Ten Steps To Profitable Trading
From: The Desk of Nigel Thomas
Welcome Fellow Trader!
Whether you’re new to trading the stock market or an old hand needing a fresh new approach, I highly recommend you read every word of this letter. It contains information which will show you the way to total financial independence.
I should know, it has for me. You see, a couple of decades back I was fast tracking an executive career in a large corporation. I loved my job, don’t get me wrong. I was making great money, had great benefits, in fact the company I worked for paid for just about everything.
There was a big downside though. My time belonged to the company. Apart from a couple of weeks a year when I could get on an airplane and get as far away as I could (without my cellphone), the rest of the year was spent doing company things with company people, whether it was a work day, a weekend or a holiday.
I had money but no freedom!
Even the middle of the night was not sacrosanct as far as the company was concerned.
I felt like I had no choice. I was in a competitive company in a competitive industry and unless you played ball you fell behind. To keep ahead of the rats you had to be a better rat.
I had a great life though, and nothing but the most expensive things seemed to be out of reach. I had a great little fund going too that my broker took care of for me, which I added spare money to when I wasn’t otherwise blowing it to maintain my lifestyle.
I knew nothing about the stock market except to suppose that my broker could do no wrong. After all, it wasn’t long before we were in the nineties and the tech bubble was in full swing. No one could really do wrong.
I felt quite secure thinking my long term future would be well taken care of and that I was on track to getting enough money together to start my own business and be my own boss. This was a dream I had had since I went to my first job interview, and the longer I had been in the rat race the more it became a goal.
Not long after that I got married, had kids and was settling into the role of father and family man. The battle between family life and work was tough, but the company was doing well and there was exuberance in the air, buoyed by the paper gains people were making in the markets. Those around then will remember it well.
Then it happened. The tide went out and it took all the boats with it. The bubble burst, and whilst I didn’t have anything more than stocks tied up, I wasn’t over extended, but no steps had been taken anywhere to protect my long term investments. I held on for over a year after that hoping for a turnaround, but once the dust settled I had lost over 60% of it.
To make the situation serious however, the company I worked for had to scale back and I found myself out of work. I didn’t feel alone, the situation was the same for many of my friends, but it struck me that there must be a better way to take care of what I had worked so hard for, my money.
After all that slogging and personal commitment, I was back at square one again.
Why was I blindly trusting my investments to some guy who wasn’t that old (the average age of a fund manager is only 28!) and couldn’t really have very much experience doing what he was doing? Surely I could do better? I definitely couldn’t do worse.
If I had lost my job with all my investments intact then I wouldn’t be in this predicament.
Fortunately it didn’t take long before I was back to being employed again, but the sort of salary packages which existed before the crash didn’t exist any more, and with home expenses now more than they ever were I was struggling to make ends meet. It was a real wake up call I must say, but on the positive side I had much more free time to do something about it.
I knew there must be a way out!
I decided at that point to take money matters into my own hands. All I had was what was left of my stocks and they had pretty much stagnated. Since the crash they had drifted down further too, and were now closer to 70% down on what they were before the bubble burst. They weren’t going anywhere fast and meanwhile others stocks were.
I cashed out completely, opened an online trading account and started learning everything I could about trading the markets. I bought just about every product out there at the time and read just about every article, blog and website. I still couldn’t find a system which exactly suited me, my style and my tolerances.
One thing I did know was that long term buy and hold investing in the stock market for me was out. I needed to learn how to trade myself, and over the next year or so I tried everything from very short term day-trading to trades lasting weeks or months.
Whilst I was careful to make sure I was well researched in any strategy I was attempting, I still made mistakes, and I admit at first I was even a little foolhardy. Not in terms of amounts – I was very conservative to begin with – but in terms of trying a strategy when I hadn’t properly grasped it. It wasn’t surprising, they were all so complicated.
I made sure however, that every mistake I made was a lesson learned, and I made sure that I benefited in some way from every losing trade.
Slowly but surely I started getting the hang of things, developed my own style and began to see through all the smoke and mirrors which shroud the markets.
I was able to put the few good tips from all the different sources I had scoured, together with my own system (which was maturing by then) and finally I had a strategy which was recording consistent profits.
What I had found though, was that the strategy which worked best (for me anyway) was the simplest and most obvious of all the systems and strategies I had tried.
All I had to do was follow a dozen or so simple steps and time after time I was walking away from my trades with more money than I put in.
I have to stress here that I didn’t profit every time I traded, but I managed to reduce to a minimum the chance of a stock going against me after taking a position and, if one actually did go against me, then the losses were kept manageable.
1. | Minimize the chance of a stock going against me after I buy in |
2. | Minimize the loss amount if a stock actually does go against me |
With these two principals leveraging off each other I was able to keep the profitable trades going and cut the losing trades quickly.
I learned what it was that moved the markets, and why over 90% of people who trade end up holding losses.
I learned how and when to buy, and how and when to sell, so that when I was buying I was buying low and when I was selling I was selling high
It soon was apparent that I could earn at least as much trading as I could working full time, and as I honed my skills I frequently earned far more. It must be close to seven years ago now that I gave up full time work and have been living happily off my trading ever since.
My family and I take frequent vacations, I play golf most mornings, I’m around when the kids finish school, and we have all the toys the Jones’ have, except we have time to use them.
I now had money AND freedom!
Then a couple of years ago a close friend of mine asked if I would teach him how to trade for a living too. He saw the freedom my family and I enjoyed and figured if I could do it, he could do it. Whilst I liked the idea that people thought I could do something ‘magical’, I knew he was right. If I could do it, anyone could do it.
I decided the best way I could help him get started would be to document my system. I’d thought about doing that anyway, but now I had good reason. I’ve written tons of manuals throughout my career so making the explanations as clear as possible using lots of graphics and charts to help, was really my forte.
It had to be simple, practical and easy to implement. A truly staircase approach, starting on the ground floor.
I handed over my first draft and waited for some feedback. After a few weeks my friend called me raving about my system and asked if I would let him give a copy to some of his friends too. Of course I said yes and before long I was getting emails and letters from strangers thanking me for helping them turn their losing investments into winning trades.
I decided right there and then that if my system:
1. | is easy enough to use, even for complete novices (as my friends were); |
2. | works, and judging by the emails I was getting from very happy people it was; |
3. | apparently includes some ‘great secrets’ which very few have figured out for themselves (especially novices) |
… then I should let as many people get access to it as possible. I remember what it was like when I started trading, and I know how easy it is to get scalped by those who know what they are doing. They take no prisoners in the stock market and there are no second chances.
No, I didn’t mind letting it out. After all, it’s not like those other systems out there where you end up chasing stocks around trying to buy ahead of all the other subscribers to a newsletter. No, with my system you wait for the stock price to come to you! Users of the ten steps (including me) are not affected by how many other users there are out there.
So I got to work again and refined the strategy into a working model which is clearer and simpler than ever before. For a start I condensed it right down into ten easy to follow steps, added more and better explanations and graphics and sold it (offline) by mail order to a small but growing customer base.
“Ten Steps To Profitable Trading” was born!
Since making it available as a digital downloadable ebook, thousands of individuals from all over the world now use Ten Steps To Profitable Trading as their primary stock trading strategy. Their best trading strategy.
I would like to make it clear though, “Ten Steps To Profitable Trading” is NOT FOR EVERYBODY.
It’s not a lot of money to spend, but it’s important that you read everything in this message before you consider getting it. It would be a waste of time to buy and try when it’s obvious in the first place that it’s not suited to you, despite that you could always get your money back. More importantly…
“I don’t like having unhappy customers!”
You see, based on some of the feedback I have received it’s not a case of one size fits all:
If what you are looking for is in any of the above then the Ten Steps To Profitable Trading may not be for you.
If however, you’re looking for something which cuts through all the clutter and gives to you only what you need to succeed, then let’s take a look at what the Ten Steps To Profitable Trading is about, rather than what it’s not about.
Here’s what the ten steps is about.
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It’s about giving beginners to the stock market a simple staircase approach to buy-low-sell-high trading that will maximize the chances of winning and minimize the chances of losing, regardless of market conditions. Even experienced traders who are not satisfied with their results use the ten steps to help refresh their trading approach. |
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It’s about earning a steady income from a finite amount of capital so that you can build on your nest egg, which remains separate and intact or in some other very low risk investment. |
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It’s about taking you, one step at a time through a profitable trade, from how to choose your stock, to getting in at the best (and safest) possible time, to getting out at the best (and safest) possible time, protecting your capital along the way. |
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It’s about understanding how much you should be risking in your trades so that you can get in and out of your trades easily, but still make enough from them to make it all worth while. |
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It’s about allowing your winning trades to safely ride as long as you can. I’ve followed strategies in which you exit when you have ‘hit your target’. What’s the point? Too many times I’ve hit my target, exited, only to watch my stock gain another 20% – without me on it! |
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It’s about cutting losers quickly. Preservation of capital is key with the ten steps. Things will go wrong and you will make losing trades, but you will always be able to fight back another day, the same day if you wanted. |
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It’s about avoiding confusion from the hundreds (or is it thousands?) of different market indicators which are the pulse of the financial markets. Technical and fundamental analysts have always been at odds, so why listen to either of them? |
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It’s about discovering who are the real players in the market. It’s not the bulls and the bears, it’s the ‘dumb money’ and the ‘smart money’. Of the more than 90% of traders who lose, they are all either a bull or a bear. The smart money makes up 100% of the winning traders. Learn who they are and how they do it. |
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It’s about learning how to handle news, and the hype which surrounds it. The market is driven by fear and greed, and this causes panic buying and panic selling. Ten steps works independently of the fear and greed, allowing rational trades to be made which capitalize on the hype. |
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It’s about being in a system which only requires your attention once, to set your order, then again every couple of weeks until you take profits. You don’t really even need to be there at the time either. |
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It’s about living a leisurely, stress free life whilst still enjoying the benefits of having a paycheck. If early retirement seems out of reach for you, then you could make this your second chance. |
Listen, the Ten Steps To Profitable Trading is definitely NOT too good to be true. It doesn’t suit everyone and it’s not for dummies either. As simple as I have made the explanations, examples and instructions, you’ll still need to use some smarts, although you’re fully briefed on how to do that too.
So what is in ten steps that makes it so amazing?
Here’s a quick ten step summary…
STEP ONEResearching Winners
What is it about getting behind the right stock at the right time that is so elusive to near on 95% of traders, that they manage to miss the target consistently? The answer will surprise you in its simplicity.
You see most traders use indicators that they have been trained to look for and follow. The problem is those indicators are generally not indicative of what the stock price is actually doing or about to do, so their entry point is fundamentally flawed and their capital is not protected.
Step One shows you what to look for when choosing a stock to trade with. We’ll need to start off with a dozen or so, so to save time there’s a trick to doing this quickly and efficiently. All is revealed in the manual.
STEP TWOThe Short List
Now we have a dozen or so stocks in the running, we can start to eliminate the ones which don’t make the grade. There are several simple indicators we can use to assist in this process.
These indicators, together with a little common sense and a general awareness of what consumer products are in public favor, are all we need to be able to eliminate the weaker of our choices.
Step Two shows you how to short list your first run through down to about three. These will be three stocks which will have the best chance of making us a profit and the least chance of turning against us after we take our position.
STEP THREEChoosing The Stock
Now we have three stocks to choose from we need to pick out the best one. This is really your call because any one, two or even all three of them could be great stocks for us to trade with.
As traders we don’t care what the company is or what it does, we are just there to make money, however if you do have any personal preferences, here’s where you can eliminate companies for your own reasons.
Step Three will leave us with one stock which has a tick in all the boxes, including meeting technical, fundamental and personal requirements.
STEP FOURIdentify The Buy Point
Getting in at the right time is crucial to minimizing the chances of the stock turning against us after we have taken our position. Whilst this wouldn’t necessarily spoil the party, it is obviously something we should try to avoid.
Despite what most traders seem to think, there is a good way and a bad way to do this. It’s all about paths of least resistance and ten steps will walk you through the process.
Step Four will show you how to identify exactly the right time to enter a stock so that when you do take your position the stock’s path of least resistance at that time is up.
“Everybody wants to see green from the get go”
This is the only time you actually need to be there. At some point your stock will pass through your buy trigger and you will need to place your order.
Now if you are using a trading platform which allows you to set automatic buy orders then you don’t even need to be there either. Set an email or sms alert and you could get a message that you have been ‘bought in’.
Step Five looks at the four different ways the stock can move while you are waiting for your buy point to get triggered (up, down, sideways flat, sideways choppy) and will ensure that when the perfect time does come along you will be there to secure your position with confidence.
STEP SIXChoosing The Stop Loss Point
Without doubt the most important of all the ten steps – using a stop. It forms the backbone of the main principal of the ten steps, that is preservation of capital.
The stop loss is to protect you from yourself. Humans have primal instincts which work contrary to the ten steps strategy. The primal instincts I am talking about of course are fear and greed, and they’re what cause all the losses. They will consume you and before you know it you’ll be following the 95% crowd.
Step Six shows you how to eliminate the primal instincts from your trading by using support levels to guide you to where your stop loss should be.
STEP SEVENSetting The Stop Loss Point
There is a secret to choosing exactly the right place for your stop loss. Get too close and you risk getting stopped out too quickly, stay too far away and you’ll suffer greater losses if the stock does actually turn against you (which it does occasionally!).
Whilst our stop loss will help protect our capital we don’t want to find ourselves getting stopped out too early too often. Lots of small losses will eventually add up to a big loss.
Step Seven will tell you exactly where you should put your stop loss so that you can remain in relative safety just out of reach if the stock threatens to ruin your trade.
STEP EIGHTSetting The Breakeven Stop
Provided we followed the first few steps properly we should start to see the stock price making gains, with us holding a healthy position with a stop loss in place. All well and good.
As soon as practically possible we need to protect 100% of our capital, and we do that by moving our stop up to our buy in point. Do this too early and you’ll be out of the trade again. No financial loss this time, but a pain all the same.
Step Eight will go through some of the threats we need to look out for before moving our stop up so that we don’t get stopped out before we even get started.
STEP NINESetting Trailing Stops
By now we should be feeling very confident. The very worst that can happen is the stock turns and stops us out with nothing but a bloodied nose and a bruised ego. That is not what is most likely.
Because of the way we chose our stock in the first place and the entry point which we secured, what is most likely is that the stock will continue drifting onwards and upwards, with us riding it all the way.
Step Nine shows you where to move your stops to so that you are continually securing profits as the stock rises up, but not getting stopped out before the stock itself runs out of steam.
STEP TENLocking In Profits
At some point the stock will run out steam. If we’ve been particularly lucky we could have followed this stock up from a very low low to a very high high. If that’s the case the stock will almost definitely take a breather.
There are signs that this is about to happen so that when it does our stop will be close enough to get trigged quickly, locking in our gains and exiting us from a very profitable trade.
Step Ten shows you what to look for so you know when to expect a pullback, so you can make adjustments to your stop to take maximum advantage of the stock price to exit at the best possible time.
There’s no reason to assume that if you follow the ten steps this kind of trade won’t be the norm.
STEP ELEVENBonus Step Eleven
Ok, so it’s not really a bonus – there’s plenty of those already at the bottom of this message!
Step Eleven is really about what to do next. Should you replay the same stock or should you move on to another?
Step Eleven shows some of the options open to you and discusses ways to further maximize your gains.
The TEN Do NOTsWhat To Avoid
Whilst it’s impossible to categorize every mistake the ‘dumb money’ makes when they trade, this section lists the Top Ten offenders. Ignore the Ten Do Nots at your peril.
So What’s It Going To Cost
For All This Valuable Information?
A lot less than you think!
You see, most of the stock trading/investing products out there will run you anywhere upwards of several hundred dollars for a single trading strategy.
They’re expensive because when it comes to making money you have to pay through the nose, and even then that is for strategies which may or may not work for you.
So I decided to keep the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’ at a very affordable price, well within the budget of someone wanting to give trading a try.
Why? Because in truth there is nothing magical or mystical about the tens steps. It’s just a simple, logical strategy that once you peek at its secrets will leave you wondering why you never thought of it for yourself.
How can I charge upwards of several hundred dollars for that? It wouldn’t be fair.
Plus, of course…
I can’t be more honest than that!
What do
you think is a fair price to pay for an education as valuable as this?
US$700? US$600? US$500?
How much can you make?
Remember, the Ten Steps To Profitable Trading isn’t designed to be risky. It’s a conservative strategy designed to bring you a solid, steady income from a fixed amount of working capital. This means taking profits out and starting again with the same working capital on each trade.
Whilst it’s true you could always re-invest your profits into more trades and grow your fortune in a very short space of time, the object of the Ten Steps strategy is to keep your working capital manageable and provide yourself with an income month in month out with very little risk. Isn’t that really the idea?
Some months will be great, others not so great, but you will make a profit, especially when you spread your risk and have more stocks in play.
For those looking for numbers, here’s an example* of the sort of trades YOU could have made recently if you had used the Ten Steps To Profitable Trading:
Ticker |
Date Target |
Target |
Date Order |
Date |
Price |
Gain/Loss |
Length |
20 Jan |
$3.20 |
16 Feb |
14 Apr |
$6.20 |
+94% |
8 Weeks |
20 Jan |
$2.80 |
2 Mar |
15 Apr |
$5.60 |
+100% |
6 Weeks |
19 Mar |
$9.80 |
2 Apr |
26 Apr |
$13.30 |
+35% |
3 Weeks |
6 Mar |
$1.60 |
8 Apr |
5 May |
$2.70 |
+69% |
4 Weeks |
22 Mar |
$9.70 |
9 Apr |
7 May |
$13.90 |
+43% |
4 Weeks |
10 Mar |
$3.20 |
31 Mar |
5 May |
$2.70 |
+48% |
5 Weeks |
30 Mar |
$2.40 |
1 Apr |
19 May |
$5.50 |
+129% |
5 Weeks |
30 Apr |
$13.50 |
10 May |
19 May |
$12.50 |
-7% |
1 Week |
15 Mar |
$10.50 |
24 Mar |
20 May |
$17.00 |
+62% |
8 Weeks |
26 Apr |
$14.00 |
11 May |
4 Jun |
$14.00 |
Even |
3 Weeks |
10 May |
$4.60 |
24 May |
14 Jun |
$4.25 |
-8% |
3 Weeks |
13 May |
$111.00 |
28 May |
18 Jun |
$122.00 |
+10% |
3 Weeks |
19 May |
$1.60 |
25 May |
21 Jun |
$2.60 |
+62% |
4 Weeks |
27 Apr |
$4.60 |
14 Jun |
2 Jul |
$4.60 |
Even |
2 Weeks |
19 May |
$15.25 |
14 Jun |
27 Jul |
$20.25 |
+33% |
6 Weeks |
7 Jun |
$1.60 |
16 Jun |
4 Aug |
$2.20 |
+38% |
7 Weeks |
14 Jun |
$4.60 |
25 Jun |
4 Aug |
$6.80 |
+48% |
6 Weeks |
Is That Too Conservative For You?
So how much is this going to cost? Well, if you take action TODAY and you can have the amazing ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’ for only …
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Claim your promotional discount on the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’ anytime day or night, 24/7/365!
1. | Click on the Buy Now button below to be directed to my Secure Payment Server. |
2. | Pay with your credit card or PayPal account |
3. |
Once payment is made you will instantly receive an automated email with a link to the download page. |
Oh, did I mention you’ve literally got NOTHING TO LOSE?That’s right, if you’re not completely satisfied with the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’, just click on the link in your confirmation email within the next 60 days and you’ll be sent a complete 100% refund. Our payment processor (Clickbank Inc. – Ohio, USA) is third party, fully automated and totally guaranteed. No questions asked. Remember, that’s…
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It doesn’t get any better than that!
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A final note from the author
Before I sign off by telling you about the fantastic bonuses I’ve included with your purchase, I just wanted to say that the biggest kick I have had out of documenting my trading experiences and putting together the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’ is knowing that I have saved people from the very treacherous waters in which novice traders immerse themselves.
Here’s a graphic representation of the number of people in the USA alone who are now trading successfully using the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’. You could so easily be one of them if you just take that initial leap of faith in yourself. Now that you have the tools.
It’s a minefield in the markets, but provided you follow the ten steps you will be able navigate yourself to safety. Don’t expect miracles because you won’t get them.
I have made the explanations as easy as possible, but I do suggest you fully understand the essence of the ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’ before you start making real-money trades.
To your success!
Nigel Thomas
Developer, Author & Proprietor
PS. If you have
any questions about ‘Ten Steps To Profitable Trading’, please do not hesitate to email me at admin@besttradingstrategy.com, but before you do, please check the frequently asked questions (FAQ) I have put together for you.
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