The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing (McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Courses)
The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing (McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Courses)
A crash course on the most dynamic marketing platform today!
Online marketing has evolved far beyond flashy websites and banner ads shouting at customers about your product. It’s about using an array of Internet tools to build credibility and visibility, spread your message, and form meaningful customer relationships.
The McGraw-Hill 36-Hour Course: Online Marketing puts you on the fast track to harnessing the power of the Web for your marketing goals. It begins with planning and building a website and then provides in-depth coverage of essential online marketing tools and techniques, such as:
- Content marketing and blogging
- Social media marketing
- Web analytics
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO )
- E-mail marketing
- Online Public Relations
- Earn a Certificate of Achievement Through A Free Online Examination!
The McGraw-Hill 36 Hour Course: Online Marketing spells it all out in easy-to-understand terms and actionable steps. You’re already on your way to Web marketing mastery!