Racing Pigeons: How To Race, Breed, Win And Makey Money
Dear Fellow Pigeon
It’s time the tables were turned.
It’s time that you were given the keys to the pigeon
racing secrets that you have always been denied.
It’s time you learned the amazingly simple secrets
that keep top racing pigeon fanciers winning race after race and stop
people like us from having a chance (until now!).
My name is
Elliott Lang and I want to show you the quick and
easy method you have to follow if you want
prize winning racing pigeons.
This is a
money-back-guaranteed formula that all of the top
pigeon racers are following to push their pigeons ahead of the
flock. Without this guide you will be left scratching your head
“How are these other pigeons consistantly beating me time and
time again? Their birds look healthier,
happier and perform much better than I can ever dream of mine
worry, I was in the same boat until a good friend of mine opened
up the vault doors and let me in on the secret methods they’d all been
offering you a guide to push you out of your rut and start racing your
birds in a way that’s going to send shivers down other fanciers’
I’m not saying you will definitely win this kind of
life-changing prize-money but, by improving your training and breeding
methods, you will stand a much better chance of walking away with a
well-earned reward for your passion.
As an example, take a look at some of these past results from
races won by the best fanciers:
Don’t you deserve
to be a winner
Find people who keep racing pigeons and they will,
without fail, tell you they are loving, intelligent birds./p>
I am sure you have heard them tell you that there is a lot of money to be
made in racing pigeons.
They won’t tell you why it’s always their racing pigeons that win
all the money!
Learn the
amazingly simple secrets that keep top pigeon fanciers winning race
after race and stop people like us from having a chance (until now!)
I Will Bring You
Generations of
Pigeon Breeding Wisdom
So, my name is Elliott Lang. I’ve been breeding racing and homing pigeons for 50
years now. It’s a skill that’s been handed down to me by my father.
In the beginning though I
wasn’t interested in Pigeons. In fact I thought my father was a little strange
spending all his time with those birds.
Shortly after the second
world war though something happened to pique my interest in ‘those birds’.
I can still remember the
event like it was yesterday…
As you know
homing pigeons were used with
devastating success to get messages and micro photographs from behind
enemy lines during World War Two. Many downed airmen and others
owe their lives to the skill of the pigeon
fanciers and courage of these birds. And the army has handed out many
awards of honour in their dedication.
My father was one of the
fanciers whose job it was to receive the messages and pass them on to higher
command… And after the war he bought a couple of pigeons of his own.
He tasked me with the job
of trapping the returning birds after their training toss if he wasn’t there. On
this fateful day I was grudgingly dong so when I noticed a message attached to
the leg of one of the pigeons…
Something about this sent
my heartbeat racing.
I felt deep emotions
stir inside…
… and started to
imagine I was my father receiving a message from a secret agent in occupied
France. I now understood how he felt.
My interest was
stimulated and I eagerly opened the message.
It was simple…
Three words from my
father: “Thank you Elliott” it said.
It’s hard to describe the
emotions that coursed through me that day but I was hooked… no longer were
Pigeons strange or a nuisance. It was the start of what has become:
A Lifelong Love of
Homing and Racing Pigeons
I owe most of my
knowledge to my father and all the other ‘old timers’ I’ve spent countless hours
with eagerly picking every last scrap of wisdom from their brains. Together
we’ve shared our successes and our failures and now — as I promised you — I’m
going to share the years of
accumulated wisdom with you.
All the tips, tricks,
skills and solid practical measures you can put into action this very instant
Start Breeding Seriously Quality Birds
So you can enter your
selected birds in the next race and know you’ve got the best chance ever of
taking home the winning cheque.
It’s not difficult
Knowledge is the key.
You will discover how to
really understand your birds, how to select the ‘winners’, how to exercise and
train them… What is the best diet, how to ensure the strongest eggshells…
the best breeding pairs and much more.
Now you too
could be in the runnings to win that much-coveted first place with your prize winning birds.
you follow the steps outlined in this master plan, your next big win could be
around the corner.
You’ll find everything you need to know become
a great pigeon fancier inside the formidable eBook – 160 pages of
information, tips and tricks:
‘How to Breed, Race,
Win and
Make Money With Racing Pigeons’
For your convenience it’s
in instantly downloadable pdf format and is print enabled so you can print a
copy. In fact I urge you to print out a copy so you get the utmost benefit from
it and can refer to it at any time.
100% Secure Online Payments
As you
flip open the pages you’ll see it contains a wealth of usable tips, tricks and
Starting with the loft then moving onto handling, breeding, laying, diet,
training and record keeping. Nothing is left to chance…
you’ll be breeding and racing
winners like a seasoned old pro.
Here’s a brief summary of what’s covered in
your book:
- The common, elbow
bruising mistake beginners make when building their lofts – you’ll discover
how to simply avoid this painful blunder
- Why a bright
colored loft will cause more trouble than it’s worth and not be of benefit to
your pigeons
- The two most
important factors to bear in mind when planning your loft – and most new
fanciers get these wrong to the detriment of their birds
- Discover the
absolute minimum floor space per bird for optimum health and happiness
- The silent killer
of your birds that you’ll easily eliminate right at the start – if you follow
these simple steps
- How to quickly get
tame birds who are happy to be handled
- The secrets of the
‘darkening system’ that will make your birds noticeably happier and more alert
- Why noise in the
loft area can be a good thing rather than a nuisance
- The best place to
site the nest boxes to ensure a more eager return of racing birds
- The common way most
new fanciers lose vital time during a race – but not you when you see this
simple answer
- The easiest thing
you can do to see measurable results when breeding your birds
- Why you shouldn’t
breed your two best racers – this may seem counterintuitive at first but will
make perfect sense to you later
- The importance of
homozygosity and how it can increase the chances of you breeding a ‘Big-Money’
- Discover why it is
important to allow inbreeding amongst your birds – but not too much! You’ll
know the ideal amount to get the most pigeon performance
- The best times of
the year to mate fast, short distance racers and Long distance, endurance
- What do you do when
your selected birds ‘just don’t want to mate’? – follow this simple 4 day
guide and you’ll solve mating problems for good
- The best food to
feed your birds according to the time of year and whether mating or laying
- The finger tip test
that will tell if you are overfeeding your birds
- The ‘water test’
that will quickly inform you if your birds are well fed or feeling sick
- Race time feeding
– how to feed your birds to ensure maximum performance during races
- 24 x pointers to a
good racer – as you increase in experience you’ll start to pick ‘the champs’
at a glance
- What to do to make
sure your birds NEVER lay eggs without shells – this secret was passed on to
me by my grandfather. His birds always laid strong healthy eggs
- Simple steps to
spotting and repairing a cracked shell before it affects the health of the
- The weaning
schedule that gives the best results and ensures strong healthy young birds
- How to ensure your
YB’s come back to the trap
- The crucial part of
training that has to be mastered as early as possible otherwise racing your
birds isn’t possible
- Why detailed record
keeping is an absolute must if you want to improve the quality of your race
Some of the top pigeon fanciers
use these tips
‘n tricks to consistently produce big race winners.
Clearly when you follow these tips ‘n tricks it will have a distinct affect on
your success as a top breeder.
You’ll discover the tightly kept secrets that ace pigeon fanciers use to breed
race winning birds that net them those cash prizes. Follow in the
footsteps of the professionals and start seeing your pigeons at the top of
the leaderboards.
What are you waiting for?
How Much is That
Worth to You?
Obviously you’d expect a book of this stature
to retail for over $50, when you think of it’s potential.
You may be more than happy to pay that amount when you factor in the money that
some fanciers win. This tiny investment would be paid for many, many times
over if you …
Went On To Win Race After Race
And yet, as this is a newly launched volume I
WON’T ask you to invest $67 or
even $47 for that matter, though it’s surely worth that.
For a limited time only I’m going to give you
“How To Race Pigeons ” at the
enormously generous price of only $29.97.
However, do NOT rest on your laurels and think that this
eBook will be at this insanely low price forever because the price might be
increased soon.
100% Secure Online Payments
And to
sweeten the deal even more I’m going to include a
Superb Bonus Too
You remember I told you earlier that knowledge was key? Well record keeping is
one of the foremost ways of increasing your knowledge of your racing flock.
“A good record keeper is a great pigeon fancier…”
So to make it easy for you to keep the detailed records… and allow you to
breed race-winning birds in the shortest possible time you will get —
absolutely FREE — a specially designed
record pack.
You will get:
Superb Bonus
Breeding records – Keep tabs on which
pigeons have been mated and when and details about their offspring
Feeding chart – What you’ve been
feeding your birds along with the date. This can be cross referenced with
performance to see how it affected their flight
Training records – Which birds
returned first from training flights, how long they’re flying for, the
condition of birds after their training
Race roster – Which birds you decide
to race in each individual event
Race records – Where the birds place
in a competitive race along with weather conditions, condition of birds
afterwards, and other notes- and more…..
All in
printable pdf format so you can
download them instantly and
read them on any computer.
This is a $27 value but it’s
yours absolutely
FREE when you order today.
“If Elliot knows pigeons! It was easy to see what my pigeons needed to be more competitive. I now Sincerely, Matt Whitworth, Kent, England |
“Elliot “Elliot knows what he’s That insight and the free record sheets saves me a ton of Sincerely, Donald Cowan, Birmingham, Alabama, USA |
More satisfied member feedback…
I was doing it all wrong with the info I was using for breeding and looking at the I am finally *actual winnings hidden for privacy reasons Yours, Graham Hutchinson, Bristol, Tennessee, USA |
Clearly this is an astounding value for a person that wants to make real headway
in breeding winning pigeons!
Let’s recap what
you get for only $29.97…
- You get –
Printable Reference Manual: “How to Breed, Race, Win and Make Money with
Racing Pigeons” — Value $67
- You get –
Specially Designed Record Pack — Value $27
That’s $94 worth for only $29.97!
Clearly this is an
generous offer that you’ll obviously want to snap up right away.
Day after day, year
after year these ace pigeon fanciers breed race-winning birds… and win high
ticket races with ease. Is it any wonder they are so rich? Now the tables
are turned… with this super book you get your chance to breed birds that will
wipe the smile from their faces and show them that they no longer rule the
(instant download PDF, software and
printable documents)
PDFs and Documents can be read with Free Adobe Acrobat Reader
And you invest with confidence because…
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So I pledge that I will give you a full 100% refund any time This means you have 60 full days to If for any reason or no reason at all within the 60 day period you decide to opt |
More feedback from a new pigeon fancier…
“This I was sent this site as a link from a fellow pigeon “This is a I am looking forward to raising my own pigeons soon!” Thanks, Kristie Curtis, London, England |
Become a Top Pigeon
Fancier and
Win Race After Race
Yes Elliott, I want to become a top pigeon fancier. I want to breed the best
birds I possibly can and I would LOVE to win race after race.
I have seen and am grateful for your extremely generous offer.
Only $29.97
I have seen and am grateful for your 60 day 100% money back guarantee. I have
nothing to lose because you shoulder all the risk.
On that basis here’s my
Please rush me the download link so I can get started breeding race-winning birds
Here’s to better winners and more profitable pigeon racing,
Elliott Lang
Don’t delay. I
will not be keeping this at this insane price forever. If you don’t order it today then you will not be guaranteed
this amazing price.
Don’t let the old timers bamboozle
you with the mysteries of breeding ‘Big-Money’ pigeons. It’s much easier than
they let on.
Grab your copy of “How to Breed, Race, Win and Make Money with Racing
Pigeons” today and beat them at their own game.
This is
an extremely generous offer… $97 in value for only $29.97. You’ll want to snap it up this instant.