years — leaving the dog and the owner
miserable. We knew this could be avoided with the right tools and
education. Therefore, when we picked out 2 Beagle puppies from a local
breeder, we sought as much knowledge as possible before they arrived
home. One of the books we chose to read was Clint Cora’s Potty Train Your Puppy With A
Litter Box.”
“The book was extremely well-written and informative. I loved
the suggestions on litter training and had never heard of the concept
for a dog before! Very interesting!! I could see how it would
work well. I was very hesitant about crate training, as it
seemed cruel, but I learned from Clint’s book that the opposite is
true. As the book suggests, we bought a crate and a baby
gate. Our puppies will therefore take time to ‘earn’ their
right to the rest of the house. But, in the meantime, they’ll
feel comfortable in their separate ‘dwellings’ while we train
them. Thus, eliminating the frustration and anger over them
urinating and tearing up the house. We now feel more
comfortable knowing that we are able to set up boundaries and rules,
which is what puppies need and crave.”
“Clint also gives excellent suggestions on how to ‘puppy proof’ your
home before the little ones arrive and how to come up with a daily
schedule for them. All of this sets them up for success and
will make them happier (and you happier as a result) in the long run!”
“Thanks, Clint, for helping us learn how to have happy puppies and
happy parents!”
Kelly Bambrough, Gilbert, AZ
help you and your new friend become successful with this potty
training puppies progression using a dog litter box, I include two
extremely valuable bonuses if
order the book now;
Bonus #1–
Unlimited Email Support For Potty Training Puppies!
ordering the book, I will record your name and email address on record
as a registered reader. You can email me anytime with regard
to questions and issues on potty training until your dog is fully
potty trained.
mind that many veterinarians and even professional dog trainers may not
have the experience in potty training
dogs with a
dog litter box. But I do have this experience as again, I’ve
been training my dogs this way since 1979 and therefore can
serve as your resource to ensure that you and your puppy are successful.
Lock In
This Potty Training Puppies Email Support Opportunity!
this bonus will require my time, it may NOT be offered for new readers
who order a few months from now. But if you order the book
now, you will safely lock in your name for email support.
Bonus #2 – Supplementary Ebook
I will also include a
supplementary ebook called ’10 Skills You Should
Teach Your Puppy That Most Dog Owners Neglect’.
I identify ten very important skill areas beyond basic dog training
that will make your life with your dog much less problem free and
costly compared to that of other dog families out there. For each
skill area, I discuss the issues that may surface if not adequately
addressed and how to train towards achieving that skill. You get
this supplementary ebook for FREE.
are some more comments from dog owners just like yourself.
Litter Box
Perfect For The Cold Winter
“I just got your program a few days ago. I started using your method of
putting the puppy pad over the litter and using the command “go potty”
last Saturday. Well here it is on Wednesday and we are no longer using
ANY puppy pads! Yeah! Thank you so much!”
“I am so happy to have a dog that can be litter box trained. I live in
the foothills of Denver and it’s way too cold in the winter to take a
little Chihuahua outside in the snow.”
“I just wanted to introduce myself and Lucy and say thank you for
making the videos and the ebook and sharing your method with the rest
of us. I have passed your info onto the breeder so she can recommend
your site.”
Jaworski, CO
100% Litter Box
Trained Puppy
“Your book and help with my Abby has been great. People laugh
when I tell them she is 100% litter box trained, I say check out Clint
Cora’s book on the web and see for yourself. I live in the Ocala
National Forest in Florida and our weather here is so unpredicable that
having Abby litter trained is a must. I also feed the many
wildlife critters in our yard — foxes, coon, coyotes and deer, then
the flying squirrels and possoms at night — that it make it very
unsafe for her to be outside doing her business at night or day.
My outside family of critters come very close to me when I feed them so
if Abby was out there we feel they would think she was a tasty morsel
that I brought out to them. I love the litter box idea, its
fantastic — Abby is now four months and a little pistol!”
Linda Meloche, FL
‘Potty Train
Your Puppy With A Litter Box – Convenient House Training Indoors For
Dogs’ is in an ebook (electronic digital) PDF file format
so you download
it immediately after ordering.
The video version is online as well. There is no need to wait for
shipping. Start learning today!
Uses Indoor Potty
Box If Doesn’t Want To Go Outside
“We’ve received a lot of snow here in Massachusetts also this
winter. Misha is doing very well with her in-house potty. She
barks at me when she needs to go out, but if it’s late at night, we see
her run into the other room and use her potty box. Good Misha! Life is
Joanne Carfagna, MA
Takes All
Guesswork Out Of The Training Process For You
“I love the book! You take all of the guess work, out of the process.
Loved the pics and I plan on using the exact same set-up with my new
puppy, Savannah, a Tibetan Terrier. She is comfortable using the
box. This is one of the best things and it’s so simple. I
looked at all of the products on
the market and I knew there had to be an easier way to accomplish the
same thing. I thank you for making this information available.”
Wylendia Eastman, Richmond, CA
Once you place your order online with our very secure
online shopping system via my company Free Spirit Gallery Publishing, you will be directed to the download
page where you download the main ebook as well as the bonus ebook – check your browser for open webpages as
the download webpage might come through behind the one on your monitor.
will be instructions on
my email support as well. Purchase with
total confidence and security by clicking one of the green order boxes
below. Just so that you know, I do have a refund policy for all my products.
Deluxe Online Video Plus
Package Also Available
If you prefer to learn by watching video, there is now a 2 hour video
version which consists of 12 separate videos you can watch online as
often as you want (you can also download each of the video files as
well so you will always have them in your computer). With this
deluxe package, you also get the ebook as well as all the bonuses!
The ebook itself is priced at about the same amount if you were to have
lunch at
McDonald’s or
see a movie with popcorn and a drink. It’s more than reasonable
considering the high value of this potty training dogs system that benefits you
and your dog for his
or her entire life.
Ebook PLUS the
two great bonuses = only $11.97 US
Deluxe online video PLUS ebook WITH bonuses package = only $27 US
A Professional
Highly Recommends This Book
“I find Clint’s method of indoor dog training to be a wonderful way to
have dogs.
The book is easy to read and the way Clint describes the training, it
should not be a problem for even a novice pet owner. I highly recommend
this book and the method of litter training.”
Denise Whaley, Professional Dog Sitter & Walker, Mississauga, ON
Confirms Dog
Litter Box Training Program Doesn’t Interfere With Outside Walks
“I wanted to tell you about the success of Bounce’s litter training
program. We go outside for walks and general running around three times
a day.
He goes potty outside too. Usually we go out for a long walk first
thing in the morning, but today it is raining. When Bounce saw we
weren’t going out he used his litter box and that was that.”
“I am sending a picture I took the other day. I was out most of the
morning and Bounce had used the litter box several times. As you can
see from the picture Bounce had tidied everything up when he was done.”
“Thank you for your support”
Alexander, MO
you get the exact method I used as well as my experience since 1979 to
help you with your puppy potty training success.
order either the book or the deluxe video plus book package via either
of the green boxes or links above now and lock in my
unlimited email support offer.
forward to guiding you and your new pet to successful indoor potty
training with a dog litter box. This program combined with my
free dog obedience training video you may have already accesssed at
this website will enable you and your pet to enjoy a long, happy life
– The wonderful testimonials plus the success with my own dogs prove
that the potty training puppies system outlined in my easy to follow
helps you and your dog to enjoy a
full happy life together.
PSS – All of this valuable information plus
locking in your name for my email training support are
available right away for the price of lunch at McDonald’s so order
either the
book or the deluxe online video plus book package now by clicking on
one of
the green boxes above before I change my mind
about offering this support.
Dog Owner And
Puppy Relieved Not To Have To Constantly Go Outside
“I had to write an email to thank you for your ebook on litter training
my puppy. I was spending all of my time trying to keep messes out of
the house by taking my puppy out to potty 10-15 times a day, and had to
be watching him like a hawk any time he was out of his crate. It was
all getting pretty overwhelming. Then the other day we had a big wind
storm (it gets very windy sometimes where I live), and going outside
became impossible with him. I had heard of the possibility of training
your dog to use a litter box, and in desperation I did a search for
information and came across your book. I bought, and I am so glad I
“Our little Koda came from the breeder paper trained, so it was a very
easy transition to the litter box. He took to it almost immediately. I
think he was as relieved to not have to constantly go outside as I was!
I was a bit nervous to leave him overnight, but I got up this morning
and all of his elimination was in the litter box where it belong. I was
stunned and super excited!!”
“I feel like I have my life back, and little Koda is so happy to not be
dragged outside every hour. I honestly didn’t think we would be having
this much success this quickly. Your ebook was the best money I’ve
spent in a long time. Thank you so much!”
Jana Blanco, UT
Explanations Helps New
Dog Owner To A Great Start With Puppy
“I just purchased your book today and have read the whole thing. I have
been doing lots of research on the internet and was getting so confused
by all the various information. So it was great to buy your
book and
find it all so clearly explained. I have just bought a puppy
who will
be coming to live with me on Dec 20th. I plan to potty train
indoors using your method. Thanks for a great book.”
Jill Kirchmann, Toronto, ON
Ebook PLUS the
two great bonuses = only $11.97 US
Deluxe online video PLUS ebook WITH bonuses package = only $27 US
Clint Cora With His Dogs