Top Ranked Hypnosis Experts Membership Site With Huge Benefits

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The American International Association (AIA) is a private, members-only website with exclusive benefits and programs. Our only prerequisites are that you be positive minded, helpful and creative rather than competitive towards each other. If you’re and action taker and want to continue to grow in knowledge, wealth and be on the cutting edge of your field then we welcome you!

Try Our Membership Benefits Now!


Here’s What’s Included:



Get Clients Mini-Series (Start your Business ASAP)


One of the biggest shocks that most beginning practitioners run into is once they’ve graduated with their certificate in hand they’re so excited to get started in business but when they open their front door there isn’t a line of clients waiting for them. Suddenly those two infamous words surge through their mind; “Now what?”

Not to worry; we have a Five Part Mini-series showing you everything about where and how to get clients to your door as soon as possible.


Month Club

Hypnotic Marketing Video Series

marketingHere’s a set of 16+ Hypnotic Marketing and Sales Training Videos that we like to call “The Unfair Advantage”. The advantage we’re speaking of is how to use the natural processes of the conscious mind to enhance your negotiations with the public. You’ll find so many simple and effective techniques to use with your clients that you’ll wonder how you ever got along without them. You’ll find them to be the difference between simply marketing or being a “Marketing Superstar”.


Month Club

testimonial hypnosis certification sharon

.Month Club

Hypnosis Script Starter Library (Over 60 scripts)

script starter library

The “Hypnosis Script Starter Library” was written exclusively for our members featuring some of the best inductions, deepeners, depth test, analytical vehicles, scripts and awakenings taken from our most popular publications all gathered together in one place for your convenience.

Everything you’ll need to get started and keep yourself going in business is included in this manual. You’ll find it to be one of the most valuable tools in your toolbox.

In addition to the most commonly used script topics it also includes metaphysical scripts and our exclusive “Theater of the Mind” script that can be used for virtually any habit, change or disorder you may run into.


Month Club

80+ Complete Hypnosis Session Audio MP3s

(A $630 value – Presently selling for $7.98 each in our store.)

mp3Here’s one of the most effective self-help tools available to man. (or women for that matter) They’re “COMPLETE” hypnosis sessions MP3’s. Just sit back, relax and click play… and you’ll be guided through an entire professional hypnosis session on virtually every topic you can think of. You’ll begin by receiving 20 various sessions as soon as you join and each month afterwards you’ll receive an additional ten titles until you accrue our complete library of over 80 sessions.

Just think of all the habits you can change, eliminate or improve upon.


Month Club

Hypnosis Books & Manuals Reference Library


This is a way to jump right into business with your very own library to refer to. You’ll receive some of our best publications covering topics like:

  • Basic and advanced hypnosis techniques
  • How to start and fast track your new business
  • Everything you need to know to start a Comedy Hypnosis business
  • Client and Webpage Building
  • Multiple ways to make a SIX FIGURE INCOME
  • How you use the Law of Attraction in your life
    • and even how to double your income by doing less


Month Club

testimonial hypnosis certification doug

.Month Club

Unlimited Home Office Support


Best of all is that you’re not alone. As an AIA member you receive unlimited home office support for the entire time you’re with us. Have questions about how to do a session, deal with a client, expand your practice or even what kind of chair you should put in your office just let us know and we’re there to give you our opinion. It may not always be the answer you wanted to hear but it will be the best one we have… We’re here to help you to succeed!

Month Club

Script(s) of the Month Club

(A $25 monthly value.)script of the month5

This feature is WORTH MORE that your monthly payments alone!

Each and every month for the next two years you’ll receive not just one but “TWO” new professionally written, original scripts. These are scripts that you won’t find in any of our published publications and cover the most common issues you’ll be seeing clients for on a regular basis.

Each script includes a short description so you can quickly scan it to see if it will work for your client. This saves lots of time not having to read the en tire script just to make a choice. You’ll be looking forward to each month to see what’s next.


Month Club

Four Specialty Certification Courses with Certificates

(Each course sells for $249 separately in our online store.)

certificate_smoking_cessationOngoing Monthly Member Certification Training right at your fingertips. Imagine the hundreds of dollars you’ll be saving by having four complete course for one low monthly fee that you’re already making. Each month you’ll receive a new lesson until you get the complete course. After lesson six you can simply take the test and send it in to get your certificate that you can proudly hang on your wall.

metaphysics 101

This is a great way to specialize in different niches as well as see if you’d enjoy working in a different field that you may not have had experience in before. Of course there’s always the additional benefit of Making More Money which is always nice…

CERTIFICATION CENTRAL features: Monthly Lessons in “Specialty Topics”, once you’ve finished one the next will be following right behind it.


Month Club

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Month Club

150 Link Resource Library of Business Helpmates

resource_library_logoOur extensive Resource Library of over 150 Online Business Helpmates. Anything you need to make your webpage or online business presence more effective, you’ll find here!

Here’s a list of just a few of the categories we cover:


Month Club

Create an E-Book Course – Become the Authority

(Sells separately for $149.)

ebook course

“Authors are considered to be the top 10% of society.”

See how easy it is to be an author. This course includes eleven videos covering everything from choosing a title to editing. Don’t like to write? We’ll even show you a way to get other people to write your book for you…

SPECIAL BONUS: You’ll even learn my secret of how to see if your book will be a success before you even write it!


Month Club

Hypnosis Practitioner Q&A Videosquestions

Do you have questions about hypnosis or starting a hypnosis business?

Chances are that others have had similar questions as well.

There’s lots of videos here answering practitioner questions in all stages of the game. See what questions they had so you can learn from the detailed answers and move forward more successfully!


Month Club

testimonial hypnosis certification neil


Month Club

Expert Interview & Training Center Videos

closing on the phoneSome of my favorite learning experiences have been interviewing professionals in various fields. See for yourself as we interview specialists in NLP, The Hypnotic Lap Band and Tooley Method and Content Marketing just to name a few.

You’ll learn valuable lessons about the human mind, how people learn and even how to close the sale or appointment on the phone. That’s one of those things you don’t think about until your on the phone and wish you had some training in closing techniques before that call.

Month Club

Hypnosis Mastermind Community

brain center

.This is a live “Facebook Group” of like-minded Entrepreneurs:

  • Where you can keep up-to-date with what’s going on.
  • Where you can “network” or Mastermind ideas with like minded Entrepreneurs.
  • Where you’ll find new training for your ongoing edification.
  • Where we “the Home Office” can leave you notices or updates on what’s going on.
  • and where you can leave comments on what you like and what you’d like to see in the future.

We’ll be looking forward to sharing ideas with you once you’re on the inside…


Month Club

Lead Generation Page (50+ lead generating ideas)

lead generation

You’ll find more methods than you can imagine of getting clients to your door…


Month Club

testimonial hypnosis certification voctoria


Month Club

Passive Income Page (The secret to any business success)

passive income

This page contains descriptions of 50 PASSIVE INCOME IDEAS to MAKE MONEY ONLINE in “your present business” that can be automated to give you time to create more later.


Month Club

.MP3 Sessions Business in a Box – New


Each month you’ll receive ONE COMPLETE SESSION of ROYALTY FREE HYPNOSIS SCRIPTS that you can:

  • Use with your clients or
  • Record in your own voice to make MP3s or CDs and
  • Sell on your webpage, online store, iTunes, Amazon or whichever locations you desire.
  • Complete instructions and marketing info included with this program.

Month Club

12 Month Advanced Hypnosis Training – New

Each month you’ll receive one of the training videos below.  This is actually all the information from our Advanced Hypnosis Home study Course which is sold separately at our online store.  We feel it’s important for our members to be highly trained and informed.

Here’s the topics of the monthly lessons you’ll receive:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Children & Hypnosis
  • Forensic Regression Hypnosis
  • Healing – Many Minds Many Methods
  • Covert Hypnosis Techniques
  • NLP Hypnosis Techniques
  • Analytical subjects No More Fear
  • Total Habit Replacement Program
  • Self-Hypnosis Techniques
  • Weight Loss Hypnosis
  • Cancer Hypnosis
  • Memory Hypnosis
  • Instant Inductions

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testimonial hypnosis certification chrystiline


Month Club

2 More Reasons to Get Started TODAY

1. We increase the price of our Membership Site to reflect the value that we’re continually adding as time goes on. You can join now for the LOWEST investment we’ll ever offer from this day forward, guaranteed, and your present monthly fee will be locked in!

2. 100% Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Gurantee 60 day

Best of ALL: this course comes with a

100%, 60 Day, Money Back Guarantee!

Try it at NO RISK and see if it’s for you…

If it is, continue with your monthly payments

You have Nothing to Lose  – and Everything to Gain!


Start Your Success Story Today

(For less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee…)


Only $20 a month

Continue as long as you like…



join now

See you on the Inside…

Upon successful payment you will immediately be directed to our Thank You Page where you can Register to receive your Password and then begin browsing your benefits. There are no special requirements to viewing your training as long as you have an internet capable device that can view YouTube videos, MP3s and pdf downloads. Any monthly upgrades or additions will be automatically added to your existing membership site for easy viewing. If you have questions prior to purchase you may Contact Us Here.  ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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