The Strength Faction Super Simple Guide To Writing Training Programs

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Now, we know that’s a long name, but it’s totally necessary. See, it took us 5 years to develop this system and make it the super simple, efficient as hell, tool that it is today.

And we developed it because we were trying to solve the same programming problems that you are:

-Spending too much time writing programs

-Wanting better results for our clients

-Producing a consistent product in our gyms

-More free time to develop our businesses

-More free time to spend outside of work

 By simplifying we’ve been able to do more. We’re writing more training programs but also spending more time doing other things that we want to do…like train ourselves and give more time to our loved ones.

The key was systematization.

speed1We created a simple programming system that allowed us to make complex programming decisions quickly and efficiently. And it’s made all the difference.

Now we can bust out over 100 programs per month (seriously) no problem.

Our quality of life has improved and we’re also providing our clients with a better service.

The sweet thing is the Strength Faction Super Simple Guide to Writing Kick-Ass Training Programs works no matter the training goal.

-Strength goal? No problem!

-Fat loss goal? You got it!

-Hypertrophy? Let’s slap some meat on those bones!

-General health and fitness? Let’s move and feel better!

So, what do you get with the Strength Faction Super Simple Guide to Writing Kick-Ass Training Programs? Here’s the rundown:

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