Stronghold Crusader II x86 x64 Torrent
Fortress Crusader II is the sequel to the 2002 excellent strategy game. Fortification Crusader adds a very interesting tactical elementary mechanism similar to that of Age of Empires, as it needs to develop its own castle. They stand on the front lines of war, economic management izakończyć opponents nations catapult!
Play with different strategies and games
Fortress Crusader II returns to the base of its predecessor, providing the perfect combination of strategy andTactics watverstom novosteće.Różne spelmodii (Campaign, multiplayer fights), running tasks assigned to you or protecting their king, try to defeat your enemies sovereign at all times. Multi-player has all the little things that keep you busy, first and foremost by doskonałeTryb online collaboration that allows you to join friendship of the same army.
Fortress Crusader VojskaPriroda is very well done: offer-wide battle, thanks to the many entities thatOffer, give depth tradycynegosystem game in real time (which stands holders peak irish, which at the same time conflicts with horse riders). Tactical aspect is so exciting due to the options available construction. You have a lot of freedom to build and expand their country and aesthetically możestracić willing to donate all the details about the castle Učast king.
Interface that can be improved in many ways
The second installment Feest Crusader stands out due to its spell and content,But unfortunately not the interface. Zpoczynając, let your bad players enchant roughly small choices that conflict with skilled graphically illustrated titles. What’s worse is that the menu interface to control the game with the mouse looks imaStvoreni suddenly and quickly, without the participation of mechanizmówstanowią the foundation of today’s strategic games.
Orders you can give your units are limited and do not explain any text bubbles how to use the options available.It is not possible to reach orders in a row, or is it easy wybraćjednostka. It’s terrible for the game, which debuts in 2014, four years after Craft II sets the standard that should be in line with the strategic igraŽivite interface.
In the technical aspects, the second installment of the Stronghold Crusadersprawia that genre. Although the graphics engine is a bit less than impressive, the game rejoices because of concerns about details. The units are really well madeAnimations, and the screen is full of small elements that give a sense of life and realism to the whole game. Appear and disappear resources during rzeczywistymrazem with warehouses iBitke impressive to watch. The only thing missing is the animation for the construction of the building, a detail that does not detract from the pleasure that comes with the game Stronghold Crusader II.
On the late-stone medieval real-time strategy
Jeślipodoba previous game Stronghold you are, you can not go wrong:You can go to a new section, do not worry. The content and ability to play the best and you can enjoy an excellent multiplayer moduKao long and well planned campaign. It does not mean that the game is flawless, zwłaszczajego painful interface that does not even offer a quarter of what you can expect from modern strategy games in real time. Saddened that it may take a couple of times, but it’s not so serious to the satisfaction that comes from building your own castle asYou begin to destroy Stabil Assault on Enhanced Enemy.
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